SAVMI is an anomaly in the spring trade show calendar. Unlike the several lift-focused meetings in regions across the country, SAVMI is the only conference exclusively devoted to vehicle maintenance. Several longtime attendees noted that the program has become increasingly valuable. Not surprisingly, attendees came from as far away as the West Coast (California to British Columbia) and the Midwest (Wisconsin).
It would be possible for a mechanic to fill a three-day schedule with either Prinoth- or PistenBully-specific classes. Both companies offered half-day sessions on Tier 4 engines, plus other half-day classes on hydraulics and electronics. And each held a two-hour roundtable on the final day. These sessions often played to a full house; the Prinoth electrical class drew 62 people.
Management sessions focused on a number of safety, environmental, and regulatory issues. The combination of EPA Tier 4 fuel requirements and the close tolerances of Tier 4 engines make fuel handling an essential topic, and sessions that addressed this were well attended.
The trade show on Tuesday evening was packed, and lively conversations sprouted throughout. Several vendors entertained attendees with clever demonstrations and equally clever banter. But as with nearly all aspects of SAVMI, from the opening dinner at the Prinoth shop to the final day’s roundtable discussions, there was an undercurrent of purpose throughout. The younger attendees in particular are keen to soak up as much information and knowledge as they can, and their enthusiasm and energy help activate the event.
SAVMI handed out several annual awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award to Dick Kincade of Taos Ski Valley, and the Tim Krause Memorial Award, which recognizes the “mechanic of the year,” to John Sheldon of Loveland Ski Area. Todd Hartman of Steamboat and John Barker of Loveland were runners-up to Sheldon. More awards and recipients are recognized in the slide show.
Mushet roundtable
Chris Perkins of Pro Academy talks about mechanic/driver relationships during a roundtable discussion.
Jack Wally and Matt
Jack Hicks (left) and Matt Compton (right) of Bogus Basin flank keynote speaker Wally Shank of Safehold Special Risk.
trade show knowledge exchange
As always, the trade show was filled with lively, and often informative conversation.
scott and brett cleanboost
Scott Weiher of Jackson Hole, left, and Brett Winberg of Combustion Technologies. CT’s popular proactive maintenance session helped draw a crowd during the trade show.
snowbasin duo
Enjoying a break during the trade show: Snowbasin’s Stephen Tallant, left, and Bob Bergman.
lif track 1
Steve Ward of The Summit at Snoqualmie meets with Lif-Track’s Keith McPherson.
hydraul brock cascade jason grand
Getting the inside scoop: Chris Masaki, left, of Hydraulic Controls talks with Brock Lindvig of Cascade Mountain, center, and Jason Cooper, Grand Equipment Co.
mags and Rios
Mags Amirsakis of Beaver Creek, left, and Cindy Rios of Snowmass
park city duo
Tanner Lofthouse, left, and Jake Gash were part of the contingent from Park City Mountain.
delta keith wolf creek
Keith Grinolds, left, of Delta Rigging, with Wolf Creek’s Parker Rickert, center, and Nick Ross.
steamboat and yellowstone
SAVMI board member Ben Pinke, left, of Steamboat, with Chris Dullum of the Yellowstone Club.
aspen snowmass kassbohrer
Left to right: Aspen Skiing Co.’s crew of Dave Ringer, Norm Archer, and Don Mushet with Kässbohrer’s Paul Hagerman.
sunrise and prinoth
Warren Quintero, left, of Sunrise Park and Kevin Keppler, Prinoth.
fallline landtek
Rich Cummins, left, of FallLine Corp. chats with Nick Whitman of LandTek.
lifetime Dick and Terrie
Dick Kincade, maintenance manager at Taos Ski Valley, here with his special guest, Terrie Mangat, received the SAVMI Lifetime Achievement Award.
Mags Amirsakis of Beaver Creek earned the Vehicle Maintenance Support Award—a practical one that will make it easy to whiz about the shop.
safety award
The SAVMI Safety Award went to Breckenridge, for achieving the longest period (several years) without a reportable injury. Bob Moore received the award—who forgot the real plaque?
schol Howard
Phil Howard of Steamboat Powder Cats received the $1,000 SAVMI Scholarship Award.
Chris Perkins of Pro Academy talks about mechanic/driver relationships during a roundtable discussion.
Jack Hicks (left) and Matt Compton (right) of Bogus Basin flank keynote speaker Wally Shank of Safehold Special Risk.
As always, the trade show was filled with lively, and often informative conversation.
Scott Weiher of Jackson Hole, left, and Brett Winberg of Combustion Technologies. CT’s popular proactive maintenance session helped draw a crowd during the trade show.
Enjoying a break during the trade show: Snowbasin’s Stephen Tallant, left, and Bob Bergman.
Steve Ward of The Summit at Snoqualmie meets with Lif-Track’s Keith McPherson.
Getting the inside scoop: Chris Masaki, left, of Hydraulic Controls talks with Brock Lindvig of Cascade Mountain, center, and Jason Cooper, Grand Equipment Co.
Mags Amirsakis of Beaver Creek, left, and Cindy Rios of Snowmass
Tanner Lofthouse, left, and Jake Gash were part of the contingent from Park City Mountain.
Keith Grinolds, left, of Delta Rigging, with Wolf Creek’s Parker Rickert, center, and Nick Ross.
SAVMI board member Ben Pinke, left, of Steamboat, with Chris Dullum of the Yellowstone Club.
Left to right: Aspen Skiing Co.’s crew of Dave Ringer, Norm Archer, and Don Mushet with Kässbohrer’s Paul Hagerman.
Warren Quintero, left, of Sunrise Park and Kevin Keppler, Prinoth.
Rich Cummins, left, of FallLine Corp. chats with Nick Whitman of LandTek.
Dick Kincade, maintenance manager at Taos Ski Valley, here with his special guest, Terrie Mangat, received the SAVMI Lifetime Achievement Award.
Mags Amirsakis of Beaver Creek earned the Vehicle Maintenance Support Award—a practical one that will make it easy to whiz about the shop.
The SAVMI Safety Award went to Breckenridge, for achieving the longest period (several years) without a reportable injury. Bob Moore received the award—who forgot the real plaque?
Phil Howard of Steamboat Powder Cats received the $1,000 SAVMI Scholarship Award.