SAM Magazine-Silverton, Colo., Sept. 23, 2006-Silverton Mountain Ski Area hosted the first skiers of the year yesterday after receiving two major storms Thursday and Friday. Skiers and snowboarders were waiting and ready to ride Friday when they woke up to what looked like February storm conditions. After two days of heavy snow, Silverton Mountain's slopes were chocked full of new snow 28" - 36" deep at the 11,600' lower mountain elevation, with substantially more up at higher elevations. Silverton Mountain is America's highest ski area, with a peak elevation of 13,487'.

Silverton Mountain has opened briefly to provide the first tracks of the winter for 6 years in a row-every season since the area opened for business in 2001. The area's scheduled opening date is Nov. 23, 2006, but the area may begin regular operations much sooner if the snow continues and temperatures remain cold enough.