My husband and I are heading up with my five-year-old and seven-year-old for the day and want to know about your programs for children
For this edition of Mountain Spy, our 007 Liz Eren posed as a mother in need of information. Some areas were helpful in that regard, and some just weren't.
Colorado, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "pretty much everything" option. Seriously, they listed about 10 options.
Answering Phone: Michelle. Sweet sounding female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, it's $110 for all day for the seven-year-old and it's called the Rough Rider program. That does include lunch but not the lift ticket, unless you're coming for five days and in that case they'll ski or ride for free. It's $22 for one day though, which will make it all come to $132. That also doesn't include rentals though, either.
SAM: OK, but we are actually only coming for one day.
Staff: Oh, OK, that's great, too. Well, for the five-year-old then, it's $117 for their program, but they ski for free.
SAM: So, it's $132 total for my seven-year-old and $117 for the five-year-old? Everything, all day?
Staff: Yup, that's exactly right.
SAM: Great, thanks so much.
Rating: 8.5
Comment: Oooh so close cheery, short and sweet, but forgot the rentals.
Colorado, Medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Waited for "customer service specialist."
Answering Phone: Young gent, put me on hold for a few.
Answering Phone: Glum sounding young female
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um, a full day is $93 including lesson, lift ticket and lunch. A half-day is $79, but doesn't include lunch.
SAM: OK. What about rentals?
Staff: Yeah, those are included for the half-day.
SAM: What about a full day?
Staff: Same. Either package includes rentals, yes.
SAM:OK, how long does the day go?
Staff: Until 3:15 p.m.
SAM: And it starts
Staff: Right, yeah, 9:15 a.m. So 9:15 to 3:15.
SAM: OK then, thanks so much.
Rating: 4
Comment: I really had to fight for it. Our "customer service specialist" needs a shot of enthusiasm.
New Mexico, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose 0 after giving up.
Answering Phone: Young female, transferred to central reservations
Hold Time: "Estimated wait time is two minutes or greater." (Greater? That's cheating.)
Answering Phone: Young, nice sounding female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Did you mean the day care or the ski school programs.
SAM: Ski school programs, thanks.
Staff: They would be, let's see for their ages OK, it would be $95 for the full day including lift ticket, lesson, lunch and equipment. And then a half-day is $75 and its starts at noon. It would include everything I mentioned for the full day program except lunch.
SAM: Great. How long is the full day?
Staff: You would check them in from 8 to 8:30 in the morning and pick up is at 3:30 in the afternoon.
SAM: Wow, very full day. So then they would be together? How does that work?
Staff: Groups are determined by ages.
SAM: OK, so would they be in the same group?
Staff: Hmm, what are their ages again?
Staff: Yes, they would be. Wait, actually, no. It's 4- to 6-year-olds and then 7- to 12-year-olds, so they would be split.
SAM: OK, that's good to know.
Staff: Sure, no problem.
Rating: 7
Comment: She did mention all the strings attached to the price, which we appreciate, but still made me work for some details.
Colorado, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "snowsports school."
Answering Phone: Automated machine, put on hold.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: OK, uh, well sure, how many days are you planning to come and how old are your kids and then, of course, have they ever skied before?
SAM: Well, we're just planning on one day for now to start. And my kids are five and seven. The five-year-old hasn't really formally skied before and the seven-year-old has been a few times, but nothing too extensive.
Staff: OK, well yeah I think it might be good then to put them in our children's ski school. Let me give you that number to pre-register 555-555-5555
SAM: OK, but is that some sort of automated pre-register service or will I be able to find out some more details?
Staff: That would actually be more of just a pre-register number, but let me give you another as well where you should be able to reach someone. Where you looking for something specific?
SAM: Not exactly, I just want to see what kind of schedule and pricesthere are so I could plan accordingly. I'd like to take a few runs with my husband, but then I want to spend some time with the kids, as well?
Staff: Well, sure, I understand. I'm not an expert in the area, technically, but I know an all-day lesson and lunch is $165. I know for the full day they take them out in the morning and then again in the afternoon. And I have a feeling it all starts at nine and goes well into the afternoon, but there should be some time for you to sneak in I'd assume.
SAM: Exactly, well I'll give that other number a call, thanks.
Called the "other" number
Answering phone: Automated machine. Chose "general ski school info."
Answering phone: Very friendly young female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: OK, sure. How old are your kids?
SAM: Five and seven
Staff: OK, well they'll be in two different programs. They five-year-old in the 3 to 6 group and the seven-year-old in the 7 to 14 group. It's just that they do it a bit different for everyone to keep it balanced. We open the doors at eight and you can bring them in any time starting then. Have they skied before?
SAM: The five-year-old hasn't really before, and the seven-year-old has gone a few times.
Staff: OK, so what they'll do for the little one is teach them how to stop first and start them at the Magic Carpet at the base of the hill. It's a little conveyor belt that brings them up just enough to get going. Once they know how to stop, he'll go into our Star program and go up the gondola. So for those classes you need to be here at leastat 9:20 to get everything worked out and ready to go.
SAM: Well, all right then, learn to stop and off you go.
Staff: Oh, it's a great program though, they always love it. The seven-year-old would leave around 9:15ish, so you'll need to be here a bit earlier for him.
SAM: OK, so then what are the prices for each?
Staff: For all day there's the lift ticket, lesson and lunch for $165 which goes until 3:30 p.m.
SAM: Is it only full day programs then?
Staff: Well, the little one can do a half-day which is $90. Once they graduate off the magic carpet, though, and move to the gondola it becomes a full-day program.
SAM: So if they aren't riding just the Magic Carpet, if they're beyond that, my only option is all day for $165?
Staff: Yes, they can only do a full day.
SAM: OK, but I was hoping I'd be able to spend some time with them at some point, maybe take a few runs at the end of the day. Is that possible?
Staff: Well, I don't have anything specific for that. You can arrange with the instructor to meet them and take them for a few runs but you'd be paying for the full day program still.
SAM: Oh! What about equipment?
Staff: That's not included. Ski package is an extra $26 for boots, pole and skis and an additional $12 for helmet.
SAM: What about snowboards?
Staff: Snowboard equipment is an extra $36. But they have to be at least seven to snowboard.
SAM: Alrighty then. Thanks so much.
Staff: No problem, anytime. Oh yeah, and don't forget you can check out our website which might be able to help you even further.
Rating: 9.5
Comment: All great stuff, definitely. Consider mentioning the equipment rental cost kicker a little earlier though.
Nevada, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose ski school option.
Answering Phone: Young, super friendly male.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: OK, how old are your kids?
SAM:They're five and seven.
Staff: Well then, they would be in, let's see The way it works is that it's an all day thing that starts at 8 or 8:30, your choice. They'll get all geared up and meet their instructor. They'll take them around the mountain depending on their skill level, of course, and will take a break for lunch and then bring them back at 3:45. Our lifts close at 4:00 so they go all day. There are consecutive day packages, too, if you're interested, and then there are package options that come including lift ticket, lesson, lunch and equipment if they already have one or some of those.
SAM: OK, all great information. What about prices?
Staff: It's $165 for the full package--equipment, lift ticket and a full day of lesson.
SAM: Equipment?
Staff: And equipment, yes, so sorry about that. Let me get this all up in front up of me. I'm actually a reservations representative.
SAM: Oh sorry, I pressed the ski school option.
Staff: Oh no, you were right, they just needed some extra help down here this afternoon. OK, so it's $165, all day, all inclusive.
SAM: And that's regardless of age?
Staff: Yes for kids it's an all day thing regardless of age. They assess their level and what they can do and put kids together accordingly.
SAM: OK. Now can I ski with my kids at all? You say it goes all day but is there any time my husband and I can take with them?
Staff: Hold on one second let me get you an actual ski school person who can help you out a lot better than me.
New person: Friendly sounding female.
SAM: Stated question again.
Staff: No technically. We keep them separate from parents because they distract the children and for safety purposes, too. The lifts close at 4 and they're done at 3:45 so there really isn't any time.
SAM: Well OK, but I wanted to try and plan a sort of small family vacation day, where I could take a few runs with my husband and then rejoin later as a family
Staff: No, I'm sorry. The program does go all day. Unless you want to do private lessons where you could go together. That's $350, but the instructor will obviously cater to the lessen ability level in the group.
SAM: Hmm. OK then. Guess it's all or nothing. Thanks though for all the help.
Staff: No problem. Sorry again though!
Rating: 9.5
Comment: Great attitude and detailed coverage. I'm not allowed to see my kids though?.
New Hampshire, Medium Area
First Contact:Real person. Transferred to snowsports school.
Answering Phone: Female
SAM: Stated question
Staff: OK, we have a half-day program for $84, which includes rental equipment, a two hour lesson and the lift ticket. Then our full-day program is $115, which includes a three-hour lesson in the morning and then another in the afternoon, along with rentals, lift ticket and lunch, of course.
SAM: Sounds reasonable, how long does each program go for?
Staff: The half-day you have to be here between 8 and 9 in the morning and that runs until noon. For the full day, you'll have to be here between 8 and 9 again, and that runs to three in the afternoon.
SAM: OK, my only other question then would be if I wanted to ski with my kids after a few runs with my husband my only option would be to put them in the half day program right? Your full day ends at 3 and I'm guessing your lifts close shortly after that?
Staff:: Yes, the half-day program would be your best option but the lifts close at four and the kids will have their rentals until then so you could fit a few runs before they have to bring their equipment back.
SAM: OK, thanks so much.
Staff: Oh, no problem.
Rating: 7
Comment: Short and sweet, sure, but this places hosts loads of different children's programs. And she didn't engage me about my kids.
Vermont, Medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose lessons option
Hold Time: 2 minutes.
Answering Phone: Susie Sunshine
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Arightly sure, how old are your children?
SAM: One is five and one is seven.
Staff: OK perfect, then both are eligible to go in to our Star program, which is for ages 4 to 7. There's the full-day program with registration from 8:30 to 9:30 and pick-up is at 3. The earlier you get here the better, so when they formulate the groups based on ability, etc. they're ready to hit the hill. Then we, of course, provide lunch for the tikes in our own dedicated facility. The cost for that is $98. If you want to do a half-day, either morning or afternoon, you could also ski with your kids if you'd like, it's $73. Registration for the morning is from 8:30 to 9:30 with pick-up at noon and the afternoon drop-off is 12:00 to 12:30 with pick-up at three.
SAM: Great, lots of timing options. Do the packages include anything else?
Staff: Well they're not actually packages, just lessons, so rental equipment is not included. When are you coming this weekend?
SAM: Not exactly sure yet.
Staff: OK, well, no worries. Our rental desk is open until 5 p.m. on Friday. We do next day sales between 3 and 5 every afternoon so we can sell for the following day. So if you make it up here by then you can arrange rentals and get it out of the way, so you don't have to do the morning hustle. If not, the desk opens at 8:30 every morning. But you do want to allow for a bit of time just to be sure you don't run late.
SAM: Fabulous, thanks for all the helpful tips, really appreciate it.
Staff: Oh yeah, no problem at all, have a good drive and we'll see you Sunday hopefully!
Rating: 9.9
Comment: Minus .1 for lack of rental costs. Spy has no mercy, sorry. Regardless, I want Susie Sunshine answering my phones from now on.
Vermont, Medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Told to "stay on the line."
Answering Phone: Operator, transferred to snowsports school
Answering phone: Young, perky sounding female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Absolutely. How old are your children?
SAM: One is five and the other is seven.
Staff: OK, so the 5-year-old would go in the Baby Bomber program and the 7-year-old would be in the Rippin' Ranger program. Or, the 7-year-old can do an hour and a half group lesson at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. Group lessons start at age 6 so unfortunately your little one doesn't have that option. Camp starts at 9:30a.m. and gets done at 2:15. You do have the option though of leaving them there until 4p.m. Lets see what else. That's about it for camps and group lesson programs.
Staff: No do they ski or snowboard?
SAM: Well they've both skied before, the older one might want to snowboard, but we'll just say they'll both ski for now.
Staff: OK, no problem. Do they have their own equipment?
SAM: No they don't, so they'd have to rent.
Staff: Not a problem, rentals can be arranged easily for either camp or lessons.
SAM: OK, perfect. I think that's it. Oh yeah, will I be able to take a few runs with the kids at some point during the day, after my husband and I are done going off by ourselves?
Staff: Absolutely, for sure. We do have another lesson package for the 7 year old for $99 which includes a 1.5 hour lesson, lift ticket and rental equipment. That includes everything in a nice little package if you want to spend more time with them. The full day camp is $109.
SAM: So my younger one can do the camp for the full day?
Staff: Well, you don't have to leave them there all day, you can definitely take them out with you for a bit and drop them back off, but you would have to pay the full day rate.
Staff: OK, that's fine. Is there anything else I need to know?
SAM: Umm, well, I think that's about it. The younger one can do the camp and the seven-year-old can do either. Oh yeah! Rentals are $35 for everything including the helmet.
Staff: Great, thank you.
Rating: 9.5
Comment: Big points for being thorough and breaking everything down, bigger points for remember rental costs.
Wisconsin, Medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine
Answering phone: Operator. Transferred to ski school--answering machine. Hung up and called back. Reached the same operator who recommended I leave a message and "someone will get back to you with more information for sure."
Left a message at 12:25 p.m.
Rating: 1
Comment: It is now 5 hours later and no one has called me back. I'd be a lost, not-so-happy mother if I were heading up there tomorrow. Or maybe I just wouldn't in that case.
Minnesota, Small Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "winter sports" option.
Answering phone: Operator, transferred to snow shop.
Answering phone: Older female, Grandma type
SAM: Stated question
Staff: OK, there's Snow Tykes, that's ages 4 to 6. On Saturday it's at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Sunday it's at 10 a.m. It's a just basic, you know, ahh, you know, a downhill lesson. A beginner lesson for little kids and that is $29, which includes the lesson and rental equipment. Then Big Tykes, which are ages 7 to 12. Again, it's a beginner downhill lesson, same times, 10:30 and 1 on Saturday and Sunday at 10:30. And then Big Riders, ages 8 to 12 for just snowboarding and that's at 10 on Sunday. And then there are all kinds of private and semi-private and group lessons for older kids. How old are your kids?
SAM: One is five and the other seven.
Staff: So one of them would be eligible for Snow Tykes and the other would be Big Tykes. And for these kids' programs costs include lift ticket, rental and lesson. And it's an hour and a half lesson for any of the groups.
Staff: They would be with other kids their own age and we try and group abilities together as well if we can.
SAM: OK, so there's no full day program, just group lessons?
Staff: Yes, just groups. If you want, though, we have private and semi-private lessons for one, two, three hours, whichever you please.
SAM: Great, tons of options. Is there anything else I need to know?
Staff: No. (long pause)
SAM: OK then, thanks.
Rating: 5
Comment: No? Where to go, when to get there, what if my kid has never skied before? She was nice enough, but Grams could be a little more patient about getting off the phone.
Illinois, Medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "speak to someone" option.
Answering phone: Older female, grumpy sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: OK, what ages are your children?
SAM: One is five and one is seven.
Staff: OK, then it would be the Snow kids program for $50, including rental equipment, lift ticket and an hour-and-a-half lesson. (Pause.)
SAM: OK, well what kind of program is it?
Staff: An hour-and-a-half lesson kind.
SAM: That's it?
Staff: Yes.
SAM: Is there anything else I should know or prepare for bringing up my family?
Staff: Nope, if it's just the two little ones then they'll have their lesson and they're welcome to ski with you and your husband for the rest of the day.
SAM: OK then, thanks.
Rating: 1
Comment: Wow. At least everything is included in one price, guess it's extra for friendly customer service though...
Michigan, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "snow sports" and then "ski school."
Answering phone: Super nice sounding female
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Have they skied before?
SAM:Um, well one of them has, the other not so much.
Staff: The program you can put them in is the morning lesson from 9:45 to 1 p.m. or the all-day camp or the afternoon lesson. You have a couple of options. If they've never ever skied, it's $50 including rental for the first day lesson or the all-day camp is $79 for first-timers with rental included. If they have their own gear it's much less for either option.
SAM: OK, so the morning option is 9:45 to 1 and is $50 with gear included?
Staff: Nope it's actually 9:45 to 11:45 and $38 if they have their own gear or $50 if they need rental equipment. You can take some time to think it over and give me a call back to make reservations, or you could book now if you'd like.
SAM: OK thanks, I'll get back to you. Those are your only programs then and everything I need to know?
Staff: For children, yes, those are the programs we offer. We have many different private lesson options as well though. But coming as a family you don't need to know much else to set your kids up. Most just put them in the morning lesson or camp all day.
SAM: OK, thanks a lot.
Rating: 6.5
Comment: Perfectly nice and patient, but could have gone a little further with extra information.
Utah, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "general information" and "snow sports school."
Answering phone: Answering machine. Gave a run down of their children's program for skiing/boarding, non-skiing activities, day care, young kids, old kids, rental information (exactly how long it will take to get the equipment to be sure you're on time to ski school), timing of every kind of lesson and program, e-mail contact with further question and directions to ski school pricing on their website.
This took a solid 3 to 4 minutes, wow. However, it answered my general questions and after heading to their website like she insisted, every one of my questions for bringing a family to the resort were answered.
Rating: 8
Comment: Dare I say... automated machine, nicely done! (This comment is a rare, don't get excited.)
Utah, Large Area
First Contact: Real person
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, we have some awesome ski school programs! And we have day care without skiing, too, which is also a fully accredited program. Which would you like to be transferred to?
SAM: Ski school please
Answering phone: Impatient older female
SAM: Stated question
Staff: How old is your child? (You mean children, like I just said?)
SAM: They're five and seven.
Staff: So for the 6-year-old (you mean 5 right), we have Snow Club and it's a full day program from 10 to 3:45 where they're outside all day and then we have the Snowflake Club for the older child which is the same time as the snow club. (Pause.)
SAM: OK...
Staff: So the Snow Club is only available on Sunday but the Snowflake Club is available both weekend days. (Pause.)
SAM: What are the details of these programs?
Staff:Details... umm, you mean price?
SAM: Sure.
Staff:It's $160 including lesson, lift ticket and lunch. But, like I said they're out skiing all day with their instructor and they group them up nicely with ability levels. Each group has a range of only 4 to 8 kids in each. Does that help?
SAM: A little bit. What about rentals?
Staff:Those will be additional and the junior package is $35. Does that help?
SAM: So the programs are only full day options? I wanted to see if there was a chance I could ski with my kids during the day.
Staff: Well, not really. You can pick them early if you'd like, but you'll still have to pay for the full-day program price. Does that help?
Rating: 4
Comment: How about a better attitude? Does that help?
California, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose " all other inquiries" then chose "ski school, etc."
Hold Time: 1.5 mins.
Music: Infomercial voice selling me their programs
Answering Phone: PUMPED up young female. (Eeeeasy on the redbull.)
SAM: Stated question
Staff:OK, so what was your first question? You want to know about ski school?
SAM:Um, yes, ski school.
Staff: OK! What are the ages of your kids? And have they ever skied before?
SAM:Well, one is five and one is seven. The five-year-old went once with my husband and I, but it didn't count for much, and the seven-year-old has been a few times.
Staff:OK, so what we have for lesson programs. . .we have the afternoon setup, which is 1:15 to 3:45 for first timers, strictly for kids who have never skied before. We get them comfortable on the mountain and how to get in and out of their bindings, how to get up when they fall, that basic knowledge they really need. Then, we have the all-day program for the seven-year-old, I mean your five-year-old could do it too, whatever you think would be more appropriate. That's from 9:45 to 3:45, which includes two snacks and lunch, lift ticket, rental equipment and the lesson for $119. Either package includes all of that actually. We do have openings available as well for that program if
you'd like to make reservations now.
SAM:Um, can I call back?
Staff: Oh yeah, sure you can, you can book online on our site, too, because you'll click through all the liability releases so you don't have to wait to register your kids here. (Gave website and directions to children programs.) Or, if you don't have Internet connection, because some people still just don't have that still, you can call back and go over it all on the phone, but then you would actually have to fill it out again once you got here.
SAM:Great, so I can take care of all the paperwork on-line?
Staff:You bet! Definitely will make your life easier.
SAM:Great to hear. Anything else I should know about coming to your resort with my family to make it all go as smoothly as possible?
Staff: I don't think so. You can get everything you need in terms of equipment and any forgotten gear right there at ski school, it's all together in one place so you don't have to worry about going over to another building or marching across the base area to meet your instructor. On your way to the mountain, just follow signs for our children's village area and you'll be on your way to a good time.
SAM:Great, thanks so much.
Rating: 9.9
Comment: Minus .1 for forgetting half-day program pricing. Tough, I know. Otherwise, she was eager to tell me everything with a great attitude, gave me the perfect tips for making the whole process smoother, which is exactly what a mom is looking for.
Utah, Large Area
First Contact: Real person
SAM: Stated question
Staff:Do you have access to the Internet?
Staff:OK, go to our website at, then under ski and snowboard school, which is the blue tab in the middle, but don't click on the drop down menu, just the blue tab. That gives you the basic lesson breakdown and so forth. Check those out and I'll be right back... (Whoa, so fast. My internet just opened.)
Staff:OK, so how old are your kids?
SAM:One is five and the other is seven.
Staff:OK, well, we have the Cool 3 and Cool 5 programs which are unique to our resort because that means only five children are in the class, so they can all fit on a 6-pack. If they're 5 or under they'll be in the Cool 3 program so there's not more than three kids in the lesson. The online site gives you detailed descriptions of those programs with what's included, etc. Then, we have private lessons, which you can go back and click on to find out those details. They're back under that blue tab, down the drop menu a couple links. We also have adapted programs, too, if your child has a disability, which is unique to our resort as well.
SAM:Wow, OK then, lots of information. All good though.
Staff:Oh Yeah, I can transfer you to make a reservation and they do fill up rather fast, especially if you're planning to come this weekend and it's already Friday.
SAM:(I just found their children's site) Um, not quite. yet but can I call you back?
Staff:Oh yeah, no problem, and you can also register and reserve online and take care of all the forms there, too. Is that all OK with you?
SAM:Sure, I guess so.
Staff:OK, great, thanks for calling.
Rating: 6
Comment: Holy Smokes. She talked faster than chicken pecking corn and a little low on the patience. The website does provide the whole ten yards but I was calling for a reason, and looking for that personal touch.
Colorado, Medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Operator-- transferred to ski school.
Answering phone: Very friendly young female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, our classes... they have to be from ages 3 to 17 in order to participate. That's first. They go for a full day from 9:30 to 3 p.m. with lunch included. Our prices kind of vary, do they need rentals? And what are their ages?
SAM:They would need rentals and one is 5 and the other is 7.
Staff:OK, so for the 5-year-old, it's going to be $118 and for the 7-year-old it's $128 and the reason for the difference is because ages 5 and under get free lift tickets. And our tickets are only $10 for ski school kids, so there's the $10 difference. Then, they're with a group of kiddos and they really try not to get more than 6 in a group, on a weekend there might be 8, but they'll be with the same instructor all day. When you come in here, we have a form to determine their ability level... have they been before?
SAM:The younger hasn't really been, no, but the 7-year-old has gone a few times.
Staff:Right, so we have a chart to figure out which program you'd like them in. How they group them is first by age and then by levels. They have to be on the mountain at 9:30 and it starts at 10 but they need to be ready at 9:30. Are you coming on Saturday or Sunday?
SAM:Probably Sunday at this point.
Staff:OK, then I would suggest getting here by 8 or 8:30 so you have time to get rentals. Do you want to register ahead of time?
SAM:I wasn't sure yet...
Staff: Well, you can register online or over the phone with advanced sales or you do it when you get here. If you get here from 8 to 8:30 you'll have plenty of time.
SAM:So, going online completes all my paper work?
Staff: No, you'll have to fill out some here, but you can print out and sign the liability form and bring it in. So I think that's about it then.
SAM: Is everything in the same place when I get there?
Staff: Yes, for children's ski school our rentals and lesson programs are both in the same place.
SAM:Great, thanks for everything.
Rating: 9
Comment: Thorough and patient, nothing really to fault her on except she sounding a tad recorded. I always like a bit of personal lovin'.
BC, Medium Area
First Contact: Operator, transferred to ski school.
Answering phone: Young, enthusiastic female. Little fast spoken.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: OK, how old are your kids?
SAM:They're five and seven.
Staff: OK, have they ever skied before?
SAM:The five-year-old hasn't really, but we've taken the seven-year-old a couple of times.
Staff:OK, so we have a lesson that runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. or from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or a full-day option from 10 to 3. Half day is $50 and full day is $59, but those prices do not include lift tickets or rental. The 5-year-old won't need one though, but the 7-year-old will. They run everyday, but you do need to pre-book for ability levels. We do have day care too, is that something you'd be interested in?
SAM:I don't think so, I just wanted to see if I could have time for me and my husband and then be able to rejoin my kids later on.
Staff:Of course, so the half-day program would probably be best then. And the little one hasn't skied at all before right?
SAM: Well, sort of. We took him once, but northing formal.
Staff: Well, we do have a package for those who have never skied before, which does include rentals and it's only $35. Do you have access to the internet?
Staff: Our site will give you detailed descriptions of each program we offer, but I would recommend booking something prior to coming up because we do have quite a bit of beginners on the weekends.
SAM:OK, I'll check out your site, thanks a lot.
Staff: No problem, hope you make it up this weekend!
Rating: 9
Comment: All top notch information, but spoke faster than I could register the information, which makes it less clear and leaves me to wander their site for hopeful answers.
BC, Large Area
First Contact: Operator, transferred to ski school.
Answering phone: Nice sounding female
SAM:Stated question
Staff: Well, we have lessons for snowboarding and skiing. Three and 4-year-olds are in private lessons and groups start at 5 years old. The lessons are daily at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. It's $29 for either of the group lessons. How old are your children?
SAM:They're five and seven.
Staff:OK, so they're old enough for a group lesson then. Can you hold on one second and I'll check my availability. (Holding...) So for what day are we looking at?
SAM:Probably Sunday.
Staff:OK, and do you know their ability?
SAM:Well, the five-year- old hasn't really skied much before, but the seven year has gone a couple of times.
Staff: OK, well can the seven-year-old stop and turn and go up the chair?
Staff:OK, he'll be a novice then. We have availability for both on Sunday.
SAM:OK, that works, are those all the details I need to know then?
Staff:That's about it, feel free to call back to make reservations. And rentals are $12 for the full day actually and then that is it, tickets are included for the full day with the lessons. Hope to see you come on Sunday!
SAM:Thanks so much.
Rating: 7
Comment: Nice, patient, short and sweet but still had a few miles to go to get the big points. I need the details
BC, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose "ski and snowboard school."
Answering phone: Young male.
SAM: Stated question
Staff:Yup, first what are the ages of your children?
SAM:One is five and one is seven.
Staff:So what you can do is the full day lesson if you'd like. You'll drop them off at 8:30 and it all starts at 9:00 and you'll pick them up at 3:30. They'll be with other kids of similar ages and abilities. It's $115 for the lesson. The 5-year-old will get a free lift ticket and you can also get rentals with the package. So for the 5-year-old, for the lesson, rentals and free ticket it's $135 and for the seven-year-old it's $158.
SAM:Wait, I thought it was $115?
Staff:Right, it is without the rentals or lift tickets.
SAM:OK, do you offer anything else?
Staff:There aren't half-day programs for children, the only other option would be a private lesson, which you could put both children in together with one instructor if you'd like. There aren't any packages for that so you'd have to pay separately for rentals. (Don't I already with the day program?) The price is $599 for a 9 to 3 p.m. lesson, a half-day morning from 8:45 to 11:45 is $419 and a half day afternoon lesson from 12:30 to 3:30 is $359.
SAM:And that's without rentals? (Yikes!)
Staff:Yup just the price for the instructor.
SAM:OK, well are there any other tips I should be aware of for taking my family up there?
Staff: Um, yeah actually, if you're going to be here on Sunday night there's a fire and ice show at the base at 6:30. They have hoops of fire with skiers and riders going through with fireworks at the end. And we also have a family tube park located on XX mountain where you catch the gondola to get there and we offer a family discount pass for that too.
SAM: Great, thanks.
Rating: 7.5
Comment: Might as well sell one child to pay for the other's lesson, as it's my only option to be able to ski with them. Liked the selling of the other activities.