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Judge Puts Off Decision on PCMR Bond

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SAM Magazine—Park City, Utah, Aug. 27, 2014—District Judge Ryan Harris postponed until Sept. 3 a decision on the bond he would require Park City Mountain Resort to post if it wants to operate the resort for 2014-15. Harris cited the introduction of new information from both parties, and their continuing mediation effort, for the delay.

SAM Magazine—Park City, Utah, Aug. 27, 2014—District Judge Ryan Harris postponed until Sept. 3 a decision on the bond he would require Park City Mountain Resort to post if it wants to operate the resort for 2014-15. Harris cited the introduction of new information from both parties, and their continuing mediation effort, for the delay.

Today’s hearing revealed the size of the gulf separating the two sides in the dispute, PCMR and Talisker, regarding the bond. Talisker argued in court today for a $124 million bond, covering five years’ rent plus damages; PCMR had earlier argued for an amount between $1 million and $6.5 million.

Earlier this summer, Harris found PCMR had failed to renew its lease with Talisker. He signed an eviction order, which he then stayed pending an appeal by PCMR. He also ordered the two sides into mediation, with an initial Aug. 15 deadline. That was extended first until Aug. 24, and a second time until Aug. 29.