SAM Magazine--August 26, 2010--A proposed helmet law (SB 1652) for minors in California passed the state Assembly last week and the Senate yesterday and will now head to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for sign-off.

The bill would impose a $25 fine on parents of kids caught skiing or snowboarding without a helmet. Ski areas will be required to post signs about the law, but they are not responsible for enforcing it.

According to the San Francisco Gate, the Governor has not made his position known.

An additional law (SB 880) requiring the state's ski resorts to prepare "an annual safety plan and create a monthly summary report stating the number of deaths and injuries at the resort" passed the state Assembly yesterday. This bill also requires "a person under 18 years of age and a person employed by a ski resort to wear a properly fitted and fastened snow sport helmet when operating snow skis or a snowboard."

For the full text of both bills go to:

The second bill (SB 880) can only be passed with the first (SB 1652).
