Targeting The Elusive, Unfaithful Skier Market
New research sponsored by USIA shows that people who say they are skiers are not necessarily the ones on the slopes. Called the USIA Vacation Planning Study, the research tells a story of many well-intentioned skiers who were never convinced to act. A comparison of the National Skier Opinion Survey (NSOS) study and this one reveals the differences between those who said they would ski and those who did. -
Designing And Analyzing Lift Parts For Metal Fatigue
A detailed look at the problem of metal fatigue, examining most applicable properties of both static and fatigue failures in metal. Feature includes: graphs, charts, specifications and mathematic formulas for figuring failure thresholds. -
Catching Amusement Trends
Participatory attractions may be appropriate as summer activities for some ski areas. This feature examines a few of these new and old amusements. A new trend in the theme park arena has spawned several new activities that stand by themselves, such as human mazes and labyrinths, Tank Tag and Boat Tag and fun miniature trains that are both functional and attractive. -
Getting And Keeping Senior Skiers
A look at PSIA East research into effective senior skier programs. The result is a tried and proven program called a Senior Day, most often a midweek lesson and ticket combo with various incentives. This feature continues with a look at the tune-up races for the future Senior Olympics. -
Pick Your Price And Your Place
A look at a preferred pricing strategy that was employed by Winter Park, Colorado. This method entailed the scaling of lift tickets that would cover restricted mountain access, half days and night skiing. With these different variables adjusted within the ticket prices, many people were able to purchase the exact amount of satisfaction that they were looking for. -
Madison Avenue Invades Hunter
How 250 advertising executives ended up at Hunter Mountain, New York, for a free day of skiing and activities. Sponsored by Advertising Age magazine, the event was of great benefit for Hunter due to the number of decision-makers in the promotion business that visited their mountain. -
Music's Coming To The Mountains
A look at various summer concert series that have been taking place over the last few years. The acts vary from festivals to symphonies to heavy metal. The business has not always been profitable but the publicity is of great benefit in the the following seasons. -
Convention '92
A recap of major events at the national trade show held in Orlando, Fla., described as "A fine convention, with modest attendance; but played out against worrisome association problems." Includes a sidebar on the ongoing debates over association dues and whether or not smaller areas will remain within the association or withdraw to regional associations. -
The Second Ski Industry Computer Software Catalog
This article details 27 offerings from 23 companies on software for the ski industry. Covers software, software-hardware systems and computerized services. -
Nsga And Asd Count 1991 Skiers
A quick reference for trend lines of national skier participation numbers. Includes a chart of numbers for the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA). -
New Products
Chair seat cleaning machine by H Ski Products; ID Badges by Data Link Information Solutions; Winter Playgrounds by Azimut Creation. -
The Important, But Difficult, Future Of Usia
A critica look at the industry's trade association.
Magazine Archives
July 1992
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