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Succession Planning Through Leadership Training at RILI

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SAM Magazine-Lyndonville, Vt., Apr. 14, 2008-How's your succession planning going? If it needs a boost, the second annual Resort Industry Leadership Institute (RILI) June 3-5 at Lyndon State College can help. It provides middle and upper level managers an opportunity to improve their leadership ability through a combination of workshops, keynotes, and a 360 performance review. Deadline for submitting an application for the 2008 Institute is Apr. 18.

RILI was conceived and designed by a committee of resort industry leaders in conjunction with Lyndon State's Recreation Resource and Ski Resort Management degree program. The Institute aids succession planning by developing an organization's "human capital." "Nobody is born ready to lead; in our industry we often promote the best practitioner to leader without the benefit of readying them for the transition," the RILI website declares.

To make sure leaders are ready, RILI workshops provide specialized knowledge for leading, learning, and managing in the 21st century. Attendees receive personalized feedback and coaching and assistance on goal setting.

Keynoters include Bill Stenger, president of Jay Peak, and Bob Fries, general manager of Ragged Mountain. Among the new leadership workshops are one relating how to break a management logjam, and another on how to make attitude choices in conflict situations and turn them into purposeful power.

Last year's inaugural sessions drew rave reviews, and this year's registrations have already surpassed last year's number. The Institute's $600 fee covers the workshops, lodging and meals. Interested leaders should contact Catherine DeLeo [, (802) 626.6475] by Apr. 18. Or visit the website (