The Question: My boyfriend and I are planning on coming up to your mountain this weekend and we haven't been skiing in years. How much will we spend for the day?
Mountain 1: michigan, medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine, chose operator
Answering Phone: Friendly young woman
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Hmmm, let me look here. On Saturday from 9 to 4:30, it’s $51. (Silence… $51 for tickets? Rentals? Snowcat ride?)
SAM: Alrighty then…I’m guessing that’s for lift tickets. What about rentals?
Staff: Oh yeah, right, ha ha, that was for tickets. Do you ski or snowboard?
SAM: I would be skiing and he would be snowboarding.
Staff: Snowboarding is $25 and skiing is $30 (those poles really rack up the price, huh?).
SAM: OK, so we’re looking at something around 80 bucks then.
Staff: Yup, that’s right.
SAM: OK, thanks a lot.
Comment: The ditsy factor was hurting the personal connection, but at least she was laughing about it and laughing is contagious so you can’t complain.
Mountain 2: ontario, medium area
First Contact: Automated machine, waited on line for representative.
Answering Phone: Super friendly sounding woman
SAM: Stated question
Staff: OK, well so you’re not looking at staying overnight then, just for the day right?
SAM: Yes, we’ll just be coming for the day.
Staff: All right, well rentals are $35 plus taxes. Then we have the spring rates available for our tickets so it’s perfect for you. Adult tickets for the day are $39 plus tax. If you’re just coming for the afternoon, from you know, 12 on or so, it’s $34. We also have a Learn and Discover skiing and snowboard program and so for $90 dollars you’ll get group lesson, rental equipment and lift tickets for the beginner area of the mountain. Once you take the lesson you can then upgrade the lift tickets for the full mountain. So it’s really good if you haven’t been out in a while on the hill—it’ll get you back into it.
SAM: Oh wow, those are all great options. About the rentals though, is that $35 dollars for ski or snowboard packages?
Staff: Oh, it’s actually $34, sorry about that. But it’s for either rental package, your choice.
SAM: Oh perfect. Thank you.
Staff: Oh you’re welcome. Have a great day.
Comment: This one almost won. Very friendly, actually listened to my question and tried to upsell me into a package—which makes sense. Makes you feel important and taken care of, and that’s the way it should be for the customer. Very nicely done.
Mountain 2: Idaho, Medium Area
First Contact: Automated machine, chose lift hours and ticket prices option
Answering Phone: Automated machine reciting ticket prices and other things. Found out it’s $44 dollars for adults full day. Then the machine hung up on me! Called back, listened to the same automated machine and chose rentals this time. Apparently, people are not needed anymore. Found out what kind of ski equipment they have…listened until I heard a ski rental package including skis, boots and poles that was $21 for a full day or $17 for a half day. And then I hung up on them. Yeah that’s right.
Comment: It took me two calls to get the answers I needed, which is unnecessary. Their automated machines could have answered any question in the book, though, interesting customer service.
Mountain 3: vermont, Large Area
First Contact: Automated machine, chose receptionist option
Answering Phone: Very friendly woman
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Well, are you looking for just a lift ticket?
SAM: Lift tickets and then rentals also.
Staff: OK, no problem. Rentals are $25 a day, whoops, I mean $27 dollars for the day. Lift tickets are $54 dollars for the day for an adult. But you know, depending on the weather we might not be open that particular day, so you’ll want to check back with us before you head up just to make sure.
SAM: OK, I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks a lot.
Staff: Oh you’re welcome. Hopefully we’ll be open so you can come up!
Comment: Happy and straight to the point with a bit of good advice about calling ahead. Much appreciated.
Mountain 4: california, xc area
First Contact: Male, tired sounding
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Do you need accommodations or just skiing?
SAM: We won’t need accommodations. Just skiing.
Staff: OK, we’re looking at $29 for an all trails pass and if you need rental equipment it’s $21.
SAM: OK, well what’s included in the rental package?
Staff: Ski boots and ski poles.
SAM: OK then. Thanks so much.
Staff: Sure. Bye
Comment: Ski boots, ski poles and…I know it’s been a while, but it seems there’s something else. Wow, dude, you’ve got to work on your social skills, and maybe your ski equipment knowledge.
Mountain 5: Vermont, medium AREA
First Contact: Hung over sounding young female
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Oookay, it’s about $39 right now.
SAM: OK. (Silence…)
Staff: Ookay?
SAM: No, not really, sorry. What about rentals?
Staff: Umm, those would be, hold on I’ll send you over there.
SAM: Thanks
Transferred to rentals.
Answering Phone: Cranky young female
SAM: Stated question specifically for rentals.
Staff: Umm, what time are you planning on coming up?
SAM: Not really sure, in the morning, probably around ten or so.
Staff: Ookay, then it will be $29 per person for skis.
SAM: I’m guessing that includes everything, skis, poles and boots?
Staff: Yeah. (Silence…)
SAM: What about snowboards?
Staff: Those are $34 dollars.
SAM: OK then, I’m all set, thanks.
Comment: Wow, must have been some party last night. Water and Tylenol girls, maybe even a smile or two. Oookay?
Mountain 6: New york, large area
First Contact: Automated machine, chose operator option
Answering Phone: Sweet sounding young female
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Umm, right now we’re in our extra value part of the season. So for the day it would be $47 for an all-day adult ticket. Are you going to need rentals, too?
SAM: Yeah, we definitely will.
Staff: Um, lets see, let’s get that information for you. Well, for skis, boots and poles or—wait, sorry, are you snowboarding?
SAM: I’ll actually be skiing and he’ll be snowboarding.
Staff: Skiing is $36 for one day and then it’s $65 dollars for two days. And then for the snowboard rentals, let’s see, does he need boots, too?
SAM: Yes, he will.
Staff: OK, let me pull that up. One second. It actually looks as though it’s the same price as the ski package. So it’ll be $36 for the day.
SAM: That’s easy to remember. Thanks.
Staff: Anytime, hope to see you this weekend.
Comment: Good coverage, even made sure my guy would have some boots to snowboard with. Sneakers just don’t do the job. Patient and super pleasant, big points.
Mountain 7: indiana, ski Area
First Contact: Friendly, Mary Poppins sounding woman
SAM: Stated question
Staff: Sure, well the lift tickets… are you both over eighteen?
SAM: Yes, we are.
Staff: OK, then well the lift tickets would be $30. And then, actually, when you buy a lift ticket this weekend you’ll get a complimentary one to use on any other day of the week starting Monday, for the rest of the season!
SAM: Wow, awesome.
Staff: I’m guessing you’ll probably need rentals then if you haven’t been in a long time?
SAM: You read my mind.
Staff: Oh glad I could, will you need skis or a snowboard?
SAM: I ski and he snowboards.
Staff: OK, to rent the skis for a full day, the whole set, so boots, ski and poles will be $22 and $32 for the whole snowboard package which is also board and boots. Have you ever been here before?
SAM: No I haven’t, actually.
Staff: Ohh cool! Then you certainly have to come visit us.
SAM: Oh yeah, we figured we’d give it another try.
Staff: Oh, of course, where do you live?
SAM: Umm, about a half hour south of you (having never been to Indiana, had to think fast on my feet for that one).
Staff: Oh perfect, then you’re close.
SAM: Yes, we’re looking forward to it. Thanks so much for all the information.
Staff: Anytime, we look forward to having you, have a safe drive up.
Comment: She was a spoonful of energetic sugar who knows how to treat that potential new customer. Even told me to have a safe drive up, stellar all the way around.
IDENTITY REVEALED: Perfect North Slopes
Mountain 8, Idaho, Small Area
First Contact: Young woman, friendly.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um, our lifts tickets are just $20 because it's our last week that we're open, aaand we only have one lift running. It goes from the bottom to the top. We also don't have our beginner area open.
SAM: Well, OK then.
Staff: Did you need rentals?
SAM: Yes, we definitely will.
Staff: Skis or snowboards?
SAM: Skis
Staff: They're $18.
SAM: For just skis or all of it?
Staff: Skis, boots and poles.
SAM: OK, so $38 dollars for the day then?
Staff: Yup, that's right.
SAM: Great, thanks so much.
Rating: 7
Comment: Well, dang, I don't care if it looks like the lone white strip in November, $38 bucks, I'm sold. You could even throw a beer and a burger in there and keep it under $50.