I'm a legally blind skier and would usually bring my seeing-eye dog to the mountain with me and have a friend watch them. I recently got a seeing-eye miniature horse and wanted to make sure your resort didn't have a problem with that.
California, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone:Young woman. Really excited!
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Oh my Goood! That is soooo awesome! Let me check on that for you, that's a great question. Hold on one second.
Staff:: Absolutely!
SAM: Oh, well okay, thanks. Can he come into the lodge then?
Staff: Yup, wherever you go or wherever you need to go, he can go with you.
SAM: Great. Thanks so much.
Rating: 8
Comment: Her excitement and friendless was just soooo awesome!
California, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose Guest Services.
Answering phone:Megan. Sweet sounding.
SAM:Stated question
Staff:: Oh, okay that's a good question. Let me see, I'm going to direct you over to Jane and she'll be able to help you with that question. Hold on one second.
Transferred to Jane- Super kind and patient.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um well, sure, we'll make whatever accommodations you needed. How would that work exactly, though, as I'm a little unfamiliar?
SAM: Well, very similar to a guide dog. He would walk with me to the ticket booth and lodge, wherever I went basically. And then my friend would stay with him while I went skiing.
Staff: Well, we would make any accommodations necessary and I'm assuming because it's a seeing-eye animal then it's exempt from any health codes. If you could just let me know when you're coming we would be able to have everything in order so it wouldn't be a surprise for our employees and a hassle to you. How big is he exactly?
SAM: Um, he's about 30 inches high. So about the same size as a golden retriever.
Staff: Ohh, Okay then.
SAM: Oh yeah, he's not like a large pony or anything. He's more like a dog.
Staff: Alright. Well, um, is he housetrained? I guess that would be our biggest concern. It might be a problem if he decided to go in the lodge.
SAM: Ha ha, of course, that would turn some heads. He is housetrained though, yes. So he won't go unless he tells me he needs to and with my friend there I'll have more help.
Staff:: Perfect, and of course we're happy to have you come and ski with us, so why don't I give you my direct line and cell phone number to call when you come. If you think of it, give me a call a day or two ahead, but if not, that's fine and you can call me on your way. This way, I can make sure everything is in order for you.
SAM: Perfect, thanks so much. I really appreciate your help.
Staff: No problem, we look forward to seeing you this winter.
Rating: 9.5
Comment: Great attitude, super welcoming and made me feel comfortable. Big points for Jane
Idaho, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services
Answering phone: Older woman, very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: So you are going to bring it to your room?
SAM: Umm, no, I would just have him with me that day when I came skiing.
Staff: I'm not sure, I don't really know. We don't have a corral or anything. Unless you know, you have your own corral.
SAM: Well, yeah, I mean he would just have to come off the trailer and walk with me and then I would have my friend look after him while I skied.
Staff: Well, uhhh yeah, that's a brand new question for me, ha ha, let me ask my manager. I mean I'm a horse person so I wouldn't have a problem with it, but they're not, so hold on one second.
Staff: We're thinking that's going to be pretty hard. When I go riding we tie them up but I mean it'd be hard with a horse in the lodge. Would you have a friend watch it?
SAM: Of course, just like I had friends watch my dog last season. I wouldn't leave him alone. They'd watch him the whole time I went skiing.
Staff: Ok, hold on again.
holding, again...
Staff: I think that can be worked out. We have a large parking lot out back that's part of our land and we have people bring RVs and campers who park there since there's plenty of space. So you could do that too. (How big does she think my MINI horse is?)
SAM:Okay, that'll be fine. Thanks so much.
Staff: Oh, you're welcome.
Rating: 6
Comment:A little rough off the bat, but very patient in her efforts
Colorado, Small Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose Guest services
Answering phone: Pleasant-sounding male.
SAM:Stated question
Staff: Umm. I've never had that question posed to me before. Let me transfer you to John our mountain manager who can definitely help you out with that.
SAM:Stated question to John.
Staff: Um, I guess, yeah, well I assume you have a trailer or truck for it or?
SAM:Yes I do. He acts just like a seeing-eye dog so he would guide me around the base area and anywhere else I would need to go and then a friend would watch him while I skied.
Staff:Okay, of course. What was your name?
SAM: Kristen
Staff: Kristen, hi. So I'm not sure about the housetraining factor, but any of our service animals have always been welcomed in our buildings. I'm not sure about ponies or anything, I mean my wife has horses so I'm not afraid or anything, I'm just not sure of the size or if it would be inconvenient for him to be inside. But it would be good for our staff and our other customers to see the possibilities of guide animals, so we definitely welcome you to come.
SAM: Thank you. You mentioned housetraining and size, and it's really like a big dog, he stands at about 30 inches and is totally house trained. He'll tap the door with his hoof if he really needs to go.
Staff: Okay, great I didn't know that. And the only areas that are somewhat off-limits would be food prep areas for health reasons. But if and when you do come up you. if you could give us a call we could prepare our staff for what they should expect and any suggestions you have for us to better accommodate you, that would be good to know too.
SAM: Great to hear, thanks so much. I'll definitely give you a call beforehand.
Rating: 9
Comment: Taken by surprise, John still put in every effort to accommodate my situation.
Washington, Medium Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Female. Nice enough sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Umm, I'd have to ask our mountain manager that question. Can you hold on?
SAM:Of course.
Staff: Great, one minute.
Staff: Umm, so the horse. Does the horse go skiing with you? (Yeah, it wears goggles, too.)
SAM: No, no, he doesn't. I would go with a ski guide and then I would have a friend watch the horse, just like I did with my dog last year.
Staff: Okay, so you want to bring him in the lodge then with you?
SAM:Well, yes, that's one of my questions. It would guide me around the base area and then I wanted to make sure if he is allowed in the lodge or not.
Staff:Okay, hold on one second.
Staff: I guess as long as the horse, umm, doesn't go, um, to the bathroom in the lodge.
SAM:Oh no, he wouldn't. He's totally housetrained.
Staff:: Okay, well then, yeah, there shouldn't be any problem.
SAM:Okay, thanks so much.
Rating: 4
Comment: Next time maybe transfer me to the manager.
Montana, Small Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Female. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: A seeing-eye mini horse. How fun. And how big is miniature?
SAM: He's about 30 inches high.
Staff: Oh wow, how neat. But he doesn't go on the slopes or anything, he just goes around with you.
SAM: Yes, exactly.
Staff: Okay, great. When you had a dog last season, what did you do in the past?
SAM: He would stay in the lodge with a friend while I skied.
Staff: Oh, okay, so you would do the same with the horse then I understand. Oh, well how fun. Let me actually have you talk with John our owner just because he can help you a little more.
Staff: Hi, this is John, Margi said you've been coming up here before with your guide dog?
SAM: Restated question for clarity.
Staff: Ha ha ha, how great is that to hear? How big is he?
SAM: He's about 30 inches.
Staff: He's only 30 inches high?! I'll be darned. Huh, when did they start doing that?
SAM: Well, it's been going on for a while now. The reason I switched to a mini horse is because I'm allergic to dogs but I didn't want to have to stop skiing so I wanted to make sure it was okay.
Staff: Ha, well I'll be darned. Will you do me a favor and send me an e-mail, or write a letter, whichever is easier for you, and I'll respond to you with more detail that way. I don't see any problems with it at all unless he starts attacking people.
SAM: Ha ha ha, no I can assure you he won't attack anybody. I can e-mail you if that's okay?
Staff: Of course, it's We look forward to having you up here.
SAM: Thanks so much.
Rating: 8.5
Comment: It's not every day you get the owner. Great attitude and super friendly people.
Vermont, Medium Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator for lack of better choices.
Answering phone: Female. Very pleasant.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Hmmm as far as I know we would be. I mean the best thing we should do is put you through to guest services except they're not there at the moment. I don't really see any difference though between a dog and a miniature horse. I would suggest calling back in a month or two when you could talk to someone in guest services who would be able to talk more in detail with you about it in case you had any specific questions.
SAM: Okay, thanks. I'll give a call back in a month.
Rating: 7.5
Comment: Perfectly nice and wanted to give me the best resource to answer my question thoroughly. Props for that.
Vermont, Medium Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Enthusiastic male
SAM: Stated question
Staff: A miniature seeing-eye horse? Huh, I didn't know they did that, very cool though.
SAM: Yeah, it is.
Staff: Well, yeah, I mean all service animals are welcome and good to go, so definitely, please do come.
SAM: Great, thanks so much.
Staff: You bet!
Rating: 8
Comment: Well, that was easy.
New Jersey, Medium Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose Guest services.
Answering phone: Nice-sounding female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: To bring a horse?
SAM: Yes
Staff:On the property?
SAM: Yes. It's miniature horse though, so it's like a big dog.
Staff: You know this is a ski area, right?
SAM: Yes, I do.
Staff: What would you want to do with the horse?
SAM: Well, I used to leave my dog in the lodge with a friend while I went skiing with the guide. So I wanted to see if my mini-horse could go in the lodge.
Staff: Oh, I see. Hold on one second, let me transfer you to someone who can help you out.
SAM: Thanks.
Answering phone: Nice female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff:Hi. Yeah, we don't see any problem with that at all.
SAM: Oh, okay then, thanks so much.
Staff: No problem, have a good day.
Rating: 6
Comment: Transferred to a higher source-great. The first source-not so great.
Minnesota, Small Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose communications office.
Answering phone: Young female
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Umm, let me find out for you, just one moment please.
Answering phone: Older woman, very sweet sounding.
SAM: Restated question
Staff: Okay, so you were going ski with it?
SAM: Oh no, I would have a friend stay with him. Usually my dog would stay in the lodge with a friend while I went skiing with a guide so I wanted to check and see if that was okay or how it worked at your area.
Staff: Well, I don't know, we haven't had this situation before. Um, and certainly it could not come in the chalet. Would you need him while at the resort if you had a guide with you? Perhaps keeping him in the parking lot?
SAM: Usually he would walk me through the base area and wherever I went, but if I had a guide he could probably stay behind and have a friend keep an eye on him.
Staff: Yeah, that would probably be the best bet, you would probably have to leave him in the truck, it would probably be safe that way.
SAM: Okay thanks so much.
Staff: Oh, you're welcome, thanks for calling.
Rating: 5
Comment: She was nice enough, but didn't understand the situation very much. Plus, I don't think you can deny access to service animals.
Illinois, Small Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose "further assistance."
Answering phone: Female
SAM: Stated question
Staff: It's a mini seeing-eye horse?
SAM: Exactly, so it's about the size of a golden retriever. Totally housetrained, under voice command, just like a dog. I'm just allergic so I had to get a horse.
Staff: Oh I get it. Well, yes, I mean we have to accept the dog so we would accept the horse as well.
SAM: Okay, then, thanks so much.
Staff: Oh, you're welcome.
Rating: 6
Comment: Super friendly sounding and I don't mean to nitpick, but you "have to" accept the dog maybe a different choice of words.
Wisconsin, Small Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering Phone: Male. In need of a large Red Bull, asap.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: You, ah, got a seeing eye horse?
SAM: Yeah.
Staff: That you want to bring to the mountain? What would you do with the horse?
SAM: Well, just like when I had a dog, he would stay in the lodge with a friend while I went skiing with a guide.
Staff: Well, we have had dogs here before, but we've never had a horse, I don't know what to say. I don't really want a horse walking around the chalet.
SAM: Okay. That's why I was calling to check.
Staff: How do you even bring a horse around?
SAM: I have a miniature horse trailer that we use. It's the same size as a big dog so you could even haul him in a covered truck bed. They're pretty easy to transport.
Staff: Yeeeah I mean it would just be such a spectacle inside with all the kids wanting to pet it, even more so than a dog you know?
SAM: Understandable, sure. That's fine. I can have a friend bring him back to the trailer while I ski. Thanks.
Staff: Sure. And when I see a miniature horse, I guess I'll know who's it is.
SAM: Sure, guess so.
Rating: 1
Comment: 'Nuff said.
British Columbia, Medium Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Automated machine, waiting for "next available agent."
Answering phone: Young female. Super friendly.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: It's a horse?
SAM: Yes.
Staff: Umm, let me check on that for you as I'm not entirely sure. Do you mind holding for just one minute?
SAM: Sure, thanks
Staff: Hi, so sorry that took so long, we've never had that question before. So, as long as you have proper documentation for the horse then there's no problem at all. And we do have a grizzly bear and wolf refuge on the mountain, so you should stay away from those areas with the horse, just because we don't know how they'll all react. We also caution you that the horse will experience a significant altitude change and just want you to be aware of that for its safety.
SAM: Thanks so much. And yeah, I don't think I'll go anywhere near the bears or wolves. He would guide me around the base and then stay in the lodge with a friend while I skied with a guide. So, I just wanted to check and make sure that was okay.
Staff: Oh, yeah, of course, definitely. As long as you have the documentation for it, there absolutely no problem.
SAM: Okay great, thanks so much.
Staff: Oh, you're more than welcome, thanks so much for calling.
Rating: 8.5
Comment: Awesomely polite, as Canada always is. And a nice bonus mentioning the altitude and the wild animals.
British Columbia, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Young female.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: It is a miniature horse?
SAM: Yes.
Staff: Just one second, let me put you on hold while I find that out for you.
Staff: Thanks for waiting, sorry, okay so I guess at the moment we would definitely accommodate you and the horse, we just have a few questions, like how big is it and so on, just because we've never been in this situation before.
SAM: Of course. Well he's about the size of a large dog. He's completely housetrained and under complete voice command. So he's exactly like a seeing-eye dog, but just a miniature horse.
Staff: Oh, okay, that all sounds fine. And are you in the area or would you be staying with us overnight?
SAM: No, I live in the area so it would just be a day trip.
Staff: Oh okay, then I assume you'll want him to stay in the daylodge when you ski?
SAM: Exactly. My dog stayed in the lodge and a friend took care of him while I skied.
Staff: Okay, I understand, sure. Hold just one more second please. I just want to get as much information as possible so I can answer you properly.
SAM: Sure.
Staff: Okay, thanks again for waiting. So we definitely can accommodate you and the horse can stay in the daylodge especially if you have a friend that will watch him. As your service animal, he can go wherever you go so, yes, please do come.
SAM: Great, thanks so much for your help.
Staff: No problem at all, have a great day and thanks for calling.
Rating: 9
Comment: Killed me with politeness and thoroughness. Couldn't ask for much more.
Alberta, Large Area
First contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering phone: Young female. Very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Um, I'm not sure. We do allow seeing-eye dogs in, like service dogs we allow for sure. If you can just hang on one second I can check for you.
SAM: Sure, thanks.
Staff: Hi there, thanks for holding. Okay, so I checked with downstairs and they said if you could e-mail them the details, they'll be able to help you out with anything you need or have questions about.
SAM: Okay, I can do that.
Staff: So, if you just e-mail with all the details and any requirements you have for us to better accommodate your experience, they'll get back to you with everything that we can do to help.
SAM: Okay, thanks so much.
Staff: No problem, thanks for calling.
Rating: 8
Comment: Didn't rush the call and went to the right source to make sure I was assisted the best I could be. Nice job.