I just got new equipment and have a friend who had his skis stolen recently. I wanted to know what your policy is if my equipment was stolen?
Michigan, Medium Area
Answering phone: Young female. Super nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, we have ski check for a dollar and we do ask that you use the service for sure. And if they are stolen or lost, the first question we ask you is if they were locked or put in ski check. If not either, that eliminates our responsibility and then you would fill out a report to the police. You know, we try and do what we can for you and a lot of the times it's just a mistake where people mix up equipment. Your best bet, though, is definitely to use a lock.
SAM: All right, well that seems perfectly fair. So, once I report it it's entirely up to the police?
Staff: It is, yeah, just because there isn't really anything else we can do. But our security is aware and you can always check back if someone did take them by mistake and returns them.
SAM: Okay great, thanks a lot.
Staff: Oh, of course anytime, have a good day!
Rating: 8.5
Comment: Really hospitable and felt she wanted to help as much as possible.
New Jersey, Large Area
Answering phone: Female. Sounded like your pie-baking kind of Mom.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: You mean if they were here and got stolen?
Staff: Well, what it is, is that we offer complimentary ski checks and we have someone watch the equipment if you choose to check your skis or board. If it is stolen, though, we call the town police and you would file a theft report.
SAM: Oh well, okay. So, once I file the report with the police it's in their hands?
Staff: Yes, that's right. But we offer the complimentary ski checking so there would be someone standing with your skis all day. It's in a roped-in area so it's totally safe. Oookkay sweetie?
SAM: Yeah, that sounds great.
Staff: Okay, well I'm glad you called, but you do know our mountain just closed for the season right?
SAM: Ummm, yeah. Thanks.
Rating: 8.5
Comment: Patient, super friendly and great idea nonetheless. The mountain's even closed (my bad), but the woman still took the time.
New Hampshire, Medium Area
Answering phone: Young female. Really cheerful.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, we are not responsible for lost or stolen equipment. We do have plenty of ski and snowboard locks in our retail shop and we also have a free ski check on weekends that you can use. But if choose to put anything out on the general racks it is entirely your responsibility. I would certainly recommend buying a lock, you just can't go wrong.
Staff: Well there ya go. Thanks.
SAM: Oh no problem, have a good day!
Rating: 8.5
Comment: It was like a happy-go-lucky recording that didn't miss a beat. I can't really complain.
Pennsylvania, Small Area
Answering phone: Female, sounded preoccupied.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Uh, we have locks outside so you can just use those.
SAM: Oh! You have public locks that I can use?
Staff: Uhh, yup, they're there for everyone.
SAM: Awesome. And they're at all your ski and board racks by the lodges?
Staff: Yeah, exactly.
SAM: Nice. Thanks a lot.
Staff: Okay, bye.
Rating: 5.5
Comment: Apparently I was more excited about the conversation than she was. A little more enthusiasm would have done it. I mean free public locks people!
Colorado, Medium Area
Answering phone: Young male, really nice sounding
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Uh, if they're stolen there' s unfortunately not a whole lot we can do. We take down a lost property report from you and we keep one copy and another goes out to rental. If they're recovered we'll contact you right away.
SAM: Okay. So I file a report and it goes to the rental department?
Staff: Yeah, it goes to rental. Any loose equipment on the mountain is reported back to rentals. So, when they have your stolen equipment report they can match it if your stuff comes in because sometimes it's just mistaken. That's actually pretty common, go figure.
SAM: Sure I can see it happening. Well thanks a lot.
Staff: No problem, hope you head up here soon.
Rating: 8.5
Comment: Can't fault this guy on much. Friendly, thorough, and didn't mind explaining the whole process.
Colorado, Medium Area
First contact: Female. Sent me over to rentals.
Answering phone: Female. Sounded bummed like she was missing some epic powder day. (There will be others, my friend, not to worry.)
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um, if one of our boards is stolen I mean you're the one that signed a liability form so you're responsible for the equipment, so we would have to charge you for it.
SAM: Oh, no sorry I didn't mean rentals. I meant my own equipment.
Staff: Oooh yeah, personal stuff you call the police. Are your skis registered?
SAM: Um, no? What do you mean?
Staff: You can register skis or boards with the police so there's a bar code on them for identification. Liiike in case they're stolen for instance. (Am I sensing attitude?)
SAM: Oookay. So it's up to me to call the police then. The mountain has nothing to do with it?
Staff: No, there really isn't much we can do. It's kind of your fault. Okay?
SAM: Guess so, thanks.
Rating: 1
Comment: The only thing she was useful for was making me aware I can register my skis with the police. Good bonus but sour attitude. Ouch.
Colorado, Large Area
First contact: Young male. Laid back sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Uh, well, you know, obviously we take that very seriously. We'll contact security for you and I mean there are cameras in a lot of places, which is helpful, but not all places so it can be tough to find the person. So, I mean if they are stolen, we'll look back if they're in a camera location, but ya know
SAM: Sure, you're kind of out of luck most of the time, but I didn't know you had cameras, which is pretty cool.
Staff: Yeah definitely, and like I said, some places do and they've been really helpful in the past. And a lot of times skis that are stolen the person will see some little sticker or something and be like "ooh yeah, these aren't mine," and put them back. That happens more than you think so there's always hope.
SAM: Okay. But otherwise the mountain is free of any responsibility you're saying?
Staff: Yeah, I mean straight up, we don't reimburse. It's your responsibility for your equipment. Obviously you can lock them up, which is pretty much safe proof. It's not like you see too many people walking around with wire cutters, haha.
SAM: Okay, well thanks so much, I appreciate it.
Staff: Nooo problem, hope you have a good day. Tomorrow is suppose to be killer, should think about coming out.
SAM: Good to know, thanks. (I'll be on the first flight out of Boston buddy. I wish.)
Rating: 9.5
Comment: Nooo rush with this guy. Took his time to walk me through details and make the connection, not just spit out facts.
California, Large Area
First contact: Young Female. Energetic and pleasant.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm, you can make a report, but if they get stolen, ya know, we don't really have an official policy. I guess we could report it, but as for a reimbursement policy, it doesn't really exist.
SAM: Okay, so that's pretty much it then?
Staff: Yeah, our resort will report it and if they're brought back we'll definitely contact you, but I mean the chances of the person bringing back something they've stolen, ya know, haha, isn't very likely.
SAM: Of course, why would you steal skis and then bring them back? (Unless of course your conscience kicked in.)
Staff: Haha exactly, it's not very likely.
SAM: Okay, so when you say report them you mean to your security department or to the police?
Staff: Well, I mean if my skis were stolen I would report them to the police and to the mountain I was at.
SAM: Okay, but as far as your mountain goes?
Staff: Oh right, yeah. It'll be reported to our security department and we'll keep an eye out for them as much as possible but that's pretty much all we can do. Sorry we can't do more!
SAM: No worries, thanks for your help.
Rating: 8
Comment: Upbeat and happy to help, love it. Just needs to tune in a tad.
California, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose 0.
Answering phone: Female. Sweet sounding
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Can you hold on and I'll find out really quick. Thanks.
Hold time: 10 seconds
Staff: Okay, hi, sorry about that. So, we have a ski check for you to use, which only costs a dollar and we're only responsible if they get lost in our ski check or rental department or you're demo-ing another pair for instance. But, with the ski check it's guaranteed they won't be stolen so it's pretty much fool proof if you want to make sure you keep your skis. Especially if you just bought a new pair, I'd be so paranoid and worried myself!
SAM: I know! Exactly why I'm checking out what happens. I assume the ski check is near the main base of your mountain?
Staff: Oh also, the ski check is actually free for season passholders if you happen to be one. And sorry, what was your last question? I couldn't hear you.
SAM: Where was the ski check located?
Staff: Oh that's super easier. It's right at the bottom of the ramp when you arrive, right near the main base lodge. It's this little red awning that you can't miss, really sticks out. Even says 'ski check.'
SAM: Beautiful, thanks.
Staff: Oh anytime, happy to help. Hope you can make it up here, our spring conditions are great right now!
Rating: 9.8
Comment: Winner of the 3 P's - patient, polite and personable. Related to my concern, squeezed in conditions and made me feel the most cared for.
South Dakota, Large Area
First contact: Female. Super pleasant sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, we take down the information, but you know, there isn't really a lot we can do about it. A smart idea is to copy down the serial numbers and be sure to keep those with you. A lot of times either home owner's or renter's insurance will cover your equipment.
SAM: Oh yeah, I never thought of that. So then there's not much your mountain does?
Staff: No, not much more, but we, of course, report it to the sheriff's office and our security department will keep an eye out for them in case they come up.
SAM: Okay, good to know. Thanks so much.
Staff: Yeah sure, remember to write those numbers down, though. They could come in very handy.
SAM: Ok thanks so much.
Rating: 9
Comment: Great information with no fluff added and the only mountain to mention insurance. Easy high points.
Idaho, Large Area
First contact:Operator. Transferred to Security. (Ooh, I've never spoken to security before)
Answering phone: Male. Security-you-don't-mess-with sounding guy.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm, if they're stolen we need to basically fill out a stolen property report to the security office, who will then follow up as much as possible with the information given to see if we can find them for you.
SAM: Okay, so you just keep a look out for them?
Staff: Well that, yeah, but we also do a little bit of an investigation of who may have had access to them around the time you left them and try and track down times and dates to narrow it down. We don't like those people getting away with it.
SAM: Oh nice. So if the investigation doesn't return anything I'm pretty much out of luck? The mountain doesn't take any responsibility after that right?
Staff: Pretty much. A part of what our security office does, the mountain really isn't liable. But we do as much as we can to help locate them and sometimes equipment is just mistaken.
SAM: Okay, thanks so much, good to hear.
Staff: Yeah, of course, anytime.
Rating: 8.5
Comment: Confident answer and an entire investigation for my stuff. Loving the commitment.
Quebec, Large Area
First contact:Operator, transferred to guest services.
Answering phone: Male. Cranky sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um, well, you have to fill out a report ma'am. (Silence.)
SAM: Okay, what kind of report? One for the mountain or the police?
Staff: Both.
SAM: Ookay, after I fill out a report what happens?
Staff: Well there's an investigation. (Silence)
SAM: So you investigate and hopefully my skis are found.
Staff: Ahh, yes, hopefully they're found.
SAM: Okay but if not then what. Anything else?
Staff: It gets handed over to the police. (Silence...)
SAM: Okay then, that's it I guess. Thanks.
Comment: Killing me with the silent treatment. Oh, and the serious lack of information.
British Columbia, Large Area
First contact: Operator. Transferred.
Answering phone: Young female. Very sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well what happens is that you would file an incident report and then security will follow up with it and then you should also file a police report. You know, just starting down those lines is the best thing you can do.
SAM: Okay, so then it's pretty much up to me for taking care of it?
Staff: Well not entirely. You would need to come in and file an incident report with us. I'm honestly not sure exactly what that process is but I think a lot of it is in regards to insurance to see if you can receive any coverage on your equipment. We do try and track it down though as much as possible and sometimes you get lucky.
SAM: Okay, thanks so much.
Comment: Quick and painless while sounding overly gracious and polite. It's all in the attitude. But didn't give preventive measures.
British Columbia, Large Area
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Oh no! Well I can take your name, all your equipment information, and see if anything has come in.
SAM:Oh sorry, I didn't mean my skis have been stolen. Hypothetically speaking.
Staff: Oooh okay, phew. Well, it is your responsibility so we don't actually take any responsibility for your equipment.
SAM: Aright, so I'm on my own then with everything?
Staff: Yes, but if they're expensive and you said you just got them, it's worth using a lock, which we have, and just always using that for a guarantee.
SAM: Of course. So you have locks as in you provide them or that you sell?
Staff: Oh no, we sell them. They're in all our rental and retail shops.
SAM: Okay, thanks so much.
Comment: Great attitude and didn't hesitate for a second trying to help find my supposedly lost gear..
Quebec, Medium Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose O, transferred to Guest Services.
Answering phone: Young female. A bit short.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, we have a lost and found here, but if no one reclaims it. I mean like with coats and things we send them off to be given away after a certain amount of time. And with skis, I think like, we keep them until the end of the season if no one comes in to claim them.
SAM: You mean the lost and found I meant if my skis were to actually be stolen by someone, what happens then.
Staff: Right, we'll hold them in the lost and found until they are reclaimed.
SAM:Right, I don't mean the lost and found. As in if somebody actually stole my skis. As in they wouldn't be returning them to lost and found.
Staff: Oh well, yeah, you would fill out a report to the police then. (Silence)
SAM: Okay. And after I do that it's just up to the police? I'm on my own?
Staff: Yes, we have nothing to do with it after that. Unfortunately there's nothing we really can do.
SAM: Alrighty then, thanks.
Comment: At least it sounds like they have a well-equipped lost and found department.
Alberta, Medium Area
First contact: Male. Really nice sounding guy.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um, we take down a description of your equipment and keep an eye out for them. And then if they do come in, hopefully, we'll give you a call right away.
SAM: Okay so it's pretty much a simple report and cross your fingers then?
Staff: Haha, yup.
SAM: Okay, so then the police don't get involved, it's just with the mountain.
Staff: Yeah, I mean you can take it to the police but that's up to you. Here you would just submit the report and, like you said, cross your fingers.
SAM: Okay, well thanks.
Comment: Simple answer with a fun attitudeCan't lose points for that. But, again, no mention of how to avoid the situation.
Minnesota, Medium Area
Answering Phone: Female, very nice.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, we fill out a police report and then we fax it down to the station, plus our security would go around the mountain and try to locate it.
SAM: Okay. Well, once I file a report is it just up to the police then?
Staff: Well, we still try to find it and will always keep our eyes out for it. We try to work with them. I mean new equipment is not what you want to lose.
SAM: No, of course not, it's the last thing I'd want to lose. Well, thanks.
Staff: Oh, you're very welcome, thanks for calling.
Comment: Her compassion is a plus on top of her already cheerful attitude.
Wisconsin, Medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose skier services.
Answering phone: Young female in ski school. Transferred back somewhere.
Staff: Hello?
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: The ski patrol fills out a report and gives it to the sheriff's department, but after that we aren't responsible. Is that what you were looking for?
SAM: I'm not really sure, I was just curious how it's handled at your mountain.
Staff: Right, like I said, it goes to ski patrol, but if they are stolen for some reason out of ski corral, where you can pay to check them, then, of course, we're definitely responsible. Just not if you leave them out somewhere where they aren't locked or with us.
SAM: Okay, thank you.
Staff: No, thank you and anytime.
Comment: Pleasant enough but a little rushed for me.
Maine, Large Area
First Contact: Operator, young female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: From wait a second. You bought new skis because yours were stolen? Wait
SAM: Repeated question and was transferred to guest services.
Staff: What our policy is? Well we'd have you report to mountain security and we'd take down as much information as possible that you have on the equipment and then we'd keep our eyes out as much as possible.
SAM: Okay. And that's it? You don't have any responsibility?
Staff: Why would we?
SAM: Umm well, I don't know, that's the reason I'm calling.
Staff: Yeah, we're not responsible. You can do one of two things, either buy a ski lock, which is the best thing or put them away somewhere when you leave them.
SAM: Alright then thanks.
Rating: 5
Comment: Short, but not so sweet. All about the sweetness
Maine, Medium Area
First Contact: Operator, young female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm, we recommend that you buy a lock and besides that there's nothing else we can do to keep track of your equipment for you.
SAM: Very true. So that's it then?
Staff: Yes, ma'am there's not too much we can do for you.
SAM: Okay, thanks for your help.
Comment: Extra points for calling me "ma'am." But no good information here.