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Mountain Travel Reservations Pick Up Steam

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SAM Magazine-Denver, Aug. 17, 2010-Despite growing signs of economic weakness, the overall travel industry continues to rebound. Mountain destinations participating in the Mountain Travel Research Program (MTRiP),* experienced sharp increases in July occupancy, as well as increases in the advance reservations for the next six months.

Destination properties in MTRiP's 15 participating Western resorts recorded their best monthly performance in two years during July, with occupancy up 10.6 percent and the average daily rate (ADR) up 4.3 percent compared to July 2009. The outlook for August also looks solid; as of July 31, advance reservations up 10.5 percent compared to the same period in 2009, and nightly rates were up 1.9 percent.

"Despite low [consumer] confidence and ongoing concerns about unemployment, consumers continue to give themselves permission to travel but it's uncertain whether it is because -or in spite of - the tough economic times," observed Tom Foley, MTRiP research analyst.

Advance reservations for the coming six months are also positive for mountain destinations. Although it is early for winter bookings and the numbers are relatively small, reservations taken in July for arrivals from August through December are up 8.3 percent.

"After the rough ride of the past two years, the strength we're seeing in summer mountain business is gratifying, but it's too early to be overly confident about the upcoming ski and snowboard season, since the economic recovery is still sputtering and mixed messages make future predictions uncertain," said Ralf Garrison, MTRiP's founder and director.