Question: My son came home from school and was telling me about a passport program. Can you tell me more about that and what it is?
Mountain 1
First Contact: Automated machine.
Answering Phone: Male. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Okay I, ah, just a second. (Talking to another employee, asking her the question.)
Staff: It's Ski XX that you need to call. I was just verifying that.
SAM: Oh, Okay
Staff: Yeeeah. Ski XX. They're the ones that, is it for like 5th and 6th grade?
SAM: I guess so, yes. He's in 5th grade. Can you tell me maybe just what the basics of it are? I've just never heard of it before and am trying to figure it out.
Staff: I, okay, so I, I don't know what it costs, or what not. But it allows, I think a 5th grader gets a couple. Ah, umm, I think a 5th grader gets three days of skiing. Two or three days I can't remember at each of the resorts.
SAM: Okay, so it's a program for 5th and 6th graders and some kind of ski pass where they get to ski a few days at all the participating resorts?
Staff: Riiiiiight. They issue a little booklet. They come to our ticket windows all the time and it's got a picture of the kid in it with a couple of coupons that you tear out. We don't sell them here, but we do honor it. So Ski XX is who you need to contact.
SAM: Sounds like it. Well thanks so much for the information.
Staff: You're welcome. Ba-bye.
Rating: 4
Comment: If they "come to your ticket window all the time," wouldn't you know more about it?
Mountain 2
First Contact: Female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Passport, is it a ticket program? I’m not too sure about it myself.
SAM: I don’t know. He just said it was passport program for skiing and he wanted to do it, but that’s it, so I’m trying to get a little more information on it.
Staff: Okay, well let me transfer you over to the ticket office, they might know a little more about it. Hold on one second please.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Season pass?
SAM: Um, he just said it was a passport program for skiing and he wanted to do it.
Staff: For our mountain?
SAM: Um yeah, he said that your mountain takes part in it.
Staff: Um, he may be talking about the XYZ program. It’s a book that you purchase, but we don’t actually sell it. It is like a coupon type of thing. Um, and different mountains, all kinds of mountains all over the state . It’s to promote kids to get outside and ski. So the coupons you would get for our mountain, I think you get two or three of them, would be with the purchase of one adult ticket, you get a free child’s ticket.
SAM: Okay, so I would buy this for him and then I would also have to purchase a ticket to use the coupon?
Staff: Right.
SAM: Okay, so who should I contact to get one of the coupon books?
Staff: I would look up XYZ online or XYZ program online and that would probably be the only information. Sorry, I don’t have anyone else to contact. Unless he’s thinking of a season’s pass?
SAM: Well, he definitely said passport program, so I’ll just check out the website and see if I can’t find out some more information.
Staff: Of course, and that gets you out to X and Y mountains instead of just our mountain. The season pass we could sell you is just our mountain.
SAM: Great, it sounds like a good program. Thanks for all your help.
Rating: 7
Comment: Good information with an even better website mention to get me started.
Mountain 3
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering Phone: Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Oookay, he is in 5th or 6th grade?
SAM: Yes, 5th grade.
Staff: If you go onto the Ski XYZ’s website, they have information about that through their website. And I don’t have very much information on it, but I could transfer you to the ticket office if you’d like.
SAM: Yes, but could you just tell me the basics of what it is?
Staff: Umm, my understanding is that for a low price they offer, um, seasons passes to different ski resorts around the state.
SAM: For 5th and 6th graders?
Staff: Hm hmmm.
SAM: Okay, so it’s just a season’s pass that works at multiple resorts?
Staff: That’s right.
SAM: Okay, and it’s for the whole season?
Staff: That’s my understanding. Hm hmmm.
SAM: All right, so I’ll just go on the website and look it up that way.
Staff: Yeah.
SAM: Okay, perfect.
Staff: Hm hmmm, go on there and they’ll give you all the information.
Rating: 4
Comment: It was like pulling teeth.
Mountain 4
First Contact: Female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: It’s um, the passport program is offered to 5th and 6th graders and it’s offered through XYZ. And what it is is members of XYZ will honor three free days of skiing for 5th graders to all ski areas who are participants. What you need to do is go to their website, I’m not even sure what it is, but let me look it up for you. And then all you have to do is register the child on their website and then you need to upload a photo and then they’ll mail you a pass. Or—well, it’s like a little credit card and it lists all the ski resorts that you can go it.
SAM: Oh, wow, that sounds nice. Do you know how much it is?
Staff: It’s free for 5th graders and it’s $100 for 6th graders, and 6th graders actually get four days of skiing at every resort.
SAM: Oh! So it’s free for my 5th grader and that’s it. I don’t have to purchase anything else? It’s just a program that XYZ does?
Staff: Hm hm, yup. Yeah, it’s just a free little incentive. You just have to fill out some information on their website. And their website is
SAM: Perfect and it’s pretty self explanatory once I’m there?
Staff: Um, I believe so, I’ve never actually done it myself, but I just Googled it and the passport program link is right there and I’m sure it’s an easy step-by-step process.
SAM: Great, thanks so much for your help!
Staff: No problem.
Rating: 9
Comment: Well, that was easy. And it just goes to show that good customer service doesn’t always mean having the information. Good customer service is finding it.
Mountain 5
First Contact: Female. Grumpy sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: The passport, that’s ah, is he in 5th grade?
SAM: Yup, he is.
Staff: (Silence…)
SAM: Okay…
Staff: If you go there you’ll get all the information on the passport.
SAM: Ookay. Do you know what it is at all?
Staff: Uhh, it’s a passport that kids have to do certain things to, aahh… (sounds pissed and I hear a phone ringing in background). Can you hold one second?
SAM: Sure. (Holding…)
Staff: Hi. It’s a 5th grade snowsports passport that provides skiing for 5th graders at all the state’s resorts. There’s a $20 processing fee, and $5 of that fee is donated to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. It gives you discounts at each of the areas. (Whew, take a breath, lady.)
SAM: Okay, that sounds pretty good. So I should call his school, maybe, or you said go online, right?
Staff: (Silence… )
SAM: Okay, it is. Thanks.
Rating: 3
Comment: Geez, sorry to bother you.
Mountain 6
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose guest services.
Answering Phone: Young female. Very nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Okay, we do participate in the 5th grade—he is a 5th grader?
SAM: Yes.
Staff: 5th grade passport program, which is part of XYZ. Give me one second to pull the website so I can give you more information.
SAM: Okay, great. So it's a ski pass for 5th graders for just your resort or for multiple resorts?
Staff: It's for multiple resorts. So the passport allows you to ski or snowboard three days free at each of the participating XYZ ski areas... And I do know that X and a lot of different resorts besides us are usually in this program. So for us, what we give, is we have two pages in the passport book, but I think it's like 40 pages total. We give three free lift tickets, as well as discounts on your rentals, half price. And discounts on your lessons, and I believe that's half price on a private lesson or free group lesson.
SAM: Oh, wow. So, do you know how much the passport program is?
Staff: It looks like it is $20 for processing.
SAM: So it's just a school program that they do for the kids?
Staff: Yeah, exactly.
SAM: And that's all I have to purchase to get them the coupon book and three free days?
Staff: Correct. Do you have access to the web?
SAM: I do, yes.
Staff: Do you want me to send you over a link where I am?
SAM: Oh, that's okay, I can look it up. I think you said the main website earlier.
Staff: Of course it's and you should see the passport program right there. And I think you can actually pay and sign up online as well.
SAM: Great. Thanks so much for all your help!
Rating: 10
Comment: Can’t get much better than that! She knew her stuff and had a super attitude.
Identity Revealed: 49 Degrees North