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January 2006


  • Lifts 2005-Nothing to Brag About

    In terms of numbers, the lifts built in 2005 hit an all-time low. But the news is not all bad. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A PDF OF THE ARTICLE The annual lift construction survey has been lovingly and carefully watched over by David Rowan, Nils Ericksen and many before them in the 44 years it has existed. So, when the job became mine this year, I dutifully turned to our back issues and poured over the historical data so that I was armed to tackle this year’s analysis. When this year’s figures were compiled and the charts were made, I thought there had to be a mistake. As near as I could figure, it was the worst lift construction year on record. That’s right, folks, only 33 new lifts...

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What's Your Area Worth?

If you're planning on selling or tackling a major upgrade, here's a formula to determine the value of your resort.

Lifts 2005-Nothing to Brag About

In terms of numbers, the lifts built in 2005 hit an all-time low. But the news is not all bad.

Playing Second Chair

With the cost of new lifts on the rise, many areas are turning to the second-hand market with a great deal of success.

All Hail the Bullwheels of Summer

Mountain bike parks for summer guests boil down to the freestyle terrain your winter guests love. It's all about creativity and doing it right.

Bouncing Into Summer

Gravity sports are all the rage and a great way for mountain resorts to cater to the summer guest.

Fun and Games

Take a look at some of the trends in entertainment straight from the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions show.

Building a Great Shop

A well-thought-out maintenance shop can save a lot of time and money and keep maintenance personnel productive.

Speak-Out :: January 2006

Burt Mills, General Manager and COO of Moonlight Basin, courts new skiers with "Free Skiing for Those Who Earn It." Olympic medalist Billy Kidd suggest "Riding the Olympic Wave" by telling the story of Bode Miller and Team USA. And Roberto Moreno, founder and director of Alpino, talks about the importance of reaching "The Ambivalent Electorate."

Industry Reports :: January 2006

Peak Resorts Moves East Again... Burke Sold to Ginn... Gondola to Connect Whistler and Blackcomb... Laurel Remains Closed... Cypress Sold... Windham Sold... People... Supplier News... Supplier People

Emerging Markets

Slats is back and he's analyzing the disappearance of the ski bum.

A Great Start

This year’s season got off to a record-breaking start for many and a nice rebound for others.

Ride Guide

The industry take its first stab at putting freestyle to paper.

Rethink Sled Culture

Incidents betweens skiers and snowmobiles are rare but serious. Do your practices reflect the latest thinking on sled use and safety?

Get 'em While They're Young

Maine-based WinterKids infiltrates the school system to promote outdoor education and winter sports.

Halting the Brain Drain

A discussion thread at explores why it's so difficult to attract and retain mechanics.

New Frontiers

In October, ski area operators from Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Korea and North America discussed the future.

Blue Pages :: January 2006

Reviewing the Environmental Scorecard... $1 Millon for a Week in Aspen?... Evolution in the Park... Beer Money... Advertising on Forest Service Land... A Might Wind(Mill)... Laying Down the Law With Guests... NSP Seeks a Few Good Men (And Women)... Shortswings