I'm looking to buy a season pass today and was wondering if you had any discounts?
Mountain 1, CA
First Contact: Bob. Laid back, seemingly nice guy
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We're already offering a discount on the rates, which expire on May 31 and these are the cheapest rates I've seen in the past 10 years.
SAM: Well what if I were to give you a credit card right now over the phone? Is there anything you can offer or discount? I see you have a few pass options, there must be something you can discount...
Staff: The discount is the price you see. For $299 you can get midweek and Sundays and actually everyone's paying with credit cards and cash at the moment.
SAM: So even if I came down there today with cash, so you wouldn't have to pay the credit card fee, you still can't provide even the slightest discount? I want to buy a season pass but don't know if I'll have this money in six months. I don't want to go without one next year.
Staff: Yeeeah, it's still $299.
SAM: Even if I had my husband and kids buy a pass with me right now? That gets you multiple passes sold, there must be something you can discount then?
Staff: Well we have the family pass for $1,299 which is like just you and your husband buying one and the kids skiing for free. (silence...)
SAM: I saw that, but right now every penny counts and that's a little steep. I want to be sure I'll at least have a pass and since I know I have the money now and may not later, I want to make my purchase ahead of time. There's nothing you can offer me?
Staff: Well there's also the option where you can put $100 down now and then we charge the rest on September 30h. That's something new we're offering this year and never have before. It helps with the costs. We're trying to be more accommodating this year.
SAM: That is new and something I will definitely think about. Thanks.
Rating: 7
Comment: Bob finally picked it up with the new down-payment offer.
Mountain 2, CO
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose season pass office
Answering phone: Female. Not so nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: It is extremely discounted for $879 already. That's all we're offering now.
SAM: Even if I gave you a credit card right now over the phone, is there any discount at all you can give me? I have the money now and am willing to buy a pass immediately I don't know if I'll have this money six months from now.
Staff: No, last year the pass was nine something, yeah, nine something I think. That's a big discount now from last year. So what we're doing this year is you put a $100 booking down and pay it off during the summer. It has to be paid off by October 1 and also with this pass, you get four, $50 tickets for family and friends, discounts on rentals, soft-goods and food. I mean that's a really good deal.
SAM: You're right, but I'm still trying to find the absolute best deal I can. Money is really tight for me and I want be sure I can ski here next season. There isn't any discount at all you can offer me? What if I had a friend buy one with me?
Staff: No, no. (silence...)
SAM:: Okay then, thanks.
Rating: 6
Comment: Playing hardball is tough, and she did OK.
Mountain 3, PA
First Contact: Automated Machine. Transferred to attendant and then to season pass office.
Answering Phone: Sweet, grandma sounding
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm ,the only discount I can give you is the earliest rate we have and that's until June 1. Depending on your age, and how many times you're looking to ski, the price will change.
SAM: Well I'm 23 and want to ski every day.
Staff: Then the price will be $379, which goes up to $579 on June 1. And that's the lowest price I can give you.
SAM: Okay. But it's just that money is tight and I have it now, but know I won't have $579 in June. What if I paid you cash so you wouldn't have to pay any credit card fees, is there anything you can do?
Staff: Um no, sorry. This is all we're offering right now and I really can't offer anything less.
SAM: Well, I know some places have a buddy pass discount. I have a few friends who are also looking for passes. If I got one of them to sign up could you maybe drop the price to $300?
Staff: Unfortunately, like I said, our discounted rate is the only rate I can give you, which is $379 and is our early-bird rate.
SAM: Okay, I guess.
Staff: Okay, thanks for calling.
Rating: 7
Comment: She can really stick to her guns
Mountain 4, ME
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose season pass office.
Answering phone: "Season passes, this is Gale." Gale sounded like she had a rough night.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, we've got three types of passes to offer. Which were you looking for?
SAM: Any that you might be able to discount.
Staff: Well, I can give you the prices they're offered for now. [Went over each pass level and included benefits]
SAM: Okay, well I would be in the Silver range. But money is really tight and I can spend what I have now, but may not have it six months from now when the prices will go up. Are there any discount offers going on that you could give me today?
Staff: No, I'm not authorized to do that.
SAM: Okay, but what if I paid right now over the phone or better yet, came there with cash today so you could avoid any credit card fees?
Staff: Nope, I'm not authorized to give any discounts.
SAM: Do you offer any family discounts? My husband is looking to by one as well and we're thinking to include the kids.
Staff: Um, nope.
SAM: What about any buddy passes? I know some New England areas have buddy pass systems and discounts...
Staff: Again, no. I'm still not authorized.
SAM: Thanks
Rating: 2
Comment: Maybe Gale shouldn't be authorized to answer the phone.
Mountain 5, VT
First Contact: Sally. Very nice and very direct.
SAM: Stated Question
Staff: Well I can help you with the season passes we have now, for the 2010 season
SAM: Okay, yeah, that's what I'm referring to. Are there any discounts on that you can offer me?
Staff: Well, which kind of pass are you looking for?
SAM: Um, I'm twenty three and I know there are passes with major blackout dates like MLK day and Christmas. I don't need to ski on those days and I'm assuming that kind of pass would be cheaper to start with.
Staff: Okay, well that's the X pass. It's $499 plus tax and that comes out to $533. And you could take advantage of the 30% down discount rate. So what you could do is have your card charged $159.93 now and then you'd have until October 12 to pay the rest. And today is the last day this offer is available. The pass goes up to $633 tomorrow.
SAM: Hmm, okay. Well since it's the last day can't you slide in one more discount? I have the money now, but who knows by October and I don't want to miss out.
Staff: This actually is the discounted rate that I can give you. What's your first and last name?
SAM: Um, Liz, (whoops, it's been a long day) Liz Bates.
Staff: Okay and what's your address?
SAM: Um, actually I'm moving soon so that will change. I know it's your last day but I'm calling around to see what's the best deal I can get right now. $533 is a lot and I was hoping you can help me out, seeing as how I'm trying to buy it so early.
Staff: I really can't, I'm sorry. I mean it goes up a $100 tomorrow and that's a huge jump. You'll save regardless if you buy it today.
SAM: Um, well let me think about it and I can call you back.
Staff: Okay no problem, have a good day.
Rating: 8
Comment: Whew, making me sweat. Probably would have given in if I was actually buying, nicely done.
Mountain 6, WI
First Contact: Female, sweet as pie.
SAM: Stated Question
Staff: Actually, we haven't even talked yet about what the prices would be. We typically don't decide that until June, which we're very much on top of though, I know it's almost June! Hehehe. And probably by July we'll be ready and then August they'll be ready to purchase. I would love to sell you a pass today, but I just can't! hehehe!
SAM: Okay, no worries.
Staff: Yeeeah, you know I'm not sure what our special will be for next season either, but if you just be patient for the next month or so those prices will be available. Are you on our e-mail list? I can send you updates that way
SAM: No, I'm not but that would be great.
Staff: Okay! So what is it then? [Gave her an e-mail address]
Staff: Okay great, and my husband, the general manager, said you can also go online at to stay updated about passes, but I'll be sure to put you on the list myself!
SAM: Awesome. Thanks so much.
Rating: 8
Comment: Overly nice and accommodating never hurt anyone. The GM mention was a nice personal touch.
Mountain 7, VT
Answering phone: Female. Polite sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um, no. Um, the season pass is whatever it is at the moment. Uhh let's see the price of a pass... and we do have different categories. Let's see, where is it... ah, the unlimited pass is $1,793 and we do have a blackout pass which $747.93 with tax and a mid-week option.
SAM: Well, I would be looking at the blackout pass, but money is kind of tight right now and I'm looking for any discount I can get. What if I paid you cash to avoid credit card charges? I would come down and pay it today in person...
Staff: Yeah, no. That's the price unfortunately . You did miss the early price in April, too, which was discounted $100.
SAM: Okay, but even if I paid you cash today you could perhaps sell one more pass at that April price? We wouldn't have to tell anyone, no paper trail!
Staff: Yeah, no, I still can't do it. The price is what it is, sorry. And there's always a trail.
SAM: So $747 is my only option? That's it?
Staff: Unfortunately it is, yes.
SAM: Okay then, thanks.
Rating: 5
Comment: Persistent and polite. Can't fault that. But could have spoken to a manager perhaps.
Mountain 8, CO
First contact: Automated machine. Chose season passes.
Answering phone: Young female, nice but sounded a little out of it.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Ummm, yeeeah. Right now we just have the X plus for $439 and then for $100 more, it's a full pass at X mountain as well. The other offer ended, like, ummm, three or four, umm yeah, three or four weeks ago.
SAM: What was the other offer?
Staff: It was like umm, $30 off this price? Yeeah, $30 off.
SAM: Okay, well do you think you could spare me that $30 today? I mean $429 is a bit steep at the moment but I really want a pass. I can pay right now over the phone if you can give me that discount.
Staff: Nooo, umm, yeah there's nothing I can do.
SAM: Well, what if I came there today and paid cash. You would avoid credit card fees, sell a pass, make a customer happy? It's only $30 .
Staff: Nooo it would still be the same. Yeeeah.
SAM: Okay, well, when does this offer end?
Staff: Prices are subject to change but this price should be good until Friday, yeah.
Rating: 4
Comment: Umm, yeah. She also didn't mention a $49-down deal for this pass which is the best deal I've found yet!
Mountain 9, CA
First contact: Automated machine. Chose season passes.
Answering Phone: Automated machine. Chose the specified mountain of my choice. Put on hold... "you're call is important to us, please stay on the line." No music.
Hold time: 6:30 minutes! (Did laundry, watched TV, played fetch with the dog. I mean really.)
Answering phone: (Fnally!) Super sweet sounding female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Oh umm, I know nothing about that mountain. I'm in here in Colorado, but hold one second and I'll find out.
(Hmm, I pressed that mountain's assigned number during my automated choices... maybe I'll be put on hold for six minutes again.)
Staff: Hi there, sorry. Okay, so how old are you?
SAM: I'm twenty-three.
Staff: Okay, so the best deal is $329 right now with only $49 down today. Did you want to go ahead and purchase that?
SAM: Well, I'm not sure. I'm trying to find out if there are any further discounts I can get. What if I went directly to X mountain, do they have any special deals just for them?
Staff: That's actually it for adults for that resort and the price will likely go up. It's a great deal though because you only have to pay $49 today! Unless that area has issued a deal for state employees or town officials if you're eligible for that, but from what I see here, I can only sell a standard junior, adult or senior pass.
SAM: Well, what if I were to pay X mountain cash today, or what about a buddy pass system? There has to be something going on right?
Staff: Yeah, unfortunately that mountain is a part of X resorts and what I do know is that they're on the same computer software as us, so they won't see anything different. And we're actually only selling passes over the phone and online at the moment.
SAM: Okay so then I can't pay cash at all, huh?
Staff: No, I'm sorry, but if you happen to find a better deal we will certainly honor that price, no problem at all.
SAM: You mean if I find a better deal at X mountain? If I were to call them directly?
Staff: Right, if you could get a discount for being employees in a certain field or a town official, something like that.
SAM: Um okay, well thanks.
Staff: Oh no problem, thanks for calling, have a great day.
Rating: 5
Comment: Seven minutes of holding is usually unacceptable but her pleasant attitude and patience dug her out of this one.
Mountain 10, CA
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator, transferred to mountain services.
Answering Phone: "Please enter your 10-digit phone number followed by the pound sign." (Odd. Did it anyway and waited for attendant.)
Answering Phone: Young male. Nice sounding. "Hi, can I have your name?"
SAM: Um, Kate.
Staff: Hey Katie, this is Jason. How ya doing today?
SAM: I'm good, thanks.
Staff: Awesome. So how can I help you out?
SAM: Stated question.
SStaff: We currently don't actually have any season passes for sale right now. We'll probably be ready in mid-August or early September with those.
SAM: Oh, okay.
Staff: We're planning to offer some great deals though, I do know that. We know money is tight for some people, but we want you to be able to afford ski with us so just stay tuned, we plan to take care of you.
SAM: Hm, well thanks.
Staff: Oh anytime. So what you can do is either check back on our website which is for updates on when the pass prices will be released, or you can just give us a call back in August and we'll be happy to walk you through everything.
SAM: Sounds great, thanks.
Staff: Oh no, thank you for calling, have an awesome day.
Rating: 9
Comment: Awesome job Jason
Mountain 11, NH
First Contact: Automated Machine. Chose season pass office.
Answering phone: Female, nice sounding
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Umm, unfortunately, the deadline has passed for the discount.
SAM: Oh, when was it?
Staff: It was just three days ago.
SAM: Ohh. Well is there any way you might be able to honor that deal one last time? I'm sorry I missed it, but I'm dying to get a pass and I can pay right now over the phone or come down there with cash today...
Staff: Um, can you hold for just a moment? (waiting...)
SAM: Yup?!
Staff: All right, I will give you the discount today, but just for future reference our deadline is the end of May each year and we usually don't bend that. I'm glad you want a pass so bad so I can slip today. (Score!!)
SAM: Oh, wow, thank you! I really appreciate it. Is it easier if I come down there later and pay you in cash? I have it ready and then we can both avoid credit card fees.
Staff: Well sure, it actually doesn't matter to me. I can't actually issue the pass today, I can only sell it to you. So either way is fine.
SAM: Okay, well I'll head down this afternoon. And what was your name just so I can come directly to you?
Staff: My name is Heather, but I might be out this afternoon. Let me get your name so I can give everyone a head's up. [Gave my name] Okay great, thanks so much, we'll see you later today.
SAM: No, thank you!
Rating: 9
Comment: Props for disregarding a measly three days to stoke a customer out!
Mountain 12, NH
First Contact: Automated Machine. Chose season pass office.
Answering phone: Susan! Really sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Umm, the discount is purchasing it before September 1! He he he, sorry!
SAM: Ha ha, that's okay, what is the price then now?
Staff: Are you an adult over the age of 18?
SAM: Yes.
Staff: Okay, so you would probably want the unlimited pass which is good for everyday and is $349 and bumps up after September 1. So it's definitely worth it to get it before the first and it's a great deal in general. Then we have a mid-week pass as well.
SAM: Okay, I think I would be in the unlimited range. But, I'm calling around to see what the best deal is out there. I love this mountain and want to ski here and was just thinking if I were to come there today and pay cash or pay you right now over the phone, maybe there's some super early special you could give me?
Staff: Um, well, I mean I can put you on hold and just double check, but our policy is really just September 1. But, let me just see if the GM will answer any differently. He he he okay?! Okay hold on one second.
Staff: Hi, I'm still trying to find the answer for you. Do you mind holding for one more minute? And what was your name, I'm sorry I didn't ask before.
SAM: Oh sure, thanks. It's Kate. (Love the head's up on longer holding.)
Staff: Hi, Kate, this is Susan again! So I have great news! Our rate prior to this bump up was actually $339 which wasn't much lower, but we can still honor that price and then we can give you a midweek ticket for a friend or family. How does that sound?
SAM: Oh my gosh, awesome! Thank you! Can I come down this afternoon and pay you cash for it?
Staff: Oh, no worries, we're glad to help you out today. And, yes, you can come this afternoon. If you don't mind, can I take down some of your information so we have it ready for you when you get here? And when do you think you'll be here?
SAM: Um, sure. I'll probably get there around two.
Staff: Okay, Kate, just come on down at two this afternoon and we'll have a season pass ready for you at $339, along with a midweek ticket you can use for family or friends. I might not be here as I have a meeting, but everyone else will know you're coming.
SAM: Oh, thank you so much!
Rating: 10
Comment: Wow! Do I ever feel badly about not showing up! Awesome attitude, great "GM" mention, patient, accommodating and made me feel special with my own deal!
Identity Revealed: Pats Peak
Mountain 13, ON
First Contact: Automated machine. Waited for operator.
Answering phone: Female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: A season's pass for skiing?
SAM: Yes, for next year.
Staff: Okay, it would be the early bird rate then. What kind of pass were you looking for?
SAM: Um, a full season's pass, but I can deal with some blackout days.
Staff: Okay, perfect so that would be the x pass, which gets you x days and nights with x blackouts days. Does that seem appropriate to you?
SAM: Yes, that sounds perfect, thanks.
Staff: Would you be purchasing pass insurance? Depending on if you get sick or injured during the season you have insurance on your pass.
SAM: Oh okay, would I get a full refund?
Staff: Well, not exactly, it would be pro-rated through the season.
SAM: Oh, okay, how much would that be?
Staff: Just $10.98. Would you want to include that?
SAM: Yeah sure, that's a good deal.
Staff: So, then it's our early bird rate for $169, which ends November 1. Do you want to pay for that over the phone?
SAM: Well, I'm trying to see if there are any other discounts available. Do you have any buddy pass systems perhaps?
Staff: No.
SAM: Okay, what about family passes?
Staff: Um, no.
SAM: Okay, so that's all you have then?
Staff: Um, yes that's pretty much it.
SAM: Okay thanks I'll call back if I want to order it today.
Rating: 6
Comment: Starting warm and friendly, but then rushed out. And there is a plethora of other discount pass options on their website.
Mountain 14, AB
First contact: Automated machine. Chose season passes
Answering phone: Female. Very friendly sounding
SAM: State question
Staff: Um, well we're still on the early bird discount. So if you go onto our website and purchase it there, you still get the discount which is $630 for an adult.
SAM: Can I only get it online then? If I were to come there with cash can I get it any cheaper?
Staff: Unfortunately, no, there are no better discounts. Ha ha, that's the most discounted you'll ever see. And that rate does expire on June 12. And it actually doesn't matter if you pay online or come here, we can't provide any other discount.
SAM: Okay. Well, what about a buddy pass system? Do you offer anything for two people purchasing passes together?
Staff: No, we don't, sorry.
SAM: Do you have any family discounts?
Staff: No, we don't do those either. That's all we're offering at the moment. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
SAM: It's okay. Thanks.
Rating: 6
Comment: Good attitude, but a website address might be more helpful.
Mountain 15, BC
First contact: Automated machine. Chose season pass office.
Answering Phone: Female. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um, yup you can go on the website. Do you have computer access?
SAM: Yup.
Staff: Okay, so there is a spring sale going on now for our mountain and X mountain and Y mountain-the whole kit and kaboodle. It's good until the 9th of the June and then it goes up substantially. You can go online at and see everything outlined.
SAM: Okay. What about if I paid over the phone now, or came there with cash today? Are there any better discounts?
Staff: Yeah, we're open seven days a week, from 9-6, so whatever is more convenient for you.
SAM: Wait, so paying cash will get me be a better discount?
Staff: Oh no, I misunderstood, no it won't. Our prices are pretty set.
SAM: Okay, well what about a buddy pass or family passes? Are there any discounts there?
Staff: Sure, we have family rates. You know the husband, wife and kids, all that kind of stuff. And they all have to be under the age of seventeen. (All that kind of stuff? Does it include the family pet?)
SAM: Um, okay, so kids have to be under 17. How much is that?
Staff: It's $1,959 for the family.
SAM: Okay thanks, so those are my only options?
Staff: Yup. And like I said, it's all spelled out online with details, etc.
Rating: 6
Comment: The website is spelled out with massive amounts of details and more pricing options. Good thing she mentioned it. .