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North Carolina Ski Industry Had $146 Million Impact in 2009-10

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SAM Magazine-Sugar Mountain, N.C., Oct. 25, 2010-The North Carolina ski industry generated $146 million in economic activity in the 2009-10 winter season, according to a study conducted by RRC Associates for the North Carolina Ski Areas Association (NCSAA). Total direct expenditures on winter sports were $88.5 million. Indirect economic activity was estimated at $57.5 million, creating the overall impact of $146 million.

Among the study's details: Total skier visits statewide in 2009-10 were 671,554; average expenditure per visitor was $121.70; year-round employment was 96; seasonal employment was 1,557; total payroll was $8,700,000; and capital expenditures for were $3,341,237.

The total economic value represents the sum of winter value, employment value, and capital improvements, along with economic multipliers that take into account the ripple effects (indirect and induced effects) of the industry's impact.

This economic value figure quantifies only the most direct impacts, and does not include summer value, social, environmental, or cultural impacts, which can be significant but are more difficult to quantify.

The latest figures show a more than 20 percent increase in economic impact from the previous statewide economic impact survey, which estimated a total value of $120 million for the 2002-03 season.