SAM Magazine-McLean, Va., Nov. 9, 2011-The Winter Trails program of Snowsports Industries America (SIA) is hosting educational workshops, animal tracking and a variety of fun activities at its nine anchor site locations on Winter Trails Day, Jan. 7.

Winter Trails offers children and adults new to snow sports a chance to try snowshoeing and/or cross country skiing free at venues throughout North America. The anchor sites offer a variety of additional elements to draw wider participation. The sites span the country from Massachusetts to Washington State and include Ski Liberty, Pa., Soldier Hollow, Utah, Royal Gorge, Calif., and Snoqualmie Lodge, Wash.

In all, Winter Trails locations include alpine resorts, Nordic centers, state parks, and National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service land. Estes Park, Colo., hosts one of the largest programs; so large, in fact, that it stretches over two days. Site-specific details and activities are posted at \