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Skiing Accident Highlighted in Lawsuit Abuse Ads

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SAM Magazine--Vail, Colo., May 11, 2009--A ski accident in 2007 at Beaver Creek that involved a 7-year-old boy and an adult skier from Pennsylvania has been highlighted as a good example of a frivolous lawsuit by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. According to the Vail Daily, the crash is being featured in movie trailers showing in the Denver area.

The incident took place in January 2007 when the young Scott Swimm accidentally skied over a man's skis causing both to fall. The Pennsylvania man told the boy at the scene that he would sue him and, true to his word, the 7-year-old was eventually served. The Swimm family had to settle the suit for $25,000 to avoid high legal costs.

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