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Snoqualmie Closes Temporarily as Snow Conditions Falter

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SAM Magazine—Seattle, Wash., Feb. 12, 2015—The Summit at Snoqualmie has closed Alpental, the only one of the four Snoqualmie resorts that was still open, due to the deteriorating snow conditions at the area, just before the President’s week holiday begins.

SAM Magazine—Seattle, Wash., Feb. 12, 2015—The Summit at Snoqualmie has closed Alpental, the only one of the four Snoqualmie resorts that was still open, due to the deteriorating snow conditions at the area, just before the President’s week holiday begins.

On its website, the area said, “We’ve put up a solid fight and while it’s not over yet, we have to call it for the time being. The main run down to the base area at Alpental continues to deteriorate and the temperatures at night are making it impossible to climb the slope in our groomers to continue repair work. … Alpental will close until suitable conditions allow big repair work or significant snow falls. Hopefully we see a change soon.”

Other areas in the Northwest have been challenged by the persistent warm temperatures and dearth of snow. Crystal Mountain, Wash., has closed its lower lifts. Further south, in Oregon and California, several areas have closed, and remain closed, until snow and cold return.