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Sleeping Giant Runs in Red After Reawakening

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SAM Magazine-Cody, Wyo., May 7, 2010―Sleeping Giant ski area, revived as a non-profit area last season after five years of hibernation, lost $316,288 in its first season, according to figures released by executive director Hamilton Bryan and reported by the Associated Press. Below-normal snow and a short season are partly to blame, he added.

The ski area, located near the East Entrance to Yellowstone National Park reopened after supporters-private individuals, local businesses, and public entities-provided funds and pledges worth $3 million to $4 million. Not all of the money has been received, and the area is asking those with outstanding pledges to accelerate their payments. It is also continuing its fundraising efforts.

The area expects that advance season's-pass sales and general fundraising will provide operating capital for the upcoming season.