SAM Magazine--Salt Lake City, Utah, January 9, 2006--The United States Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) issued a statement today following Bode Miller's appearance on "60 Minutes" on January 8. In the interview, Bode talked about racing while intoxicated and the dangers that lie therein. He was referring to celebrating a World Cup victory and waking up the next morning, still under the influence, and going out to race again. "Talk about a hard challenge right there. ... If you ever tried to ski when you're wasted, it's not easy," Bode said in the interview. "Try and ski a slalom when ... you hit a gate less than every one second, so it's risky. You're putting your life at risk. ... It's like driving drunk, only there are no rules about it in ski racing."

USSA President Bill Marolt replied: "As the leader of the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association I'm proud of what our organization, our coaches and our teams have accomplished athletically this season. And we are excited about our opportunities as we head to the Olympics in Torino next month.

But the on-camera comments by Bode Miller on CBS‚ "60 Minutes" on Sunday (Jan. 8) relative to alcohol use in conjunction with competition are unacceptable within the values expected of U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association athletes.

Not only is the use of alcohol irresponsible on the part of an athlete, but it is also a dangerously inappropriate message to send to participants in our sport, especially young skiers and snowboarders.

As members of USSA, we expect Bode and all other athletes to be responsible for their actions and statements that adversely effect our organization and our sport. I will meet with Bode personally this week to discuss the issue and to work with him to both recognize the seriousness of his comments and to reach a positive outcome."
