I'm planning a company outing for the day and friend recommended a ski resort for various summer activities. What exactly do you offer?
Vermont, Large Area
Answering phone: Female
SAM: Stated question
First contact: automated machine. Chose guest services.
SAM:Stated question
Staff: Sure, how many people are you planning to bring?
Staff: Okay, umm, well we have our adventure center in the summer. When were you planning on coming?
SAM: I'm thinking mid-July.
Staff: Okay, well then in our adventure center we have an Alpine slide, a bungee thing and then we have mini golf. It's all on our website, too, with details, prices, etc.
SAM: Oh good, okay. You mentioned an Alpine slide? What is that?
Staff: That's um, ha ha, it's a, ah, a track and you get in this little car thing and you go down.
SAM: Oh, okay I guess. (pause...)
Staff: Right so again, it's all on our website with pictures to give you a better idea.
SAM: Great, I guess I'll check there to get some more info. Thanks.
Staff: No problem.
Rating: 5
Comment: Glad she mentioned the website twice so I can build my confidence for the "little car thing and you go down...
New Hampshire, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services
Answering phone: Super nice sounding female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um, well, we have an Alpine slide to start. You ride the chairlift up, about half way up the mountain where you would get off to the Alpine track. It's a mile long and you sit in a plastic sled with controls that you handle to regulate your speed and so forth and then you slide down the track. And then we have two water slides. Are they all adults I assume?
SAM: Yes.
Staff: Okay so the water slides we have are either single, double or triple innertubes and then a regular slide where you sit on a foam pad, pretty much. And then we have mountain biking trails which could definitely work and a scenic chairlift ride. When were you thinking of coming?
SAM: Mostly like after the 4th of July.
Staff: Okay, good, because we actually had some winter damage done to our scenic chair, which won't actually be ready to go until the 4th. And you said 10 people right?
SAM: Yes, as of now.
Staff: Okay, is there any chance it could be 15 perhaps?
SAM: We might be able to gather 15, why?
Staff: Well 15 is where are group rates start, so it would cut a few costs for you.
SAM: Oh perfect, thanks.
Staff: No problem. What I'm going to do is transfer you over to Dolly who might be out today but go ahead and leave your name and a message and she'll get back to you with sorting out details.
SAM: Okay... and Dolly is a coordinator or...?
Staff: Oh Dolly is our group sales manager and she'll take care of you. So hold on one second.
SAM: Thanks so much.
Rating: 9
Comment: Gracious with details, highlighted the bargain and directed me to the manager. Feels nice to be taken care of.
Vermont, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Grandpa Bob. Slow, but cheerful.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Okay, well have you visited our website?
SAM: Not yet I haven't, no.
Staff: Okay, let me give you that, it's xxx.com and all of our summer activities are listed, which kick off mid-June. We have disc golf and mountain biking and then chairlift rides on certain days and then we have our golf course where you can set up tournaments. Were you looking for something in particular?
SAM: Not necessarily, my friend just mentioned I should call your resort and that you that had plenty of summer activities.
Staff: Okay, well like I said, our website will give you all the info you need with details.
SAM: Okay, I'll check that out. Thanks so much.
Rating: 6
Comment: Good website mention but a tad vague... disc golf?
Quebec, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Young male, friendly and happy sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, there's the gondola ride that goes up to the top of the mountain with many hiking trails and lookout towers. And then, oh yes, we have the luge, which is like this little thing on wheels and you come down the mountain (what is it with everyone and their "little things on wheels?.") The trail you follow is 1.4 kilometers long. And then we have many other things like mini golf, our mountain lake, a giant trampoline...let me see. We have a lot of things off site as well, but I don't have those details at the moment. We do have, though, our aqua club, which offers a pool, spa, sauna, and hot tubs. There's also a climbing wall, do you know what that is?
SAM: Yes, I've seen those before, they're great.
Staff: Oh yes. And then we have a Eurobungy, which is a reverse bungee jump where you're shot in the air. Like two rubber bands attached on each side and you get pulled down and then shot up. We also have plenty of bike rentals. You can have a look at xxx.ca where you get all the rates and details for any and all activities we have to offer.
SAM: Oh great, thanks so much.
Staff: Oh no problem, any time. And when you're ready, you can call back and we'll direct your call to the right person to accommodate all of your needs.
Staff: Great, Thanks.
Rating: 9.5
Comment: Super patient, taking the time to cover every detail... without me asking!
New Hampshire, Medium Area
First contact: Female. Chatty Cathy we'll call her. Friendly though, not annoying.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Sure, we have a scenic gondola ride that will take your group to the top of the mountain. So it's a scenic tour and takes about 15 minutes to get to the top and they can spend as much time as they'd like once they're there. It fits four so it may take a couple of trips depending on your group size. Once everyone is up, they can hike around and take in the beautiful view. We also have a zip-liner, which is under construction but should be open in a few weeks.
SAM: Okay, all great so far. Can you explain the zipline a little though?
Staff: Oh yeah! So with the zip liner, they'll take a chairlift up and then it's a short hike over to the zip ride. Then you'll be strapped in with a harness, which is attached to a cable and can reach speeds up to 40 mph. (Whoa.)
SAM: Okay, so this zipline thing then I assume goes downhill? If you can get going that fast...
Staff: Yes, you are heading downhill.
SAM: So it's from top to bottom?
Staff: It's about halfway up the mountain so about a mile long total. It goes over the trees too, so much fun. So that's available and we also have coming this summer a new activity, disc golf.
SAM: I've never heard of that, what exactly is it?
Staff: Well I'm a little vague on the details, but pretty much instead of putting a ball like mini golf you're throwing a disc. And that's on one of the actual trails. And we do offer cookouts for groups, which would work well for you. So if you wanted to give me your name and details I can work on putting together a package for your group.
SAM: Oh, well, I'm not ready to make reservations right now, thanks though.
Staff: Oh, no, of course, I understand. When you're ready though, don't hesitate to give us a call back.
SAM: Great. Thanks.
Rating: 9
Comment: It's Chatty Cathy's enthusiasm and effort that I'm all about here.
West Virginia, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Waited for operator.
SAM: Stated question
Answering phone: "This is April and may I ask your name?"
SAM: Sure, Betty
Staff: Hi there, Betty, how can I help you?
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, when are you planning to come Betty and how many in your group?
SAM: After July 4th I think and there will be about 10 of us.
Staff: Okay, high summer. Let me tell you the basics, Betty. We are known as what's called an upsidedown resort. All of our lodges and amenities are at the top of the mountain instead of the bottom. It's pretty funny when first timers arrive, they start asking where the mountain is. So we are very famous in the winter for skiing and the summer for mountain biking. We are 11,000 acres, spread out over two mountains. We're pretty remote. We have mountain biking, like I said, and fabulous hiking. And when you rent a group event through us, everyone will receive a fun pass, which is good at our pool facilities and good for a scenic lift ride, which goes from the top to the base lake with free paddle boat rides as well. We have thirty-two different lodging complexes here...
SAM: Sorry to cut you off, April, I'm actually only looking into a day trip, not overnight. (figured if I didn't stop her, she'd go until Thanksgiving)
Staff: Oh, okay, well for a 10-person day trip there's the mountain biking and then we have our central village with lots of shops and restaurants to enjoy. We also offer Geocaching, which is new this year. Your group gets a map, GPS device, compass and clues and you're sent off into the woods. So what you're looking for is stashes of little prizes or cash gifts on your hunt. It's a very fun group activity and it's been well received so far. We also just started off-road buggy tours. Not your rugged buggies but like a go-cart with a metal frame, you know? So if everyone has a valid driver's license, that's available for a small price. Then we have fishing, catch-and-release only though, and finally the back-country hut, which is a good hike to get to, but a place where they can do lunch for your group. It's a lot of fun for summer activities and usually is a little cooler than the surrounding areas, which is nice when it's really hot. And it's wise to bring a light jacket as we can get afternoon thunder showers occasionally and the wind can definitely pick up at times, especially since technically, everything is on the summit. You always want to be prepared!
SAM: Wow. Okay then. I'll take that all home with me, thank you.
Staff: Of course. Let me give you our website though if you need a reminder. It's xxx.com.
SAM: Thanks so much, April.
Rating: 8
Comment: Sorry to say, but almost too much information. Can you remember how many acres they have?
Michigan, Medium Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose Guest Services
Answering phone: Older female. A little out of it sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Okaaay did you say December?
SAM: Umm nope, summer.
Staff: Okay, our regular activities, I'll just go down the list. First of all we have an indoor water-park and then two wonderful golf courses here at our mountain. Then we have complimentary chairlift rides, which include the individual and if you choose to mountain bike to get down the hill you can take your bike on the chair or you can rent one for a small fee. We have family movies, as well, and story time with our mascot Chubby throughout the day. (Story time, great co-worker bonding experience.) We also have a camp, which is available for children 6 to 12 like a day camp...
SAM: Sorry to interrupt, but this is for a company outing. There won't be any kids.
Staff: Oohh, okay. So then we also have disc golf, (pause) tennis, (pause) hiking -
SAM: Sorry but what is disc golf?
Staff: It's laid out like a golf course but you throw a disc similar to a Frisbee, but there are two types-one is short-range like a putter and then a long-range one like a driver. And then on our beach we have kayaks and swimming available.
SAM: Perfect, that all seems like a good place for me to start planning.
Staff: Okaaay. In addition to mountain bike rentals we rent tennis racquets. And then we have the mountain scooter, which is for adults that you ride downhill on, but I know I couldn't get on it, but it is meant to be a wild ride.
SAM: Okay great, thanks so much.
Staff: Okaaay. I hope I didn't miss anything.
Rating: 5
Comment: Sure, lots of information, but that conversation lasted 20 minutes, no joke.
Michigan, Medium Area
First contact: Operator, transferred to guest services.
Answering phone: Female, patient and sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, we do have our own 18-hole golf course and we also have tennis available at the end of this month. And then a new Alpine slide that will be up and running in a couple weeks, which we're all very excited about. It'll be the only one in the state!
SAM: Oh, very nice. What exactly is an Alpine slide though?
Staff: Well, it starts at the top of the ski mountain and you would get on kind of a sled with wheels and then it's... well, you go down a I don't really want to say it's a chute, but more like a water slide type of track, but made for that specific sled you're on. It's 16,000 linear square feet long and you wind and turn down the mountain. Again, we're really excited! And then we have all other sorts of activities. We have multiple team building things we could do with your group, too. It just depends on what you're looking for.
SAM: Oh sure. Well I just wanted the gist pretty much. My friend just said you had multiple activities so I wanted to find out a little more.
Staff: Oh definitely. We have the general water park and mountain biking trails and of course loads of hiking as well.
SAM: Great, do you have more on your website?
Staff: Oh yeah, it's xxx.com and you'll be able to log on and look up the resort map and everything we offer so you can get a feel for it all.
SAM: Okay, perfect. I'll check out your website and go from there.
Staff: Okay, well let me give you our corporate group service extension so when you call back you can be directly connected to them who will help you even more with every detail of your trip.
SAM: Perfect, thanks so much.
Staff: Oh yeah, no problem, so glad to help you. We look forward to having you.
Rating: 9
Comment: Great details, great attitude, great customer service.
Colorado, Large Area
First contact:Automated machine. Chose operator
Answering phone:Female. Sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Yeah sure, I can give you our website and you can read about all the activities we have to offer in the summer because we do have pretty extensive options. That way you can take your time and really understand it all.
SAM: Perfect, thanks.
Staff: Yeah, of course. So the site is xxx.com and from our homepage go to "things to do" and then "resort activities" and then click on "summer." It'll give you a full rundown of every activity we have to offer with details and pricing. And then if your group is twenty-five people or over you'll be eligible for some discounts. I can give you the group sales number as well for further assistance.
SAM: Great to know, thanks. At the moment though we don't have twenty-five but I may be able to round that many people up.
Staff: Okay, well yeah, I mean take a look at our site and the group sales number is listed there.
SAM: Thanks so much.
Staff: No problem, hope you make it out soon.
Rating: 9.3
Comment: No fluff and no time wasted, topped with an awesome attitude. Beautiful.
Colorado, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Waited for Operator
Answering phone: Amanda, young female. Sounded a little groggy.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Okay, like at the ski area there's restaurants and shops and then activities at the base area like a little rock climbing wall and trampoline thing. And then you can take the gondola up to the top and walk around, hike, whichever. And you can go mountain biking too, taking your bike up the gondola, or we have some to rent. Then there's a lot of activities downtown as well. They have shops, etc. and an Alpine slide, which is pretty cool.
SAM: What's an Alpine slide?
Staff: It's ummm, ahh (pause...) umm, it's like riding a sled almost, down a track with wheels on it. So, yeah, there's a lot of things to do at both the ski area and in town.
SAM: Yeah it sounds like a good variety. You mentioned a trampoline thing? Is that just for kids?
Staff: No adults can do it, too. Yeah, so you're attached to a harness with bungees on either side and then you jump on a trampoline and can do flips and get pretty high. It's fun. And then actually this summer they're setting up bull riding. So there will be a mechanical bull, as well, at the base.
SAM: Oh neat. Okay thanks so much. I'll think it all over.
Staff: Uhhh yeah, no problem.
Rating: 6
Comment: Decent attempt, but lacked in the follow up... website, group sales contact? .
Colorado, Large Area
First contact:Automated machine. Chose "activity information."
Answering phone:Female. Super sweet and patient.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Oh, okay, well we have a number of summer activities including a mini golf course that you can take the chairlift up and hike down to it or you can take the chairlift up with a mountain bike and then bike down. We have a good amount of biking trails. Then we have a lake in the center village with go-carts and boating available. We also can book company activities for you through a few different outside companies we work with. There's horseback riding, whitewater rafting, ATV tours and fly fishing. We have some really fun options for more adventurous groups.
SAM: Yeah, those sound great. So you said they're outside sources?
Staff: Yes, but we'll book it all for you. You can check out their websites though if you wanted to research more.(She gave each outside company name and website.)
SAM: Perfect, yeah I'll take a look around and see what would fit the best. And I can call you back with my requests?
Staff: Definitely, this same number. And we'll plan everything out for you.
SAM: Great thanks.
Staff: Of course, anytime, have a great day.
Rating: 9
Comment: Great basics with just the right amount of details in a very efficient manner.
Utah, Large Area
First contact:Automated machine. Told to call another number (not a toll-free #, by the way) to talk to a live person.
Answering phone:Male. Sounded like a voice recording, with a hangover.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um, weeeell, we have an Alpine slide, um, we have hiking going on here. We have a zipline and horseback riding, ummm...
SAM:Sorry, don't mean to interrupt, but what's an Alpine slide?
Staff: An Alpine slide is kinda like a luge, like the winter luge. It's outdoors and it goes down our mountain and it has brakes. Pretty cool stuff. Then we have a big BBQ thing with different chefs from the country that come out. That's popular.
SAM: Oh that sounds interesting. Is that on a specific date or a regular event?
Staff: Uhh, it's on a certain date. When are you coming up?
SAM: Not exactly sure, yet, but definitely after July 4th.
Staff: Okay, yeah, so we have horseback riding that'll start after all of our lifts close, which are still going for another week or so. So the riding will be available mid-Julyish. Then we have fly fishing. There's also some other stuff to do outside of the mountain. (Pause...BBQ dates? Or, not, apparently.)
SAM: Okay, well it sounds like you have quite a bit going on at the mountain, so I'll think all of that over and go from there.
Staff:Okay. (Long pause...)
SAM: Okay then. Thanks.
Rating: 3
Comment: Wow, Ben. Don't get too excited, I mean you can still go skiing! Or, are you mad because you have to answer phones at the moment? Life is sooo tough.
Montana, Medium Area
First contact:Automated machine. Automated machine. Chose Information and Guest Services
Answering phone:Friendly sounding female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, what we've got on our mountain is gondola rides that go to the top of the mountain where you can then go on our half-day hike tour if you wanted. We also do horseback riding trips, which of course aren't up on the mountain, but right in town that go out of a local ranch.
SAM: Okay. Well yeah that's a good variety of choices thanks.
Staff: Sure, well when are you planning to come?
SAM:: After the 4th of July so not for a little while.
Staff: All right, well, yeah, by that time everything will be in full swing. So, yeah.
SAM: Oookay. Well can I visit your website to go over all the details?
Staff: Oh sure, but it's not going to tell you about the stuff we can book for you off our mountain like horseback riding and white water rafting. It'll give you all we offer, but you'll need to call back if you're interested in any of those two activities.
SAM: Great, thanks.
Rating: 5.5
Comment: Nice, but could have been a little more tuned into the conversation.
Idaho, Large Area
First contact:Automated machine. Chose "Group Visits and Weddings" option.
Answering phone: Very friendly sounding male.
SAM: Stated question
Staff:Okay, great to hear. First of all, when are you planning to come?
SAM: Well, I'm unsure of the exact date but definitely after the 4th of July.
Staff:Okay, well how many people are planned to be involved?
SAM: Right now about ten.
Staff:All right. So we have our brand new indoor waterpark which is gigantic. There are multiple slides and a flow rider surf machine. However, our groups for the park are 20 or more. We also have the mountain, of course, with plenty to do. There are gondola rides to the top of the mountain or chairlift rides, as well. Again, the groups do, however, start at twenty people.
SAM: Okay, well I might be able to pull twenty together, what does that mean then with twenty?
Staff:Okay, so then the waterpark would be $X for the group all day. The gondola rides are $X for the group all day, as well. There's plenty of hiking with extensive trails once you're at the top and we could also cater lunch for your group as an option. And besides just hiking, we rent out bikes, so that might be something you could be interested in. And, um, are you just coming for the day then?
SAM: Yes, but it seems like you have plenty to fill an entire day.
Staff: Oh yeah, oh yeah, just the gondola is 25 minutes up and 25 back down so that'll take a good amount of time. And then with all the hiking up there to do, too. And you're always guaranteed nice weather in the waterpark. A beautiful 80 degrees all day, ha ha ha, ya know, because it's inside.
SAM: Ha ha, of course.
Staff: So you can check everything out on our website to better accustom yourself with more details. It's xxx.com. And then let me give you my direct line if and when you'd like to book your group outing. So again my name is XX and my number is 555-555-5555.
SAM: Perfect, thanks so much.
Rating: 8.5
Comment: Tad slow at first but warmed up and finished strong with the direct line. Very nice.
British Columbia, Large Area
First contact: Female. Transferred to Guest Services, stated question again. Transferred AGAIN.
Answering phone: Very friendly sounding male.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, when are you coming?
SAM:I'm not sure of the date, but after the 4th of July for sure.
Staff:Ookay, perfect. So the lift opens on June 28th and then we have plenty of mountain biking with rentals available or hiking trails both guided tours, or not, if you prefer. You can also rent kayaks and then we have fishing tours as well.
SAM:Those are good options to start with, surely could take up a day. (pause...)
SAM:So, can I find out more details on your website?
Staff: Definitely. It'll give you complete details on every activity we offer. Could I get your e-mail as well so I can pull some information together for you to look over?
SAM: Well, actually I have a couple locations in mind so I wanted to get the gist of everything and then go from there.
Staff: Okay, well sure. Definitely check out our website though. Have a great day! (Website address? Good thing there's Google.)
Rating: 6
Comment: I like the e-mail connect attempt, but too bad on missing the website mention.