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Oregon County Make Take Over Ski Anthony Lakes

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SAM Magazine-Baker City, Ore., July 12, 2010-The owners of Ski Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort have offered the assets of the ski area to the county government, including the rest of its 30-year Forest Service lease, the Baker City Herald reports.

Skiers and businesses that rely on winter visitors back the idea. So does County Commission Chairman Fred Warner Jr., who adds that the county wants to make sure it can at least break even most winters. The county could take on maintenance and other work and boost the marketing effort, and might use lodging tax revenue to help offset costs.

During most of the last 12 years, the three couples that own Ski Anthony Lakes-Lee and Connie Kearney, Parke and Gail Ball, and Kim and Dana Kutsch-have operated at a small loss. They have lost about $45,000 annually in recent years, according to figures given to the county commissioners.