Fall 1973

Special Report On The Media
Complete reporting on the shake-up and reorganizing of NSAA and the whole new trade show set up. Plus a timely review of other happenings in the ski world. ...

Complete reporting on the shake-up and reorganizing of NSAA and the whole new trade show set up. Plus a timely review of other happenings in the ski world. ...
SAM speaks out on the major shifts in NSAA policy and on the role of the supplier. Don Metivier speaks out on professional ski writers. Foy Feuchter of the Forest Service writers about the need for framing environmental standards; and the SAM philosophizes measuring beauty. All thought-provoking editorials. ...
Three features that will help you take better advantage of the ski publications (article by Dave Rowan starts on Page 31) and newspapers (tabulation of in formation on newspapers covering major skier markets of North AMerica on Pages 32-32) ...
by SAM Technical Editor, Robert E Kinney. Bob tells you the reasoning behind the new "dual doubles" that everyone os talking about, and explains both what they can and what they cannot do for you. ...
The seond in what will be an extended series. See also page 36 ...
There's nothing we can do about it but it is pretty interesting to see what ski meteorologists, Joel Myers and Elliot Abrams say about the East's horrible winter last year-and what we can expect this year! ...
Sam's idea File Editor gives you a cram course in SCR drives. Are they for you and why? ...
Food editor Richard D. McHugh shows you the way to greater efficiency and great profits in your food service by meaningfully motivating the supervisor. ...
The first of a series of humorous illistrations by the ski world's foremost cartoonist, Bob Bugg, on provisions of the ANSI B-77 Tramway Standards. Commisioned by SAM as a public service for safety. ...
An interesting and permanently useful record, broken down by manufacturer. ...