SAM Magazine— Mars Hill, N.C., March 6, 2023—Wolf Ridge Ski Resort looks set to transfer ownership this year. Deborah and David Hatley, owners of a forthcoming luxury wellness resort and spa in Tennessee, have acquired and plan to rebrand the North Carolina ski area, which closed for the season Feb. 24 due to a lack of snow. Wolf Ridge

Orville English has owned and operated the resort, located 30 minutes north of Asheville, since 1992. In that time, a number of upgrades were made to Wolf Ridge, including a new mid-station, new snowmaking, and base lodge renovations. However, a 2002 fire damaged a ticketing and group sales building, and a 2014 fire destroyed a lodge at the top of the ski area. 

The new owners intend to begin improvements and enhancements to the property this year, starting with an updated lodge, a resort rebrand, an upgraded rental fleet, enhanced snowmaking capabilities, as well as a new restaurant, locker rooms, retail, VIP lounge, and operating systems.

“We want to really celebrate and honor the legacy that the English family has taken such pride in creating over the years,” said Deborah Hatley in a release shared to Wolf Ridge’s social media channels. “We have something very special here, and want to enhance its beauty, functionality, and comfort to see many more successful seasons on the mountain.”

The Hatley’s five-year plan for the resort includes expanding year-round operations with a swimming club, tennis courts, scenic lift rides, mountain biking, an adventure course/zip line, and an additional lodge/accommodation. 

The Hatley’s are not the first to see potential in Wolf Ridge. Several prospective buyers have looked to acquire the resort in the last decade, but none of those deals came to fruition. The Wolf was embroiled in a lawsuit over one such purchase agreement in 2014 when Peak Resorts LLC (not to be confused with former resort ownership group Peak Resorts, Inc.) sued the resort owners, alleging a breach of the owners’ obligation to act in good faith regarding a non-binding letter of intent outlining a buy-sell agreement. 

The Hatley’s have finalized their purchase of the resort according to their press contact Terry Spalding. 

Wolf Ridge has a summit elevation of 4,700 feet and a vertical drop of 700 feet. It has 15 trails served by four lifts.
