SAM Magazine--Londonderry, VT, October 26, 2006--Magic Mountain is set to open for the 2006/2007 season under a new ownership group which has revamped several aspects of the resort. The group, JLS Magic LLC, a partnership headed by Jim Sullivan, agreed to purchase the resort from Magic Mountain Management LLC. Although the deal is expected to be finalized by June 2008, the new ownership group is already investing in the resort. Improvments include an upgraded snowmaking systgem with new pipe, guns and a quadrupling of the snowmaking pond's water capacity. The base lodge has also seen improvments: new paint, renovated restrooms and an enclosed breezeway headline the changes and are, for the most part, complete. Finally, the "Phoenix" lift, which has been under construction for the past several years, will be completed.

This is the fourth time the area has changed hands in 10 years.