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Many Chilean Resorts Unscathed by Earthquake

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SAM Magazine-Santiago, Chile, Mar. 4, 2010-The earthquake that hit Chile earlier this week did little if any damage to resorts north and east of Santiago, from what SAM has been able to learn, but nothing is known about the situation at Nevados de Chillan, formerly called Termas de Chillan, and other resorts to the south.

The quake's epicenter was 200 miles southwest of the capital, Santiago, but just 60 miles from the ski town of Chillan, where damage was extensive. Nevados de Chillan is about 50 miles from the town of Chillan.

SAM was able to contact Katherine Zamorano of Valle Nevado, who told us, "We happily report that the situation in our ski center is completely normal. We continue with our infrastructure and services operating normally, also the start of the season holds for the month of June."

SAM will post additional news once more information about the impacts to the Chilean resorts emerges. \