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Sugarloaf Lift Incident Report Released

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SAM Magazine--June 12, 2011--The state of Maine has released a report on the chairlift accident at Sugarloaf citing several factors. The accident, a deropement, occurred at 10:30 a.m. on December 28, 2010 with the lift fully loaded. Eight people sought medical attention as a result.

The report stated that while the exact cause of the incident cannot be determined, "interactions involving mechanical components, the environment and human factors are believed to have contributed."

As further explanation:

"Environmental: Wind conditions caused the carriers to swing on the line.

Systemic: Lack of formal training program. Procedures for evaluating the conditions which authorize the lift to operate are subjective. Lift maintenance training program did not provide for consistent results. The maintenance program as practiced did not adequately address the issues with the lift."

The lift had been closed earlier that morning due to high winds and opened at 10.00 a.m. Shortly thereafter, a noise was noticed at tower 8, where the deropement occurred.