November 2020
November 2020

Snowsports and Rental in the Age of COVID
Industry leaders share strategies for keeping operations safe, profitable. Industry members gathered for the SAM Huddle on Sept. 14. Top to bottom: Olivia Rowan, SAM Magazine; Nick Herrin, PSIA-AASI; Elianne Furtney, Squaw-Alpine, Calif.; Rachael Milner, Cardrona/Treble Cone, N.Z.; Burt Skall, Taos Ski Valley, N.M.; Tom Meyers, Wachusett, Mass.; and Simon Pagé, Les Sommets, QC. When it comes to COVID and the ski resort business, all parts are not created equal. With relatively minor adjustments (e.g., reduced lift passengers), most resorts expect ski-and-ride operations to at least resemble normalcy. On the other hand, food and beverage services are likely to take a big hit, with...

Resorts can capitalize on a new market of guests seeking new experiences. SNOW PLAY OPTIONS ABOUND: (top, left to right) Frolicking in the snow at Tahoe Donner; Cross country skiing and snowshoeing adventures at Giant’s Ridge. Last March, as resorts shut down amid the escalating pandemic, snowsports enthusiasts, keen to keep sliding, turned to ...