SAM Magazine--Ashland, OR, September 14, 2006--Mt. Ashland is jumping on the renewable energy bandwagon by announcing that the area is purchasing enough renewable energy to offset 100 percent of its annual electrical use. The program is called the Green Chair Renewable Energy Program and under that name, the ski area has contracted to purchase 780,000 kilowatt hours annually over the next three years from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation in Portland. The purchase will eliminate the release of 1,000,000 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere each year the area operates under the program.

Mt. Ashland will also conduct NSAA's Keep Winter Cool program to educate and enlist guests. Each visitor will have the opportunity to invest in the Green Chair Renewable Energy program by purchasing a $20 Green Chair season pass upgrade or a $1 lift ticket upgrade. Monthly raffles for Green Chair supporters will be held, with skis and snowboards and similar merchandise as prizes.