SAM Magazine-Mont Tremblant, Que., Dec. 19, 2005-More than 700 Mont Tremblant workers voted today to stay off the job until a contract settlement is reached with the resort. The strikers include all mountain ops and hotel employees-among them ski instructors, lift operators, maintenance workers, parking lots attendants, and food and beverage employees. Tremblant's management remains hopeful that a deal can be reached before the Christmas-New Year's holiday period begins.

Today, the management team is staffing two lifts, with 29 trails open, as negotiations on the contract continue.

Union leaders are holding out for the same agreement as was negotiated by other unionized members of the hotel and recreation industry sector of the Commerce Federation Inc. (CSN). a demand that Tremblant spokespeople say would raise operating costs by 47 percent. The leaders said they will use the upcoming holiday season to leverage a settlement satisfactory to their members.

The union staged a 24-hour strike from midnight Friday to midnight Saturday, which prompted resort managers to take the unusual step of urging potential guests to stay away for the weekend.

Tremblant's management remains hopeful that a deal can be reached quickly. "Mont Tremblant Resort wishes to reach a negotiated settlement satisfactory to both parties, a settlement that will ensure the long-term viability of the company, the maintenance of the many worthwhile jobs that have been created over the past fourteen years, and the development of the region," Tremblant management explained in a statement. "Mont Tremblant Resort management staff will continue to work to provide clientele with the best possible service under the circumstances." \