SAM Magazine-Flagstaff, Ariz., Mar. 14, 2006-The Arizona Snowbowl will open on Friday, Mar. 17, after a recent storm cycle dropped 56 inches of snow. Snowbowl had received just 22 inches in the 2005-06 season prior to the recent storms, leading to the latest opening in the resort's history.

"We are happy to finally open for the skiers and snowboarders of Arizona," said JR Murray, Snowbowl's GM. "At this time, we are hoping to remain open for several weeks. It all depends on how the mountain conditions hold up and a possible storm system this coming weekend. But we will be open as long as we can."

Snowbowl has no snowmaking, and this season has proved the need for it. The area has been seeking permission to use reclaimed water to feed its proposed snowmaking system, and the courts recently rejected a suit brought by Native Americans to bar Snowbowl's plan.