"With a passionate consumer base and innovative products that enhance the outdoor experience, this industry has consistently been more resilient than others at retail. We always knew that the outdoor industry would emerge faster than others from this latest economic downturn, but we are impressed by both its vitality and velocity," said Scott Jaeger, Senior Retail Analyst with Leisure Trends Group.
The increase was widespread. Outdoor specialty stores beat last December by 10 percent and came within just 1 percent of December 2007s record sales. Core outdoor chain store sales increased 13 percent and set a record for December sales. Specialty sales in the Western and Southern states shot up 12 percent; those in the Northeast jumped 15 percent. Gains in the Midwest were a more modest 3 percent. Online sales were up 17 percent.
The outdoor business outperformed the overall economy for the year. The government has reported that retail sales climbed 6.6 percent in 2010, following a drop of 6.5 percent in 2009.
The future also looks bright for the outdoor industry. A recent poll of Leisure Trends Group's Most Active Americans consumer research panel (MAAP) found that 30 percent of active Americans plan to spend "more" or "much more" in 2011 than they did in 2010, while only 17 percent plan to spend "less" or "much less."
"The outdoor industry has such positive consumer sentiment," said Jaeger. "We predict 2011 to be an exceptional year." \