In the latest installment of SAM's Summer Ops video series, the SAM CAM visited Nashoba Valley's Sunset Tiki Bar in western Mass., where guests are treated to summer fun on the ski area's snowmaking pond.

Nashoba's success with the Sunset Tiki Bar this summer has surprised even its owners, the Fletchers. "The Tiki Bar has more than doubled our summer daily food and beverage numbers and tripled our pre-paid function business," says Al Fletcher Jr.

The Tiki Bar was open Monday-Saturday from 5:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. June, July and August and shorter hours in September. They had themed nights during the week, including Lobsterfest on Thursdays, BBQ-on-the-Beach on Saturdays and Karaoke on Tuesdays.

On one busy summer evening, Fletcher says they had 1,100 guests come through the Tiki Bar. Families are welcome to come (there is no cover charge) and enjoy the beach, games, dock and sand while the parents can enjoy drinks steps away. At sunset the kids leave and the scene becomes more of a bar atmosphere with live music.

Fletcher also says an added benefit to this new summer business has been the ability to keep key staff during the summer.

To see all of the SAM CAM videos, visit SAM's Youtube channel.
