Asst. Patrol Manager,
Mount Snow, Vt.
Age: 26
Education: Paramedic School at UCLA 2006; Sheriffs Academy 2006; Bachelor of Science, Occupational Safety (present)
First job in patrol: Volunteer, 2003 Rookie of the Year
Super power: Besides being able to heal wounds with a “magic” touch, I feel like I could accomplish more if I could fly!
Jason… has excelled in implementing an incident tracking program that he, along with a few others, developed. It uses iPad technology for inputting guest incidents, tracking terrain groomed and other resort functions. Jason’s program is being widely recognized, and he was recently a guest speaker at the Association of Ski Defense Attorneys (ASDA) conference in Deer Valley. Reaction was extremely favorable, and as Tim Hendrickson of Mountain Guard puts it, the program helps shape ‘the direction of the future.’ This kind of individual is exactly what the industry needs.
—Rose Reinhardt, risk manager, Mountain High Resort, Calif.
You contributed to the development of an iPad app to monitor different aspects of resort operations. What was the inspiration for the tool?
I’m not one to settle for less than excellent. Working on the front lines of the ski industry, I gained insight into mountain operations and identified an area where we could improve. In turn, I decided to use my technological skills to contribute to the solution. Soon after, I learned it wasn’t just our resort that could benefit from this solution, it was the whole industry.
What values do you admire most in those you work for, or around?
First and foremost, honesty is of paramount importance. For better or worse, be honest, both with yourself and others. Keep an open mind and never settle for less than excellent. I also have tremendous respect for those who stand up for what they believe in and are not afraid to share their ideas with the goal of improvement.
When you look at the future of the snow resort industry, where do you see the most opportunity for improvement (in the field of patrol, or otherwise)?
This is a huge topic. In order to provide our guests with the best possible resort experience, the “foundation” or behind-the-scenes duties must fit together seamlessly. From an operations standpoint, I think resorts need to embrace technology and leverage its ability to increase efficiency and contribute to an enjoyable guest experience. But that’s only the first step. In today’s economy, we need to get creative and lower the barrier of entry for newcomers without losing focus on the current enthusiasts. Turning the “annual visit” guest into a multi-visit guest is equally as important.
I think the industry needs to be innovative and work to make every aspect of the resort experience enjoyable. Riding the lift and renting equipment may not be as fun as skiing, but it should still be fun and hassle-free. We focus so much on the big things like snow, lifts, and ticket sales that the small stuff, such as traffic flow, guest interaction or accommodations is sometimes overlooked. Simply put, if the resort has the best terrain in the world, but a guest has to go to multiple areas to get their ticket, lesson, and rentals, then the experience suffers. Let’s bring new ideas to the table!
What was your biggest career win/most memorable moment?
Besides secretly dreaming to be named in the SAM “10 under 30,” I feel privileged to have recently presented on technology at the ASDA conference in Deer Valley, Utah. Additionally, throughout my resort industry career, my primary goal in ski patrol and risk management has been guest safety. Therefore, every day I was able to help a guest in need was a memorable moment, which I consider a “career win.”