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Gunstock Charges Into Summer Adventure

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SAM Magazine traveled to Gunstock Mountain Resort in Gilford, N.H., for another installment of the SAM CAM series. The resort recently invested $2.1 million in off-season attractions, all of which debuted this summer, with great success.

First up on SAM's tour was the Aerial Treetop Adventure, which includes 91 different challenges and is considered one of New England's largest aerial obstacle courses. The Treetop Adventure covers 9 acres and takes guests anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to complete.

Gunstock opened the Course on May 27 and draws an average of 150 guests per day, 200 being their top visitation day. Guests are first given a brief training and safety session and then are directed to start on the green course--the easiest. Staff monitors the adventurers from the ground. Adult tickets cost $45, child tickets, $25.

Mountain Segway Tours was the second attraction that debuted this summer at Gunstock. The Tours use some of Gunstock's 50 miles of alpine and cross country terrain to create guided nature and historical tours of the area. Two-hour tours cost $70.

Rounding out Gunstock's attractions is the ZipTour, scheduled to open in September. Customers will have the opportunity to soar through more than 8,000 feet of cable from the top of the resort to the bottom. From the top of the chairlift, customers will first ride a 300-foot zipline to the start of the first big span. They then ride a 3,900-foot zipline, and finish the tour with another 3,900-foot ride to the bottom. Each of the two major spans has two cables side by side so guests can ride in tandem.

Check out the new thrills and adventure at Gunstock...

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