SAM Magazine-Lakewood, Colo., Nov. 9, 2010-Maynard Russell of MRC Services, Greenville, Maine, has been named interim chair of the ANSI ASC B77 Standards Committee for the next 12 to 24 months. The National Ski Areas Association (NSAA), acting as the Secretariat for the ANSI ASC B77 Standards Committee on Passenger Ropeways, announced the appointment. The move follows the resignation of former chair Scott Pierpont after he left his position as general manager of Wyoming's Grand Targhee Resort and joined Doppelmayr CTEC.

NSAA technical services director Sid Roslund said that Russell would become interim chair as soon as committee procedures permit.

Russell has been involved in the ski industry for decades. He is well known for his lift inspection and risk management work for Wells Fargo Insurance Services and its preceding companies. He has served as president of International Organization for Transport by Wire Rope - North American Continental Section (OITAF-NACS), and has taught numerous classes at lift maintenance seminars nationwide. Russell joined the B77 Committee in 1986 and has chaired numerous technical subcommittees. He has also served as member of the National Tramway Standard Board (NTSB).

In addition to the usual duties of the B77 chair, Russell has been charged with identifying the next generation of B77 members. According to Russell, the best way to maintain the quality and viability of the B77.1 Standard Committee is to get younger ski lift professionals involved. But, he adds, these young lift operators and mechanics must have the support of area management to invest the time and effort required of the committee's active members.

During the transition period, the committee will initiate a search for a permanent committee chair. Interested candidates should contact NSAA technical services director Sid Roslund at