SAM Magazine-Sacramento, Calif., Nov. 2, 2005-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the California Travel and Tourism Commission (CTTC) and California's winter resorts have launched a California Snow Campaign to boost visits to the state.

The California Snow Campaign includes a 30-second spot featuring Governor Schwarzenegger skiing, along with upbeat greetings from California ski and ride luminaries such as Glen Plake. There's also a national media relations and advertising program (print and broadcast), Internet and e-mail programs, and cross-marketing with United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and Warren Miller Entertainment, as well as consumer ski shows. It's all part of CTTC's $7.3 million annual media buy.

The 30-second commercial kicks off with the Governor on skis against blue skies and powder-blanketed mountains. California's ski and boarder icons appear throughout the spot, which concludes with the Governor and pals encouraging visitors to "grab (their) sunscreen and party hat and head to California." The spot will air in the western United States and other selected markets, on airlines flights, and at premiere showings of Warren Miller's Higher Ground.

The campaign points viewers to, where they can view the director's cut of the commercial, peruse the biographies of California's winter sports heroes, pinpoint and research California's resorts, and ski against the Governor in an interactive online game.