First Contact: Male. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Let me connect you to human resources, hold on please.
Answering Phone: Woman. Nice sounding.
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: They actually don’t hire ticket checkers. Those are lift loaders, they rotate around. So if you wanted to do that you would also be working on the lifts.
SAM: Okay, cool. What do you mean exactly by “working on the lifts?”
Staff: Loading people on and off. Silence…
SAM: Oh, OK, that’s fine. It all seems like a fun job to me, no matter the exact position. And I would be able to ski right? During the day…
Staff: Umm, on your days off. I’m not in the lift department, so I’m not really sure what the policy is of when you get to ski. But the best thing for you to do is to apply online. And you would go for “lifts.”
SAM: Sounds good, I can do that.
Staff: Yeah, and if you want, we have a job fair on Saturday, and you’d be able to talk to the manager then.
SAM: This Saturday?
Staff: Yup.
SAM: Great. Do you suggest I apply online and come to the job fair or just come to the job fair?
Staff: Well, I would fill out an application online because we’ll print them all out and have them at the job fair.
SAM: Perfect. Well, thanks so much. I’ll see you on Saturday.
Rating: 6
Comment: Nice enough, but where’s the spirit?
First Contact: Young female. Very nice.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um, yup, so you need to go online and you can print off the application form. Fill that out and, like, are you in X town or ... ?
SAM: Yup, I’m nearby.
Staff: OK, so you can either do it online or you can come in and get one and fill it out. You’ll need to hand in the application form and your resumé.
SAM: So you suggest I do both?
Staff: Yes, I would suggest both.
SAM: And I can just find the application on your website?
Staff: Yup, down at the bottom you can click on employment and it will show all the jobs we have available right now, and there’s a link to download the application.
SAM: OK, and what is the official job title of that position?
Staff: A mountain greeter.
SAM: Mountain greeter, OK. And so they do the lifts and greet people?
Staff: They don’t do the lifts. It’s just handling tickets and doing guest service inside.
SAM: Is there a specific position for the people at the bottom of the lifts?
Staff: That’s a “liftie” if you’re just doing the lifts.
SAM: Cool. And I can apply for both positions?
Staff: Yeah, sure. Of course!
SAM: And can you ski during the day in that position? I hope!?
Staff: Um, the lifties get ride breaks, yes, because they switch around during the days. I mean, you usually work on one lift for the whole season, but, yeah, they get ride breaks. I’m not sure if greeters get ride breaks, sorry. They definitely might.
SAM: OK, no worries. I’ll go online and fill out an application. Thanks!
Rating: 8
Comment: Short and sweet and to the point.
First Contact: Young female. Not very happy sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Uhh, well, the best way to try and get on there is to come to the job fair on Saturday. Bring a resumé and all pertinent stuff and people will be there to interview, ah, whoever.
SAM: OK, sure. What is the official title of that position?
Staff: Well, it is car parking, ticket checking, snow shoveling, there is, ahh, lift attendant.
SAM: Is the lift attendant the person at the bottom checking tickets?
Staff: Basically ticket checker, yes.
SAM: And do they get to ski during the day I assume?
Staff: Umm, during the day, not so much. Maybe if their shift is done early and they have time to go.
SAM: Hmm, OK. So you just suggest I come to the job fair and talk to the manager of that department?
Staff: That’s correct. Silence…
SAM: Great. What time does it start?
Staff: 10. Silence…
SAM: And it’s at the base of the mountain?
Staff: Yes. Silence…
SAM: Any specific location?
Staff: Um, the X bar and grill.
SAM: Thanks!
Rating: 2
Comment: I can’t wait to work there and have a beer with her after my shift.
First Contact: Female.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Um, you start online. Have you been on our website at all?
SAM: I have, yeah, but not to apply for a job.
Staff: OK, well it’s, and then at the very bottom is a tab called employment.
Staff: So, like, you click on that and you have to submit an application via, like, our online application, or you could do it in person if you’re around. But it’s easiest just to fill it out online. And then it kinda goes from there. Like it shows you what positions are available, so if they’re still hiring you can go ahead and apply for one of those. And you get three choices. You just fill that out and submit it ,and then someone will be contacting you once they get your application.
SAM: Sweet. So what’s the official title of that position?
Staff: Umm, like you could do guest services, ooor, umm, ya know, well, do you just want to check tickets or do the lift stuff? Like lift operator is what you do there at the base of the lift.
SAM: Where they help people onto the lift?
Staff: Mm hmm.
SAM: So that’s a totally different position than the people checking tickets?
Staff: Mm hmm, sure is!
SAM: OK, well, either one of those is what I was interested in.
Staff: Well, yeah, so, like, it gives you three choices so I would just look and see if one of those is still available.
SAM: All right. And then I just wait to hear back from you?
Staff: Mm hmm.
SAM: And I get to ski during the day?
Staff: Yup, as long as you’re working 40 hours a week you get a free ski pass.
SAM: Very cool. So I assume the sooner I apply the better?
Staff: Yeah, yeah. Like, most departments are already done hiring, so I would say you should try to do it today, yeah.
SAM: Sounds good, thanks!
Rating: 5
Comment: Like, some of that was confusing, but she, like, tried her best.
First Contact: Young female. Snippy sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Umm, just come up to the front desk and fill out an application. Silence…
SAM: That’s it?
Staff: Thaat’s it.
SAM: Alrighty. And I assume those people get to ski during the day?
Staff: Yes. Silence…
SAM: Hmm, OK, well all that sounds good. I guess I’ll just come up to the front desk and fill out an application.
Staff: OK, sounds good.
SAM: Thanks!
Rating: 1
Comment: She was like an enthusiasm vacuum.
First Contact: Automated machine. Chose operator.
Answering Phone: Female. Nice sounding.
SAM: Stated question.
Staff: Let me put you through to human resources.
Answering Phone: Female. Nice sounding.
SAM: Restated question.
Staff: OK, have you filled an application out yet?
SAM: No, not yet.
Staff: OK, well that’s your first step. If you’re local you can come right up to the mountain or, if not, you can go online to and click on the employment page and fill out an application online. And you’re talking about the ticket checking in the lift lines?
SAM: Yeah, I think so. I just see them outside all day, hanging out with people. It looked pretty fun! And you get to ski a bunch hopefully?!
Staff: Yup, yup! Oh, absolutely! Soo, on your application, it’s going to ask you which positions you want to apply for. In that section just put ticket checker and it will go to the person who collects the applications online, who will send it to the manager, and then we’ll call you for an interview. And all that stuff. So your first step is to fill out the application. And if you’re local you can just come up and fill one out if that’s easier for you…
SAM: Awesome. Well I’m kind of local so I’ll just fill one out online if that’s OK?
Staff: Sure, of course.
SAM: Great. And you said that that position does get to ski during the day, too?
Staff: Umm, you can ski on your breaks, yes. And you can ski on your days off and stuff like that.
SAM: Sounds good. Well thanks so much. I’ll go online and fill out an application.
Staff: No problem!
Rating: 9.5
Comment: Good attitude, great info and lots of patience.
Identity Revealed: Mount Snow, Vt.
November 2011
Mountain Spy :: November 2011
Mountain Spy Liz Eren plays an eager young adult yearning to work and play in the mountains—remember those? We called them "ski bums." Unfortunately, many resorts aren't feeling that love or passion anymore. Perhaps we should get more "human" in the HR department.
Written by: Liz Eren
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