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SAM Magazine—Union Dale, Pa., Oct. 22, 2012—Elk Mountain and its neighboring resort community, the Village of Four Seasons, have been squabbling over property issues. The latest tiff: the Village has lodged a lawsuit against the ski resort, charging that the resort wrongly claimed and transferred a section of the village's property to Elk.

SAM Magazine—Union Dale, Pa., Oct. 22, 2012—Elk Mountain and its neighboring resort community, the Village of Four Seasons, have been squabbling over property issues. The latest tiff: the Village has lodged a lawsuit against the ski resort, charging that the resort wrongly claimed and transferred a section of the village's property to Elk.

The Village alleges that Elk claimed ownership of a parcel and then built a gravity sewer line through it, rather than opt for a more costly route. The Village wants ownership of the land resolved in its favor and the sewer line removed.

Elk and the Village have been at odds before. A year ago, the Village sued Elk over water rights to the pond in the village, which is connected to a snowmaking pond on the resort property. The village also sued Elk to keep a gate between the two properties open, so that Village residents could walk to the slopes rather than take a shuttle or walk a longer route. The gate itself has been the subject of sporadic attempts at resolution since 1988; the latest negotiations failed in 2010.

Elk officials did not return our call regarding the latest lawsuit.