May 2013

Best/Worst Marketing, 2012-13
SAM's anticipated annual review of resort marketing efforts. It’s been 10 years since SAM first took up the best/worst quest. In the old days, this was mostly a matter of reviewing ads in magazines. But media have changed tremendously, and as a smart guy once said, “the medium is the message.” Resorts now have a lot of stories to tell, and many ways to tell them. As do their guests. The explosion in media makes our task of assessing the year’s output a team effort. We have compiled a team of well-versed and thick-skinned critics, who sought out not just good advertising, promotions, and marketing, but the truly stand-out programs. “As a marketer, I’m always looking for the ...

Below is the Table of Contents. We have selected a few articles that you can read in their entirety online.
To order an article that is not online or a back issue of SAM Magazine, email
Mountain spy, Liz Eren, asks a question on finding the best snow. We’d like to give credit for this question to Arapahoe Basin’s Alan Henceroth, who told us that they get this call a lot. As a reward, we did not call A Basin, but everyone else was fair game. Send Liz Eren your questions and, if we use one, win the immunity challenge for one issue (!