January 2017

Livin’ La Vida Loca
Some Industry heavy-hitters, and past SAMMY Award winners, talk about their journey, guilty pleasures and best days. To kick off our celebration of 20 years of the SAMMY Awards, 2016 SAMMY winner Halley O'Brien checked-in with a few past honorees to see where they've been since their SAMMY, what they're up to now, and how often they wash their ski socks. Read each full interview by clicking on the thumbnail of a SAMMY winner below. Just below the thumbnails, enjoy the entire story—which includes samplings of our interviewees' answers, blended with muse from Halley—as it was published in the January issue of SAM. Thank you to all of the SAMMY Award winners for taking the time to be ...

Below is the Table of Contents. We have selected a few articles that you can read in their entirety online.
To order an article that is not online or a back issue of SAM Magazine, email donna@saminfo.com.

Snow brings people. And people bring their wallets. The contents of those wallets drive the economies of most ski area communities, small or large. People spend money in restaurants, hotels, and retail shops. When these establishments are busy, they often need help from local service people to keep everything running. As a result, electricians, plumbers, contractors, and the like are busy as well—all because there’s snow.