Environment And Growth
A look at the fundamental differences between environment and growth. This feature is a background to a series of articles to come in future issues intended to differentiate between environmental regulation and quality-of life factors. -
Why Is This Water Blue?
On peak days, the new waste water recycling system at Killington, Vt., saves up to 30,000 gallons of water and frees up sewage treatment spray fields. The first of its kind in Vermont, and one of the first nationwide, this new approach to water conservation has more than met its challenge. -
Recycle Or Die
Many ski areas were into waste management even before it became a potential environmental issue. Here is how Hunter, N.Y., Mt. Snow, Vt., and Aspen, Colo., are dealing with trash. Also includes a look into several of the more successful recycling ventures across North America with photos and sources of products. -
Award-Winning Day Lodges
Three lodges--at Beaver Creek, Deer Valley and Keystone--are models of what works functionally, fits weather conditions and offers aesthetic appeal. A comprehensive look at these lodges with site plans, photos and schematics. -
A Calm, Strong Voice In Vermont
As head of Vermont Ski Areas Association, Joe Parkinson is the respected industry voice in a state that is continuosly on the cutting edge of social and environmental change. An in-depth profile of this industry leader. -
No Snow, But Still They Show
A profile of the Hillend Ski Center located outside Edinburgh, Scotland. This artificial turf for skiing without snow, called a bristle slope, is the biggest on the continent and reports more than 200,000 skier visits per year on a year-round operation schedule. Includes a sidebar on the popularity of bristle slopes in Europe. -
Is There A " Best" Air Pressure?
As the debate intensifies between the virtues of low, high or in-between psi ratios, the answer may be found by looking at equivalent air/water ratios. An engineering report on the realities of the effects of air pressure on snowmaking. Includes tables of test figures. -
Constructive Deconstruction
An examination of the engineered destruction of the Eskimo lift at Winter Park, Colo. The destructive testing, organized by Jim Fletcher of Jenlynn International, was an experiment in the event of complete failure of a ski lift. Full editorial journal of the events along with photos, tables and graphs are included. -
Pressure On New England Real Estate Market
An in-depth look at the prevalence of real estate auctions this past season. Article explores the reasons for this trend and its effect on the resort real estate market in the Eastern U.S. -
Vic-Vac Sells With Service
A look at the upstart reservations specialists Victoria Vacations. This company, set up by the owners of Stratton, Vt., and Breckenridge, Colo., will use high-tech computer equipment and a highly-trained staff to deliver the most complex of land/air reservation ski packages to the public and travel agents. -
Ski School: Station Teaching
A look at the station system for teaching skiing developed at Crested Butte, Colo. This system was designed to accomodate the large number of first-time skiers that were attracted by the Learn-To-Ski-For-Free program offered by the area. -
Hungry Skier: Food Service Financials
A look at several methods for food and beverage directors to do off-season number crunching. These simple formulas allow managers to isolate the strengths and weaknesses of their food service outlets. Includes sample charts and tables. -
The Other Risk Management
A look at seven basic steps needed to formulate a comprehensive risk management program. -
Negotiating Fees
A preliminary guide to negotiating fees for major capital projects. Includes a how-to approach to educating personnel involved in the bidding and fee-negotiating process and covers preliminary design and contractual obligations. -
Labor Woes In The Kingdom Of Aspen
A look at housing shortages in Aspen, Colo. The author gives a detailed account of recent events that have squeezed many middle-income workers out of their homes to make room for high-priced homes. The problem has intensified in recent months, leaving the management at Aspen searching for housing solutions. -
Summer Reports
Construction this past summer was limited due to low earnings from past seasons. However, the summer was a busy one for trail maintenance and also in the courtrooms. A look at the summer's events broken down by region. -
Pete Totemoff, Allison Merrill And Harold Hirsch
One of several obituaries for ski area pioneers and industry leaders Pete Totemoff, Allison Merrill, and Harold Hirsch. -
Marketing Insights From American Sports Analysis
A review of the results of the American Sports Data study on American sports participation. This study breaks down the skiing population by sex, age and household income. Article includes a graph of results and comparisons to numbers from related sports.
Magazine Archives
September 1990
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