First Contact: Young female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Ummm, I think there’s a, ahhhh, all-day activity pass, but there’s not a summer pass. (Wrong! I’m reading about your summer pass on your website right now.)
SAM: OK. What’s the all-day pass?
Staff: That is… that gives you, umm, wait a minute, that gives you, umm –
SAM: Your XYZ Park?
Staff: Yeah! The slide, the coaster, the mini golf, the mountain biking, scenic chair ride, climbing wall, maze, trampoline, bounce house, pony rides and gem-stone panning. OK?
SAM: Great, and how much is it?
Staff: Hmm, let’s see. When are you coming?
SAM: I’m not sure yet, I’m just trying to do some summer planning.
Staff: OK, ‘cause during the value season, which is from A to B and then again from C to D, it’s $65 and otherwise is $70. Oh look, there’s a kid’s pass too! Do you have kids with you that are under the age of 8?
SAM: Yes, one of them is.
Staff: OK, then the kids are $37.
SAM: So you are just doing all-day passes, but not an actual summer season pass?
Staff: Not a season pass. There’s the all-day pass and then each thing you can do à la carte.
SAM: Sounds good. Can I book that online or do I need to come in?
Staff: You can. Yeah you can book it online or you can get it when you get here.
SAM: Thanks so much.
Staff: Sure thing!! Have a great day!
Rating: 2
Comment: A brand new, all-inclusive summer season pass was being promoted on the area’s website, and the poor girl had no idea.
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering Phone: Young female. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: We do not offer those, unfortunately.
Staff: Yeah, we just have the daily pass.
SAM: So, the daily pass gives me access to all the activities?
Staff: Correct. It’s $45 for the day.
SAM: OK, and is that unlimited for all your adventure park stuff?
Staff: Yup. It’s unlimited. The only thing that’s separate is the XYZ adventure, but for $65 it’s a combination ticket so you save $20.
SAM: Oh, awesome. So that gets me both parks?
Staff: Correct.
SAM: Is there a difference between ages for the day pass?
Staff: Um, under 48” tall is cheaper. I believe it’s, let me check… yup it’s $26.
SAM: Great, and that includes mountain biking as well?
Staff: Mountain biking is separate. It’s a $26 fee only because you have to sign a waiver for that.
SAM: Fair enough. Well thanks for the info. Can I buy tickets online or reserve online or is it something I buy in person?
Staff: Well, the XYZ adventure you have to reserve online, but if you wanted the combo pass you can just upgrade when you get here.
SAM: Great, thanks for all your help.
Staff: No problem!
Rating: 8
Comment: Short and sweet and to the point.
First Contact: Automated machine.
Answering Phone: Young female, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um, season pass information?
SAM: Yup, for the summer.
Staff: Umm, that would be me. Umm, you’re looking for the activities for the summer?
SAM: Yeah. I’ve heard you have quite a few activities like disc golf and bungees and other great things for families. I was just wondering if you offered a summer season pass for all of that?
Staff: Oohhh, noooo, no. No, we don’t. Nope. All that stuff is complimentary for our house guests.
Staff: If you want to ride our chairlift and you’re not a houseguest, then it’s a $5 fee. But mostly everything else you can help yourself to.
SAM: So everything else I pay as I go? Individually?
Staff: Um right, we don’t, uhh, for, umm, our bonfire and smores, that’s all complimentary. And then we have hayrides. The zipline is an extra charge. It’s $20 for the ABC zip or $59 for the XYZ adventure, which is about a two-hour trip.
SAM: OK, so everything I see on your site I pay for individually. Do you have any group rates or any frequent visitor rates?
Staff: Noooo, no we don’t. (Silence…)
SAM: All right then, I guess I’ll just check out what you have online.
Rating: 4
Comment: This resort has over 28 summer activities. Don’t you want to mention more than just three?! Noooo, no probably not.
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator. Transferred to reservations.
Answering Phone: Woman, nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: For the waterpark, yes, at $89. For the whole summer at $89 plus tax is $101.39.
SAM: Great. Is that for any age?
Staff: Yup, starting at three years old. Two years old and younger are free.
SAM: That sounds great. Do you offer any other passes that includes your other activities like ABC, XYZ and 123?
Staff: No. For those, no there is not.
SAM: No problem. So just the waterpark then for any deals?
Staff: Just for the waterpark, that’s right.
SAM: OK, and all the info for the waterpark and other activities are on your website?
Staff: Yes,
SAM: Great, thanks!
Staff: You’re welcome, bye!
Rating: 7
Comment: Solid information, but a little quick to get off the phone.
First Contact: Young male. Sooo, like, tired-sounding.
SAM: Stated question. Transferred to ticket sales. Answering machine. Called back.
Answering Phone: Same tired-sounding dude.
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: OK, I can check real quickly. I actually don’t have that much information on it but...
SAM: Sure, I was just hoping you could give me something since their answering machine said they were only open on weekends. I’m just trying to make some summer plans.
Staff: Uhh, yeah, let me see. Hold on one second. (Holding… 1:30 minutes.)
Staff: Ma’am? I’m not seeing any information on it. As far as I can see it’s only winter season passes.
SAM: All right, so you don’t offer a summer-specific season pass then?
Staff: As far as I’m seeing, I’m not seeing that. (Silence…)
SAM: OK. So should I just check your website for individual prices for the summer activities?
Staff: Yeah, definitely check out the site, see what’s on there. ‘Cause like as far as I’m seeing on there, I’m not seeing anything.
SAM: Umm, OK, yeah. Thanks.
Staff: Have a, uhhh, good one.
Rating: 1
Comment: As far as I’m seeing, you might need some customer service training...or a more up-to-date pricing sheet.
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering phone: Audrey (that’s her real name). Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: No, we don’t have season passes for the mountain adventure park I’m afraid, just for the waterpark.
SAM: So nothing for the adventure park?
Staff: Noo, that’s all done at CBK Mountain Adventures and they don’t currently offer a summer season pass for that area of the resort.
SAM: No problem, but you have one for the water park?
Staff: We do, yes. It’s $99 individually, but if you purchase four or more in a single transaction they’re $89. Those prices are only valid through June XX, after which time they will go up to $120 and they won’t include any of the added benefits, unfortunately.
SAM: All right. And that price is for any age?
Staff: Yup, it’s for all ages. Because the general admission price is $37, the $89 for a season pass is two and half visits and it’s paid for.
SAM: It sounds like a great deal.
Staff: Yeah, certainly, and there’s also two free tickets on there that you can use to bring a friend with you so there’s $74 preloaded on it that you can use to bring other people. As well as a free picnic table. There’s also 5 discounts on there for the zipline, so instead of paying $15 for the zipline you only pay $10. It’s a $5 discount, so right now it’s $15 to do the zipline, but if that changes you still get the $5 discount off whatever price they say.
SAM: Awesome. So the other mountain activities are pay as you go?
Staff: Yes, at the moment. The tree top adventure is $49, unless you make an advance reservation for nine o’clock in the morning and then we offer that one at $39, but it has to be reserved in advance. It’s called our early-bird special. But generally the prices are $49 for the tree top, $49 for the Segways, $25 for the Hummer tour, ummm, zipline is currently $15, but it’s only $20 for two rides, for the same person to do it twice. The disc golf is $5, but you do pay a $20 deposit for the discs you use, which you get that back when you return the discs in good condition. Umm, I think that’s it.
SAM: Wow, fantastic! And I’ve heard you have a climbing wall, right?
Staff: We do have a Euro Bungee, which is down at CBK Mountain Adventures. Now, it talks about the climbing wall at CBK Mountain Adventures, but I have to tell you that it’s inside the waterpark. So, in order to use it, you have to pay admission to the waterpark. It’s VERY popular with children so we decided to have it in the waterpark.
SAM: So my waterpark pass would allow me access to the wall?
Staff: Absolutely. And I believe the climbing wall is $5 as well.
SAM: Where can I buy the passes?
Staff: OK, you got two choices. You can come in and do it with us in person, or you can go to and purchase it online. Whichever is easiest for you. But either way, you have to come in and get your picture taken with us to pick it up.
SAM: Well, that sounds great, thanks for your help.
Staff: No problem at all, thanks for calling.
Rating: 10
Comment: That, ladies and gentlemen, is how it’s done.
Identity Revealed: Camelback, Pa.