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Lack of Snow Forces Five California Areas to Close

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SAM Magazine—Pine Crest, Calif., Jan. 22, 2015—Yesterday, Dodge Ridge and Donner Ski Ranch became the latest ski areas in California to suspend operations due to a lack of snow. Badger Pass, Mt. Shasta, and Alta Sierra are also closed.

SAM Magazine—Pine Crest, Calif., Jan. 22, 2015—Yesterday, Dodge Ridge and Donner Ski Ranch became the latest ski areas in California to suspend operations due to a lack of snow. Badger Pass, Mt. Shasta, and Alta Sierra are also closed.

The news comes just as two Federal agencies released a pair of forecasts regarding Western water conditions. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Water and Climate Center says the year has started off near normal for many parts of the West, but unusually dry in the Southwest and California. The Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasts drought conditions will improve in southern California, with above-normal precipitation over the next few months, but not in northern California and Nevada.

Meteorologists say that once again this year, a high pressure system has developed over the Eastern Pacific and North America, deflecting the Pacific storm track that normally delivers Arctic air to the West Coast. California has seen erratic weather patterns this winter.

On the Dodge Ridge website, the area said, “Due to unseasonably warm temperatures Dodge Ridge will be on a brief hold until the next winter storm delivers enough snow to resume operations. Forecasters anticipate a weather pattern shift in the last week of January, opening the storm door and bringing back winter weather.”

To the north, Donner Ski Ranch, an area that relies on natural snowfall, also closed until further notice. Officials say they are “regrouping” and hope to reopen by Jan. 24.

On Jan. 19, Badger Pass announced it was closed, including its cross-country ski trails and snowshoe trails. Mt. Shasta shut down its operations Jan. 18, posting the following message to its website. “We will reopen as soon as we receive some more snow. Thanks for those who visited us today! Please do a snow dance and think snow.”

To the south, China Peak announced it was limiting midweek operations, with a plan to run just its Chair 6 lift and the beginner area until more snow arrives. On Mondays and Fridays China will operate Chair 2 and Chair 4, and Chair 1 will be added on Saturdays and Sundays. China Peak’s base depths range from eight to 16 inches and it has a handful of features in its terrain park.

Of the other 20 California ski areas listed as open at, five—including Kirkwood, Boreal, and Bear Mountain—are at or near 100 percent open. Northstar, Sierra at Tahoe, Mammoth, Alpine Meadows, Snow Summit, Bear Valley, and Sugar Bowl, plus Mt. Rose, Nev., are among those that have half or more of their runs open.