Do you know what an alpine slide is or what a mountain coaster is?
We changed things up for this mountain spy by spying on your customers. We stuck with your core customers because we figured they would be most likely to know about your summer attractions, and specifically Alpine slides and Mountain Coasters.
Actually, we already had a theory before commencing with our informal poll-that most still don't know all that we offer at our resorts in the summer. Judging from the responses below, we may suffer a bit from assuming, "If we build it, they the will come."
Father, 41, married, with 2-year-old son. He and his wife have skied for much of their lives
SAM: Do you know what an alpine slide is?
Skier: A cement track you ride down on a wheeled cart as fast as you can until you fly off and tear up your knee. At least that's what I did when I was 12. My wife loves Alpine slides, so we try to hit them at least once a year.
SAM: Great to hear. What about a Mountain Coaster?
Skier I have no idea. I guess it's along the lines of skiing down the mountain on a bike with ski runners
SAM: Did you think the Alpine slide is safe and fun?
Skier: Sure it's fun, but it doesn't feel safe if you do it right.
Comment: So going down completely wrong will ensure safety? At least he and his wife think they're tons of fun.
Young woman, 24, skied her whole life.
SAM: Do you know what an alpine slide is?
Skier Umm, ha ha, no. Sorry! I probably should know though, right?
SAM: Oh, no don't worry about it. If you had to guess though, what would you think it is?
Skier: Umm, I don't know an avalanche? That would be what first comes to mind.
SAM:SAM: That's not quite what it is but good guessany more?
Skier:Umm, some kind of chute maybe, or a skinny type of trail maybe? Yeah, I'm not really sure on that one.
SAM: OK, that's fine. What about a Mountain Coaster, do you know what that is at all?
Skier: A Mountain Coaster, hmm, umm somone that coasts and does big S's down the trail, going really slowly?
SAM: So you mean a skier going down the mountain?
Skier:Yeah, definitely. A skier that just takes forever and you know, coasts.
SAM:Good guess. One last question-do you ever think about going to a ski resort during the summer months for any type of recreation?
Skier: I think I've thought about it before, maybe mountain biking. I've always been near the beach though, so I would never think about going to a ski mountain for the weekend during the summer.
Comment: An avalanche and grandma skier doing "S" turns not a bad shot in the dark, I'll give her some credit.
Young male, 19, skied his whole life (our families used to go on ski vacations together when we were younger). Turned to snowboarding a couple of years ago.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Snowboarder: No, I actually don't know what it is.
SAM: OK, well have you ever heard of it before?
Snowboarder: I've heard of it before, yeah, but I don't know what they are.
SAM: So if you had to make a guess, what would you say?
Snowboarder: Um, a sort a slide you go down with skis maybe, that has crazy turns in it?
SAM: Well, not exactly. It has to do with summer attractions, so what would you guess then?
Snowboarder: Is it like a luge, like a mountain luge?
SAM:Yeah, that's pretty close to what it is. What about a Mountain Coaster, do you know what that is?
Snowboarder: I don't know, ha ha, maybe a rollercoaster on a mountain or something?
SAM: Do you know anything about how ski resorts have summer rides and summer attractions? Have you ever heard anything about what they do during the summer months?
Snowboarder: No, I never have really, but I feel like I should seeing as how I ski and all. I've gone mountain biking a couple of times at Mohawk, but that's it.
Comment: At least he's heard of the slide before. Another potential customer!
Young male, 22, East coast recreational snowboarder. Vacations in Colorado at least once a season.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Snowboarder: An Alpine slide issss a bobsled run?
SAM: Well almost, it's a summer operation, so what would your guess be then?
Snowboarder:Ooh, it's a natural rock formation, with a cut in the rock from a stream running over it that you can slide down from algae during the summer. Yeah, what about that?!
SAM: Well not quite, but definitely a creative guess. Do you know what a Mountain Coaster is?
Snowboarder: You get in a trolley car and you roll down the mountain? I'm not sure. Wait, is an Alpine slide a ski jump made out of synthetic materials that Olympians practice on in the summer?
SAM: No not really, but again, interesting guess, I like your determination. So have you ever heard of the summer attractions that ski resorts offer during the summer?
Snowboarder: Yeah, but none of those. I know there's mountain biking, hiking and rock climbing and stuff. Never heard of those slide things though. Wouldn't mind checking them out.
Comment: I award this guy the creative prize for sure. And he knows about other summer ops, we just have to get this kid up there more often.
Family, 3 kids ages, 6-12, they ski every winter. Dad is on the after work ski team at a local area:
SAM: What is an Alpine slide?
Mom: One of those slides on a mountain. I went on one in Austria many years ago. It was fun. Not safe at all. . .I remember thinking, geeze if this were in the U.S., you would need all kinds of disclaimers and signs and all kinds of waivers. It was pretty easy to get hurt. My kids have not been on one. I would need to size it up before letting them ride.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Son (age 12): No, but I think I have heard of the word before. . .I think it's an avalanche.
SAM: OK, that's a pretty good guess. Do you know what a Mountain Coaster is?
Son: No idea.
SAM: OK, well can you take a guess at what you think it might be?
Son: Ummm, a bird?
Comment: Maybe it was "Alpine Slide - Extreme!" in Austria that she rode. Awesome answers from the son though - avalanche and bird?! Come on, those are original.
Young male, 25, avid skier for much of his life.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Skier: Yeah. It's like a slide down the mountain that you sled down not sure what it's made out of, but you slide down. It's a summer time ride thing.
SAM: Did you think it was safe?
Skier: Safe? Absolutely not, or well not for me at least, ha ha. If you don't slow down on the curves you'll go over the top. If you're not going fast you'll be fine. It's wicked fun though, either way.
SAM: OK, well maybe it's not suited for mock speed. What about a Mountain Coaster, do you know what that is?
Skier: Ahhh, sugar, I really don't know.
SAM: Okay, well take a guess.
Skier: Ahh, yeah it's a thing they give you at the ski bar to put your beer on. When you're all done skiing and stuff and need a cold one. A little mountain coaster, ya know?
SAM: Ha ha ha (come on, I had to laugh). Weeell, not exactly. Any more guesses?
Skier: It's like a zip line going down the mountain maybe?
SAM: Better guess, but still a little off.
Comment: Rode the slide, but associates the Coaster question with beer. ..the guess is legitimate, but yeah, pull your head out of the keg, buddy.
Couple, 35, married no children, avid skiers their whole lives.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Skier 1: Sure, when I was in college a whole group of us would ride it every weekend, what a blast that was.
Skier 2: My dad would take my sister and me for a ride on it when we went skiing at Attitash. We had so much fun, but it seemed kind of dangerous!
SAM: What about a Mountain Coaster, do you know what that is?
Skier 1: No, but if I was to guess I'd say it's similar to an Alpine slide, but with wheels and it runs on a track sort of like a roller coaster?
SAM: Nice guess, that's pretty much exactly what it is. Do you perceive them as safe?
Skier 1: I'm sure by now the new ones are much safer than they were in the 1980s. I had some friends that got bad cases of road burn!
Skier 2: No, not entirely safe, but the fun definitely outweighs the risk!
Comment: Fun always outweighs the risk!
Young female skier, 21, skied her whole life, goes skiing every weekend.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Skier: No a bobsled maybe?
SAM: Well, not exactly, but almost. Do you have any more guesses?
Skier: Maybe like a luge of some sort?
SAM: What about a Mountain Coaster? Do you know what that is?
Skier: Umm, a roller coaster on a mountain?
SAM: That's pretty much exactly what it is, except that it's an individual coaster for either one or two people. It's loads of fun. So then, have you ever really heard anything about summer attractions at ski mountains? Or have you ever thought about going up to ski mountains during the summer?
Skier: I know there's mountain biking and I've done that a couple of times, but I never heard of any of those cool sounding Coaster slide things. I might have to try them out.
Comment: Great guesses and happy to see she wants to try them out.
Young male, 19, skied his whole life (our families used to go on ski vacations together when we were younger). Turned to snowboarding a couple of years ago.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Snowboarder: No, I actually don't know what it is.
SAM: OK, well have you ever heard of it before?
Snowboarder: I've heard of it before, yeah, but I don't know what they are.
SAM: So if you had to make a guess, what would you say?
Snowboarder: Um, a sort a slide you go down with skis maybe, that has crazy turns in it?
SAM: Well, not exactly. It has to do with summer attractions, so what would you guess then?
Snowboarder: Is it like a luge, like a mountain luge?
SAM: Yeah, that's pretty close to what it is. What about a Mountain Coaster, do you know what that is?
Snowboarder: I don't know, ha ha, maybe a rollercoaster on a mountain or something?
SAM: Do you know anything about how ski resorts have summer rides and summer attractions? Have you ever heard anything about what they do during the summer months?
Snowboarder: No, I never have really, but I feel like I should seeing as how I ski and all. I've gone mountain biking a couple of times at Mohawk, but that's it.
Comment: At least he's heard of the slide before. Another potential customer!
Young female, 22, huge ski family, skied since she was 3, raced during high school.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Skier: No, I don't actually.
SAM: Have you ever heard of it before?
Skier: Like Cool Runnings?
SAM: No, not exactly really. But if you had to guess what it is, and you know it's an attraction for ski resorts, what would you guess?
Skier: I would probably say it's something like a chute down the mountain that you could tube down. Ha ha, not really sure!
SAM: What about a Mountain Coaster, do you know what that is?
Skier:I don't know exactly what it is, no, but I'd guess a roller coaster around the mountain of some sort?
SAM: That's a good guess. So have you ever been aware of any summer rides or adventure attractions that mountains do during the summer months? Have you ever seen any advertising for those kinds of things?
Skier: Not specifically. I know that mountains have other events in the summer like concerts and those kind of things. I've never heard of any rides or anything, but now I want to find out about it.
Comment: Cool Runnings! Ha, love it, even though the movie is about bobsledding. Good guesses otherwise and sounded pumped about trying them out.
Family, two kids ages 7 and 9, at least two ski vacations each season, plus day trips.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Mom: Yes, it's a luge you sit in, a sled with a steering wheel with wheels in a half tube thing with curved-up's a summertime thing. I was on one a long time ago. It was a lot of fun and it felt pretty safe.
SAM:What about a Mountain Coaster, do you know what that is?
Mom: Something on four wheels like an ATV. I believe it's lower to ground.
SAM: Not exactly, but a very good guess. Have you ever thought about taking the kids up to a resort in the summer for a different type of family outing?
Mom: Well, I always felt my kids were too young for things like an Alpine slide, but now at 7 and 9, we would like options for things to do in the summer and I have heard that the resorts have things like zip lines and climbing walls, so we might go back in summer. The only problem is we rent a beach house all summer so our weekends are booked. But we would make the effort if the kids were into it.
SAM: Have you heard of an Alpine slide?
Son:No. Maybe. Some sort slide? A water slide maybe?
SAM: Well, it is a type of slide in the summer at least. Have you heard of a Mountain Coaster?
Son: No, never heard of it.
SAM: Well could you take a guess what you think it might be?
Son: A kind of roller coaster on a mountain, I guess.
Comment: Bingo! The interest is definitely there and reaching the kids is key.
Family , 3 kids ages 11, 7, 4. Mom was an avid skier growing up with a second family home in Vermont ski country. She has not been skiing with her kids, yet, but has a big desire to introduce her kids to the sport.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Mom: It's a great big slide at ski resorts with wheely things and a lever to go faster or pull back to brake. I rode it two years ago with my kids. It was a lot of fun.
SAM:Did you think it was safe?
Mom: Yes, definitely. I also went on one back in high school I think.
SAM: Do you know what a Mountain Coaster is?
Mom: It sounds like something similar to an Alpine slide.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Daughter:Umm, a huge water slide. You get on a tube and go down. I haven't been on one, but I've heard of it before.
SAM: Do you know what a Mountain Coaster is?
Daughter:Sounds like a roller coaster on a mountain, I think.
(Knowing that she did ride an Alpine slide two years ago with her parents, I pressed on with another question.)
SAM: Do you remember going with your Mom and Dad to a ski resort to ride down the hill on something?
Daughter: Yes, you sit on a chair thing that goes down a track. It was a lot fun. I don't remember what it was called though and I can't really remember what mountain we went to. I would love to go again. I could probably ride by myself now!
Comment: Two thumbs up for already knowing what the slide is and considering it "a lot of fun." This family needs to go back and start recruiting their friends!
Female, 13, youngest in family of four, lives in Colorado, avid skier.
SAM: Do you know what is an Alpine slide is?
Skier: It's a big white slide, you sit on a sled, this cart thing, and go down, and you go around these big turns. They are in the mountains, some have handlebars in front, and some have a brake thing.
SAM: Good job, exactly right. What is a Mountain Coaster? Have you heard of it?
Skier: Nope. It might be is it supposed to be like a roller coaster? Or maybe it's like a sled, or a mountain board?
SAM: Well, it is just like a roller coaster, so good guess. How'd you like the Alpine slide, was it safe?
Skier: I think it's fun, and safe. They give you rules and if you follow them, it's safe. I've heard of someone misusing it and falling off. Some people are scared of it.
SAM: Well you're right, rules are there for reasons.
Comment: This little Alpine slide pro knows it's awesome and knows how to use it. She should start gossiping to her friends about it.
Male, 19 oldest in family of four, skied most of his life.
SAM: Do you know what an Alpine slide is?
Skier: It's a water slide that can be terribly, terribly scary if your father can't drive it correctly. We went down the fast lane and derailed. I got a scrape and felt betrayed by my father.
SAM: Well, gosh, I'm sorry to hear that. What about a Mountain Coaster, do you know what that is?
Skier: I've never heard of it. Sounds like a more legitimate version of the Matterhorn [a really cheesy ride through tunnels down Disneyland's plastic mountain].
SAM: Well, yeah, that's a good guess. I've never been to Disney but it sounds sort of similar. Well, for the water slide, do you think that a dry version of it would be fun and safe?
Skier: Yeah. If you know your limits it's a hell of a lot of fun, and it's perfectly safe. So a dry version I think would surely be the same. Totally.
Comment: Maybe parents aren't supposed to drive adventure rides. Maybe the rides aren't supposed to have two full grown men in them?? At least this kid thought it was a great time.