SAM Magazine—Portland, Ore., Sept. 1, 2020—For its second season, the Indy Pass has added 11 resorts and dozens of independent lodging properties for the 2020-21 season. The adult pass provides two days at 55 resorts for $199. The Indy Pass has also added discounts at lodging properties and an assurance program in case Indy Passholders use their passes less than four days during the season.
New resorts for the 2020-21 season are Snow King Mountain and White Pine Ski Area, Wyo.; Granite Peak, Wis.; Buck Hill and Lutsen Mountains, Minn.; Crystal Mountain, Mich.; Tamarack Resort, Idaho; China Peak, Calif.; Cannon Mountain, N.H.; Winterplace Ski Resort, W.Va.; and Sasquatch Mountain, B.C.
The $199 Indy Pass ($99 kids 12 and younger) comes with peak day blackouts at four resorts—Granite Peak, Lutsen Mountains, Mission Ridge, Wash., and Silver Mountain, Idaho. The blackouts apply Dec. 26–Jan. 3; Jan. 16-18, 23-24, and 30-31; and Feb. 6-7 and 13-15.
Options for the Indy pass include the Indy Pass +, with no blackouts, $299 adults/$149 kids; and the Indy Add-On Pass, for full season passholders of partner resorts, $129 for adults and $69 for children. For Indy+ Add-On Passes, prices are $199/$149 kids.
A payment plan for the Indy Pass calls for four payments of $49 if purchased by Sept. 15. Group discounts apply for groups of 10 or more purchasers. Details are available at
Since 80 percent of Indy Passholders used their passes for an overnight trip in 2019-20, the Indy Pass added a new lodging section on its website that lists independently-owned lodging properties that are operated by partner resorts or affiliates in nearby ski towns. Indy Pass holders will receive a minimum 10 percent discount on stays at these properties.
With COVID-19 creating uncertainty about the coming season, the Indy Pass is offering the "Get America Skiing Promise" to help skiers and riders buy with confidence. Passholders who ski or ride fewer than four days, for any reason, receive a credit toward a 2021-22 pass as follows:
- zero days skied = 80 percent credit
- one day = 60 percent credit
- two days = 40 percent credit
- three days = 20 percent credit
There are 20 Indy Pass resorts in the Western U.S. and Canada; 17 in the Midwest; and 18 in the East. The full list of participating resorts is available at