(Thanks to Dave Gibson from Propeller Media Works for the beautiful photos!)
Participants attended seminars ranging from managing peak days to energy choices and alternatives, crisis communications, and staffing strategies. Michael Berry kicked off NSAA's Fall Education seminars with his keynote titled, "Seven Important things." These things were addressed in more detail during follow-up sessions, including the hot topic of aging lifts, failure to warn, and sweating the small things when it comes to risk management.
At the final dinner gala, Sam Geise received the Spirit of Excellence award for his distinguished career and service to the Pennsylvania Ski Areas Association (PSAA). And, Mark Halter, formerly of Kissing Bridge Ski Area was also inducted into the SANY Hall of Fame.
The party that followed was true to the SANY tradition of going big; the theme this year was the Olympics. The event included the passing of the torch (the fall-show torch, not Olympic) to Pennsylvania and Camelback Resort, where the 2017 ISKINY-PSAA show will be held.
The slideshow that follows is courtesy of Dave Gibson of Propeller Media Works, who has both a new camera and a good eye.