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California Senate OKs Ski Safety Legislation

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SAM Magazine--May 14, 2013--The state Senate in California passed SB564, a bill that would require ski resorts in that state to prepare an annual safety plan and to post those reports on their websites. The bill by Senator Bill Monning (D), which was passed by a 24-8 partisan vote, is the third attempt in California to legislate safety procedures, the other two attempts were vetoed by Gov. Schwarzenegger in 2010 and by Gov. Jerry Brown last year. SAM Magazine--May 14, 2013--The state Senate in California passed SB564, a bill that would require ski resorts in that state to prepare an annual safety plan and to post those reports on their websites. The bill by Senator Bill Monning (D), which was passed by a 24-8 partisan vote, is the third attempt in California to legislate safety procedures, the other two attempts were vetoed by Gov. Schwarzenegger in 2010 and by Gov. Jerry Brown last year. Monning's bill would require ski areas to prepare a report that includes information about accident-prevention efforts and operational standards, and to make those reports available, both on-line and by request. The next stop for the bill is the Assembly.