SAM Magazine—Boulder, Colo., May 24, 2022—Outside Inc., owner of several active outdoor media brands and related publications, including SKI magazine, will reduce print production by 80 percent across the company, according to internal communications from company leadership. This includes reducing SKI to one print issue a year, plus the annual “Winter Gear Guide.”
SKI editor in chief Sierra Shafer told SKI contributors in an email: “We are just beginning the process of determining what this SKI annual will look like and what we will be able to include in its pages.” Shafer assured contributors that they’d be paid in full for any work they’ve completed for print this year, regardless if it runs in print or digitally on the SKI website.
“With a renewed focus on our digital content, we are still actively assigning and publishing work for the web,” Shafer wrote. “In fact, digital assignments will now receive more of our resources going forward. … This is a big shift for us all, but far from the end of SKI as a home for the most essential stories in skiing. Change is hard/scary/essential, and I hope in time we can all look at the possibilities in the digital and social spaces with optimism and creativity.”
As part of this company-wide shift, Outside Inc. is laying off about 15 percent of its workforce, including three Outside magazine editors, according to a report from 5280. Shafer said SKI’s editorial staff will remain intact, but, “Unfortunately, we no longer get to work with Elyse Schrieber as our art director.”