First contact: Bob. Laid back, seemingly nice guy.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We're already offering a discount on the rates, which expire on May 31, and these are the cheapest rates I've seen in the past 10 years.
SAM: Well, what if I were to give you a credit card right now over the phone? Is there anything you can offer or discount? I see you have a few pass options, there must be something you can discount...
Staff: The discount is the price you see. For $299 you can get midweek and Sundays, and actually everyone's paying with credit cards and cash at the moment.
SAM: So, even if I came down there today with cash, so you wouldn't have to pay the credit card fee, you still can't provide even the slightest discount? I want to buy a season pass but don't know if I'll have this money in six months. I don't want to go without one next year.
Staff: Yeeeah, it's still $299. (Yeeah, your attitude is dipping, Bob.)
SAM: Even if I had my husband and kids buy a pass with me right now? That gets you multiple passes sold, there must be something you can discount then?
Staff: Well, we have the family pass for $1,299 which is like just you and your husband buying one and the kids skiing for free. (Silence...) 
SAM: I saw that but right now every penny counts and that's a little steep. I want to be sure I'll at least have a pass and since I know I have the money now and may not later, I want to make my purchase ahead of time. There's nothing you can offer me?
Staff: Well, there's also the option where you can put $100 down now and then we charge the rest on September 30. That's something new we're offering this year and never have before. It helps with the costs. We're trying to be more accommodating this year.
SAM: That is new and something I will definitely think about. Thanks.

Rating: 8
Comment: Bob was pretty patient with me and did finally come up with that two-payment option.


First contact: Automated machine. Chose season passes.
Answering phone: Young female, nice but sounded a little out of it.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Ummm, yeeeah. Right now we just have the X plus for $429 and then for $100 more, it’s a full pass at X mountain as well. The other offer ended, like, ummm, three or four, umm yeah, three or four weeks ago.
SAM: What was the other offer?
Staff: It was, like, umm, $30 off this price? Yeeah, $30 off.
SAM: Okay, well do you think you could spare me that $30 today? I mean $429 is a bit steep at the moment, but I really want a pass. I can pay right now over the phone if you can give me that discount.
Staff: Nooo, umm, yeah there’s nothing I can do.
SAM: Well what if I came there today and paid cash. You would avoid credit card fees, sell a pass, make a customer happy? It’s only $30 .
Staff: Nooo, it would still be the same. Yeeeah.
SAM: Okay, well, when does this offer end?
Staff: Prices are subject to change, but this price should be good until Friday, yeah.

Rating: 4
Comment: Umm, yeah. Maybe she could have asked someone higher up?


First contact: Automated machine. Chose operator, transferred to mountain services.
Answering phone: “Please enter your 10-digit phone number followed by the pound sign.” (Odd. Did it anyway and waited for attendant.) 
Answering Phone: Young male. Nice sounding. “Hi, can I have your name?”
SAM: Um, Kate.
Staff: Hey Katie, this is Jason. How ya doing today?
SAM: I’m good, thanks.
Staff: Awesome. So how can I help you out?
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We currently don’t actually have any season passes for sale right now. We’ll probably be ready in mid-August or early September with those.
SAM: Oh, okay.
Staff: We’re planning to offer some great deals though, I do know that. We know money is tight for some people, but we want you to be able to afford to ski with us so just stay tuned, we plan to take care of you.
SAM: Hm, well thanks.
Staff: Oh anytime. So what you can do is either check back on our website which is for updates on when the pass prices will be released, or you can just give us a call back in August and we’ll be happy to walk you through everything.
SAM: Sounds great, thanks.
Staff: Oh no, thank you for calling, have an awesome day.

Rating: 8
Comment: Awesome job, Jason.


Answering phone: Female. Polite sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um, no. Um, the season pass is whatever it is at the moment. Uhh, let’s see the price of a pass... and we do have different categories. Let’s see, where is it... ah, the unlimited pass is $1,793 and we do have a blackout pass which is $747.93 with tax and a mid-week option.
SAM: Well, I would be looking at the blackout pass, but money is kind of tight right now and I’m looking for any discount I can get. What if I paid you cash to avoid credit card charges? I would come down and pay it today in person...
Staff: Yeah, no. That’s the price, unfortunately. You did miss the early price in April which was discounted $100.
SAM: Okay, well, but if I paid you cash today you could perhaps sell one more pass at that April price? We wouldn’t have to tell anyone, no paper trail!
Staff: Yeah, no, I still can’t do it. The price is what it is, sorry. And there’s always a trail.
SAM: So $747 is my only option? That’s it?
Staff: Unfortunately, it is, yes.
SAM: Okay then, thanks.

Rating: 5
Comment: Persistent and polite. Can’t fault that. But maybe she could have asked someone?


First contact: Automated machine. Chose season pass office.
Answering phone: "Season passes, this is Gale." Gale sounded like she had a rough night.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Well, we've got three types of passes to offer. Which were you looking for?
SAM: Any that you might be able to discount.
Staff: Well, I can give you the prices they're offered for now. (Went over each pass level and included benefits.)
SAM: Okay, well I would be in the Silver range. But money is really tight and I can spend what I have now, but may not have it six months from now when the prices will go up. Are there any discount offers going on that you could give me today?
Staff: No, I'm not authorized to do that.
SAM: Okay, but what if I paid right now over the phone or, better yet, came there with cash today so you could avoid any credit card fees?
Staff: Nope, I'm not authorized to give any discounts.
SAM: Do you offer any family discounts? My husband is looking to buy one as well and we're thinking to include the kids.
Staff: Um, nope.
SAM: What about any buddy passes. I know some New England areas have buddy pass systems and discounts...
Staff: Again, no. I'm still not authorized. (Silence...)
SAM: Thanks.

Rating: 2
Comment: Maybe Gale shouldn't be authorized to answer the phone.


First contact: Automated Machine. Chose season pass office.
Answering phone: Susan! Really sweet sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm, the discount is purchasing it before September 1! He he he, sorry!
SAM: Ha ha, that’s okay, what is the price now, then?
Staff: Are you an adult over the age of 18?
SAM: Yes.
Staff: Okay, so you would probably want the unlimited pass, which is good for everyday and is $349 and bumps up after September 1. So it’s definitely worth it to get it before the first and it’s a great deal in general. Then we have a mid-week pass as well.
SAM: Okay, I think I would be in the unlimited range. But, I’m calling around to see what the best deal is out there. I love this mountain and want to ski here and was just thinking if I were to come there today and pay cash or pay you right now over the phone, maybe there’s some super early special you could give me?
Staff: Um, well I mean I can put you on hold and just double check, but our policy is really just September 1. But let me just see if the GM will answer any differently. He he he okay?! Okay, hold on one second.
Staff: Hi, I’m still trying to find the answer for you. Do you mind holding for one more minute? And what was your name, I’m sorry I didn’t ask before.
SAM: Oh sure, thanks. It’s Kate. (Love the head’s up on longer holding.)
Staff: Hi, Kate, this is Susan again! So I have great news! Our rate prior to this bump up was actually $339, which wasn't much lower, but we can still honor that price and then we can give you a midweek ticket for a friend or family. How does that sound?
SAM: Oh my gosh, awesome! Thank you! Can I come down this afternoon and pay you cash for it?
Staff: Oh, no worries, we’re glad to help you out today. And, yes, you can come this afternoon. If you don’t mind, can I take down some of your information so we have it ready for you when you get here? And when do you think you’ll be here?
SAM: Um, sure. I’m probably get there around two. (Gave name, address and telephone number.)
Staff: Okay, Kate, just come on down at two this afternoon and we’ll have a season pass ready for just you at $339, along with a midweek ticket you can use for family or friends.
SAM: Thanks very much.

Rating: 10
Comment: Wow! Do I ever feel badly about not showing up! Awesome attitude, great GM mention, and made me feel special with my own deal!

Identity Revealed: Pats Peak